Love, Expired

Chapter 53: Regular coffee shop

There is a cafe near the Fifth People's Hospital, with glass doors and windows facing the hospital's door diagonally. Sitting here in the morning, you can clearly see the flow of people.

This is a cafe with a nostalgic style. The decoration in the museum is relatively simple, almost all of the original wood color. When you walk in it, your ears will always float melodiously to the last century European and American classic pop songs.

Recently, Jiang Yuzheng has the habit of getting up early and jogging here from his new home, but only five minutes. Usually he would order a cup of mocha and a piece of caramel toast and slowly pass the morning.

If there is more work at hand this day, maybe he will have a good time and look at the emails from his subordinates.

Days pass by so slowly, today engraving yesterday and tomorrow engraving today.

If you are a frequent visitor to this cafe, every morning from 6:30 to 7:30, you can always see a man in a suit and leather shoes, with a cold face, sitting next to a window and glancing carelessly Outside the window.

No one knows exactly what this handsome man is looking at. Occasionally, a beautiful woman wants to come forward to chat, but when he sees his cold eyes, he retreats.

It's past autumn, and I just met the autumn tiger these days, and the summer heat is still very hot.

Jiang Yudi had an appointment with the president of Okuyama Corporation in the United States to discuss cooperation matters. His company wanted to introduce the finished product of a certain game from Okuyama Corporation. This game is a large-scale competitive online game, which has been developed for less than a year and is currently limited to play in the United States.

No matter it is the production background of the game or the player experience, it can be called first-class. There are few such well-made online games in China.

Jiang Yuzhen saw huge business opportunities.

The bustling hospital entrance is crowded with crowds of people. Behind the crowds, there are countless small vendors selling early mornings, looking back and forth to the office workers passing by.

"Brother Hao, yesterday I heard Xu Jianhua of the Inspection Department said that this Friday, the fellows will take an exam."

"Then test it."

"My God, you are so calm and don't know what to take,"

Zhou Hao glanced, "Look at your mental quality, what else can you take? Didn't you have an exam when you trained last year? Probably the same."

Qian Weicheng muttered a few words and couldn't understand what he said.

Suddenly, a "Buick" car headed for the hospital, and the two were talking, not paying attention to the surroundings. Just when people wanted to turn, and the car wanted to turn, Zhou Hao was slightly rubbed and fell to the ground.

"Brother Hao, get up." Qian Weicheng quickly pulled up Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao fluttered the dust on his clothes, but found that his palm was scratched.

Qian Weicheng started to be relentless and argued with the people in the car. Fortunately, the owner was not a very unreasonable person. He was very sincere and got out of the car.

The owner was a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s, got out of the car, and kept saying hello, "Little brother, it's okay, I'm sorry, I just hurried and didn't pay attention."

Zhou Hao waved his hand, "It's all right."

The owner was sorry, "Look, do you want to make a film? Check it?"

Zhou Hao pulled up Qian Weicheng, who was glaring aside, "Let's go." Then he looked at the owner, "It's all right, no need to make a film."

Of course, all this fell into Jiang Yuzhen's eyes exactly. By the time the episode was over and the two were preparing to enter the hospital, Jiang Yudi had already appeared in front of them.

"Have you been hurt?" Jiang Yuzhen asked in a deep voice.

Qian Weicheng smirked with a smirk, and smiled unwillingly, "Oh, the schoolboy is here?"

Jiang Yu froze for a few seconds, and then came over. The student must be referring to him.

Due to the presence of others, Zhou Hao behaved very naturally. "It's okay, just scratching the skin."

"Let me see." Jiang Yuzhen insisted.

Zhou Hao slanted him and looked away, "Qian Weicheng, we are late, we are not going!"

Qian Weicheng blinked deliberately, pretending to be confused, "Crap, half an hour before going to work. What's late?"

With a smile, he looked at Jiang Yuzhen again, "Student, did you have breakfast?"

Jiang Yuzhen looked serious, patronized Zhou Hao, and didn't talk.

Qian Weicheng muttered in his heart: What two woods! No, he must fire!

"Well, every day, I don't know what to eat, Brother Hao, let's go to the cafeteria to make buns in a while." Qian Weicheng complained intentionally.

Jiang Yuzhen interrupted, "Well, let's have a morning tea together. There is a Jinxuan tea restaurant nearby."

His eyes were sharp and serious, and he seemed to be asking Zhou Hao for his opinions.

Without waiting for Zhou Hao's reply, Qian Weicheng promised, "Okay, okay, half an hour, the battle will be decided quickly." After that, Qian Weicheng rubbed Zhou Hao with his elbow.

Zhou Hao said blankly, "Go on your own. I'll go to the cafeteria for buns."

Qian Wei shook his hand at Jiang Yuxi, "Well, good-bye, schoolboy. We went to the cafeteria to make buns."

The two walked towards the hospital cafeteria, but unexpectedly, Jiang Yuzheng followed.

It was just for breakfast. The canteen was almost full, and it was difficult to find an empty table. Zhou Hao and Qian Weicheng played two bowls of millet porridge, and two buns were brought over.

