Love, Expired

Chapter 52: birthday present

On June 12, Yan Ming received a phone call from Jiang Yuquan. For so many years, due to Zhou Hao's sake, they had occasional contact.

Jiang Yuxuan asked Yan Ming for help on the phone, and asked him to make an appointment with Zhou Hao tomorrow to accompany him for his birthday.

Yan Ming hesitated, but agreed. Subconsciously, he still hopes to have someone to accompany Zhou Hao, which is better than that person who spends the second half of his life alone.

In the evening, Yan Ming took a shower and lay on the bed, thinking about how to speak. After thinking about it, he decided to hide Zhou Hao and not to mention Jiang Yuzhen.

He sent Zhou Hao a WeChat voice, "Hey tomorrow your birthday, I'll invite you to have a meal."

After a while, I replied over there, "I have plans tomorrow."

Yan Ming continued, "Is there something wrong with the hospital? See if you can take a leave with your leaders."

Zhou Hao replied, "It's not a hospital thing. I haven't had a birthday in recent years, and I haven't had much trouble, just to eat and drink."

"It's a lively picture, don't be alone in the dormitory."

"No, it's a waste of money to invite me to dinner. It's not easy for you to be in city A. Don't spend that wrong money."

Zhou Hao's temper, Yan Ming knows very well that if this person decides something, you can say that it's **** good, and he won't listen to you.

Yan Ming told Jiang Yuzhen the situation, and the man said nothing on the phone.

The next day, Zhou Hao took a vacation without going to the hospital, and he went out alone. The playground I used to go with Xiaosun is still the same, but a few new play items have been added.

The sun was burning and the ground was baking hot. He stood in a shade and looked at the people who were spinning and screaming in the air. Involuntarily, he remembered Xiao Sun's look of horror and fear.

Even Zhou Hao didn't know what was going on. He somehow remembered the past.

He is not like him.

Then he went for a bowl of beef noodles and went to a movie. It was the same theater that went with Sun Yiwen.

The doll machine in front of the movie theater is not the one it used to be, it has become bigger, and the dolls inside have also been changed.

Zhou Hao spent twenty dollars and finally picked up a piglet Peggy. Standing next to a 18- to 9-year-old girl, Zhou Hao passed her cell phone to others and asked her to take a picture.


Tooth grinned and smiled wildly, even though his twenty-ninth birthday had passed.

When he returned to the dormitory, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He passed by a copy shop and washed out the photos just standing in front of the doll machine.

Zhou Hao borrowed a ballpoint pen from the clerk and wrote a few lines on the back of the photo—

"Comrade Xiaosun:

This is Wanda's new doll machine. The pig in my hand cost me twenty yuan. See you next time and give it to you.

Old week "

Zhou Hao carefully pinched the photo in his hand, he didn't know where to send it. The world is so big, he has almost broken the idea of ​​meeting Wenwen, and such a useless person cannot find Wenwen at all.

At the entrance of the hospital's dormitory, Jiang Yu's car has been parked there for a long time. Seeing Zhou Hao passing by, he got out of the car.

"Zhou Hao." The scorching sun headed, and everyone seemed to be heated.

Zhou Hao held his photo and piglet tightly, watching the person in front of him alertly.

Jiang Yu pursed his lips. "Where are you going today?"

Zhou Hao ignored him and turned towards the dormitory.

"Haohao." Jiang Yuzhen quickly stepped forward to grab him, his eyes glowing, "Happy birthday."

Zhou Hao exerted a lot of energy to shake away the hand, cursing, "Sick."

The little lunatic kept his left hand hanging, and carefully grabbed a photo and a doll. Jiang Yuzhen's movements slowed down, and he tempted to ask, "The puppet you are holding is so ugly Where did you buy it? "

With that said, he was about to take it, and Zhou Hao immediately ducked and put his hands behind him.

"I'll take a look." Jiang Yuzheng still coaxed patiently.

Zhou Hao blinked and stared at the man in front. He didn't understand what this man was going to do.

Because he didn't understand, he was timid by nature, so he would inevitably be afraid.

"Why should I show you my things?" Zhou Hao said almost in anger. Because, he was convinced that Jiang Yuhuan would avenge him, and he would tear the doll that he managed to pinch.

If you are childish, Jiang Yuquan feels angry and distressed.

He was patient and continued to coax the lunatic, "Then I don't watch it, go with me somewhere, I have something for you."

"I don't want your stuff. I have the money, and I will buy it myself."