Looking down, he was drinking porridge, and a figure was covered directly, and then a bowl full of millet porridge was put opposite the two, and Jiang Yudi sat down.

Qian Weicheng stunned Zhou Hao first, and saw no response from him. He couldn't hold his mouth and started talking about jokes, "Student, you rich people, so simple life?"

Jiang Yuxi supported the bowl with both hands and took a sip.

The cooling effect of the canteen air conditioner is not very good, and it is a large group of people in Wudang, which will inevitably be a little hot. Zhou Hao and Qian Weicheng wore short sleeves, and they didn't feel much.

Jiang Yuhuan is different. The full-length suit and trousers he wore, at this time, the soft poncho bangs had already started to sweat. The cheeks were attacked by the heat, and a light flush was applied.

Zhou Hao glanced at the other person and said subconsciously, "Take off your coat if you feel too hot."

Jiang Yu froze for a moment, then the corner of his mouth secretly raised a small arc. He took off his blazer first according to Zhou Hao's meaning.

Identical conversations between them have occurred countless times.

When Jiang Yu was a sophomore, one day happened to be Saturday. There was an event in the school auditorium. He was the host. Students, it ’s rare to wear formal clothes. Jiang Yuzheng's formal suit has been hanging in the cabinet for a long time, and pleated. After Zhou Hao had eaten at noon, he ironed his clothes there, flattened out, and couldn't see any folds.

At four in the afternoon, he changed into that suit and was ready to rush to school.

Zhou Hao chased out, "Are you stupid, stupid, you can't take off your coat and hold it in this hot day?"

Jiang Yudi was a little displeased and ignored the little lunatic.

Zhou Hao also said, "No, I can't call you stupid, I should call you an honest person. But ah, you are not honest in bed."

Before Jiang Yuzheng responded, Zhou Hao turned his head and ran upstairs. There seemed to be a faint laughter from the madman in the stairwell.

From then on, as long as Jiang Yuzhen wore a suit and formal clothes, Zhou Hao would always ridicule him: Honest man, take off your jacket if you feel hot.

What's wrong? In the past, he has always inexplicably remembered these past few years, and remembers it especially well.

Jiang Yuzhen buried his head and drank the porridge again. The sticky hot porridge slipped from his mouth to his throat and was swallowed by him. What he wanted to say in his mouth seemed to be stuck by the mouth-watering porridge, making it difficult to speak.

At this time, Jiang Yuxi's phone rang suddenly. It was the secretary Cheng Jing.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Mo Huaimi from Aoshan Company has arrived, and the appointment is eight thirty."

Jiang Yuzhen looked at the watch on his wrist. It was almost eight o'clock. Now it is the rush hour for work. If there is no traffic jam, he will probably be on time. If there is a traffic jam, it will be difficult to say.

Jiang Yuzheng looked up at Zhou Hao, "I have something to do, I have to go first. Your hand, don't forget to disinfect it in a while."

Zhou Hao groaned in his mouth, "Um."

Although it was a reluctant answer, Jiang Yuzheng was very happy. He picked up his suit jacket and quickly walked out of the hospital cafeteria.

Qian Weicheng looked at the back of Jiang Yuzhen against the light, and smiled, "Brother Hao, are you a schoolboy pursuing you? Are you any encouragement?"

"Qian Weicheng, I just discovered today that you have the potential to be a rot girl, and you go back and rip me up at night. I'll see if there is no handle in front of you."

Qian Wei stunned, feeling only that the crotch was chilly, scaring the chrysanthemum tightly.

Zhou Hao got up and walked, throwing him out of the long way, Qian Weicheng quickly caught up with, "Hao brother Hao brother, I am not childish."

Zhou Hao didn't stop and said, "Yo, I almost forgot, you're still a boy."

"Without this, you are spraying salt on my wound, Brother Hao, what, when you go back, don't forget to help me in the presence of Grandma Wang and say good things."


On this day, it was really unexpected. Zhou Hao actually encountered an old acquaintance—Zou Kai in the elevator of this hospital.

Zhou Hao wanted to avoid, but Zou Kai found him.

"Zhou Hao, I didn't dare to recognize you just now. It's really you. This one, we haven't seen each other for years."

Zhou Hao looked at the white coat on Zou Kai, "Are you in this hospital?"

Zou Kai boasted modestly, "Yeah, how about you? You must be better than me."

Zhou Hao smiled politely, "I'm in the hospital, but not in city A."

Zou Kaitie was more upbeat than he was, and his words were a little more proud. "Not in city A, it must be a good place, where are you now?"

"In ... a small city." Zhou Hao's face was obviously bad. "I still have something to do, let's go first."

All day, Zhou Hao's face didn't look happy, she looked sick, and couldn't take any interest in anything. Somehow Qian Weicheng didn't ask much.

Only Zhou Hao knew what he was doing.

The person who was on the same starting line as you, even he is not as good as you, but now they are better than you.

People are not saints, and they will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable. What's more, this person is a person you have always hated.

In the evening, Zhou Hao and Qian Weicheng mentioned his old classmate and expressed his inner distress. Qian Weicheng looked like a wise man, but he managed a basket after basket, comforting Zhou Hao.

"Tagore said that a utilitarian life is like a knife without a scabbard. Sharpness is sharp, but it is definitely not good. Sometimes people have to learn to look down. You think, our wages are enough. If you marry your wife, you can still come out of the bubble foot steaming sauna, why do you have to live so tired? Your classmate, the hair in front of him is almost gone, I'm sure, he will be bald before 30.

Zhou Hao was teased by Qian Weicheng's book, "I didn't see it, your boy is so cultural."

"You see, it looks like I'm worthless in your eyes. Anyway, I'm also a graduate student and I've read books, OK?"

"Okay, Tagore makes a lot of sense."

"Brother Hao ..." Qian Weicheng was rare and solemn.

"Just say something, don't grind."

"Then I can say, Brother Hao, if I'm not mistaken, the former subject you told me before is this schoolboy. I don't know what happened to you two before, but this schoolboy can see Come out, he likes you very much. Rich, handsome and handsome, you, do n’t be so indecisive. For me, I ’ve already rushed away. Our age is also a third of our life. Let ’s go, in fact, love is all about it. When winter comes, I want to buy a warm scarf for each other, and cover my feet at night. In the morning, I want to accompany each other for morning tea and experience a slow life. Brother, I don't know what this person has done to you before, but people, don't worry too much, learn to forgive others. "

Zhou Hao's heart was trembling slightly, but her mouth was still unforgiving. "You are a single mother and a fetus, what love consultant is it?"

Qian Weicheng's words undoubtedly stirred up thousands of waves in Zhou Hao's heart. The mini drone placed on the desk in the dormitory was quietly accompanying his master at the moment.

Inside the box is a small blue and white card with the words: Happy Birthday! Behind these four words is a hand-drawn cartoon smiley.

After living with that man for four years, how could he not recognize his handwriting? Zhou Hao was just a bit hard to imagine. Jiang Yuzheng sat at the desk with a serious face, but the pen in his hand was drawing poor cartoons. It's really hard for him.

Not long after, the ringtone in his hand broke Zhou Hao's thoughts. He went to the bed and picked up the mobile phone. On the screen was a string of numbers that had been branded in his heart for four years.

Zhou Hao did not answer, the bell still stubbornly rang, Qian Weicheng went out to buy things, but fortunately there was only him in the dormitory.

After a while, Zhou Hao pressed the answer button.

At the end of the phone, there was a moment of silence, and then a dumb voice came out, "It's me, and the number is what I strictly control."

Zhou Hao had no intention to say more, and asked directly, "Is there something wrong?"

"Saturday ... Are you free? Would you like to go to a movie together?"

"No time." The refusal was very straightforward, but Zhou Hao remembered Qian Weicheng's words just now. People must have a forgiving heart. "This week is a bit busy, and there may be exams on weekends."

Of course, Jiang Yuzheng didn't know the series of changes in the little lunatic. He suddenly saw the hope in his words. He restrained his emotions and pretended to be calm. "Well, work matters. Your hands are not big. Hinder. "

"It's okay, apply some iodophors."

Jiang Yuzhen on the other side of the phone suddenly disappeared.

"It's all right, I'm hung up."

There was a moment of silence there, as if thinking about it for a long time, "Hao Hao, I bought the house in Binjiang No. 1, and you live with me, okay?"

Zhou Hao did not answer him.

Jiang Yuzhen continued, the sound seemed to come from deep in his throat, "Hao Hao, come home with me, every summer, you will come to teach me, you just rightly say to me: Honest person, I feel hot You take off your jacket first. The honest person will listen to you and take off the jacket on your arm. If you are not there, who will teach that silly honest person in the future ... "

Zhou Hao couldn't listen anymore, he suddenly hung up.

When Qian Weicheng returned, he saw Zhou Hao standing by the window, staring at the night scene outside. He shouted several "Hao brothers" one after another, and the talented person turned his head, but his eyes were red ...


Jiang Yuzhen listened to the "beep—" sound from the phone, and he was truly calm again.

He sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and didn't smoke. He just watched the yellow flames burn between the fingers.

He couldn't guess the future fate of the two of them. Is each life happy? Still as he just said, he became a family living together.

The little lunatic is a terrible person, and many of his unintentional habits have become his lingering consciousness before falling asleep every night. Even the effort of having breakfast today reminds him of the joke of the little lunatic once.

When he woke up countless times in the morning, how he wished that the past few years had been a dream. The little lunatic hadn't left, and he hadn't left. They both lived in a small house on Binjiang No. 1-

From Monday to Friday, both men are busy with each other's work; on the weekend, they can relax a little. He is going to be in bed and have **** with the little lunatic fiercely, possessing him madly. When the two were exhausted, he went to wash vegetables and cook, and the little madman washes the sheets ...

He's all conceived.

However, he has long lost people.

Moreover, it has been lost for several years.

He didn't care how he could get rid of a poor fatherless mother! ?

Jiang Yuzhen always blamed himself at that time. Perhaps this blame that is difficult to control cannot be eliminated in this life.

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