He was so righteous. He wished everyone in the world knew that Zhou Hao was not a poor man. He had money, and he could buy anything he wanted. You are not allowed to laugh at him with money.

There was no trace of wind in the air, and the two stood dead for a while, and Zhou Hao was sweating on his forehead. Jiang Yuzhen was not much better. He was still wearing a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up, and his face was already exuding fine sweat.

"Go into the car and talk, it's too hot outside."

Zhou Hao glanced at him obliquely, ready to walk away.

Jiang Yuzhen had no choice but to use the old trick, "You don't want your colleagues to misunderstand, just follow me, I will say a few words."

Who knows, this happened to step on the minefield, and Zhou Hao gloomed down, "Then let them misunderstand, think what they love!"

"Don't be so extreme, I don't mean that ..."

"Then what do you mean!?"

The paranoid temperament of the little lunatic came up again. Jiang Yuzhen was blocked and speechless, so he tried to pull the little madman's hand, but he was thrown away.

During the dispute, Zhou Hao's photo fell down, Jiang Yuzhen bent and picked it up, and said with a smile in his mouth, "It's silly to laugh, where did you take it ..."

When he saw a string of words on the back, the words in his mouth suddenly solidified and his face darkened.

"Wait for him when he comes back?" Jiang Yuxi licked his dry lips with a smile. "Zhou Hao, you are just too greedy. After you provoke me, I pat my **** and walk away, and run to provoke others! How can there be such a good thing. "

Zhou Hao snatched the photo from his hand, "It's a matter of your fart! Jiang Yuxuan, you are such a cheap man, I have made my last statement clear enough."

Jiang Yuxi was so irritated that he shoved the lunatic fiercely, "I'm cheap? Oh! It's up to you! Whatever you love in the future!"

Jiang Yuzhen finally got a bit annoyed. He gasped out of breath and had nowhere to vent, and drove away.

On the way back, he couldn't help wondering: how did he communicate with that lunatic before? Such an unkind lunatic, he could live with him for four years ...

At the new home, he threw the unmanned drone he bought into the corridor.

As night fell, Jiang Yuquan's irritability continued unabated, and he took a bath in the bathroom. The gall of water vapor flushed his cheeks, and his head was gradually empty ...

He lit a cigarette, drunk and dreamed of death, swallowing clouds and fogging.

He became more and more unaware of fate. If the little lunatic never returned, or if he would return a few years later, maybe he had completely forgotten this person from the bottom of his heart. It happened that the little lunatic came back when he wanted to continue.

"Really evil." Jiang Yu shuddered and sneered.

After bathing, Jiang Yuzhen managed his messy mood and went to the corridor to retrieve the drone. He called Yan Ming again.

"It's me, Jiang Yuyan."

"Is there a problem?"

"I bought him a model airplane, and if you give it to him tomorrow, it's a birthday gift you bought for him."

"Okay." Yan Ming guessed that this man must have hit a nail with Zhou Hao.

Jiang Yuxi hung up the phone.

In the end, he still couldn't bear the little poor. He even a little regretted why he made a fire with the lunatic during the day.

The next night, Yan Ming went to Zhou Hao's dormitory, only Qian Weicheng was there.

"Xiaoming, why are you here?" I met a few times before, and Qian Weicheng seemed to be familiar with people wearing a pair of pants.

"I'm looking for Zhou Hao. What about others?"

"He went to training. I stole a lazy one and didn't go."

Qian Weicheng also found the delicate box in Yan Ming's hand at this time, "What are you holding?"

"Plane model, sent to Zhou Hao."

"You sit first, Brother Hao will be back in a while."

About an hour later, Zhou Hao came back and carried two boxes of lunch in his hand. He met Yan Ming and was obviously surprised. "What's the matter? Why are you here?"

"It's okay I can't come."

Zhou Hao smiled and put the lunch on the table. Qian Weicheng opened a box immediately. "Thank you, Hao, I'm almost hungry."

Yan Ming picked his chin and pointed to the plane model. "Yesterday your birthday, I asked you to eat. If you don't go, I will buy you a gift."

"Brother Hao, what was your birthday yesterday?" Qian Weicheng said with a mouthful of rice, ambiguous.

"Eat yours!"

Zhou Hao opened the exquisitely packed box and took out the drone inside. "How much is this?"

"Not much money? A few hundred dollars."

Qian Weicheng, who was chopping rice, stood up and stared at the small white plane. "No, how can this be bought for hundreds of dollars, where did you buy it?"

Yan Ming blinked a bit, "Just ... just buy it on Taobao, it's cheap."

Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes and accepted the model airplane.

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