Love, Expired

Chapter 73: Jiang Yuzhen is here

Zhou Hao was standing at the door of the ward with three boxes of fast food. The attending physician was also talking to Grandpa. Grandpa was carrying his back on his back and tears appeared in his eyes. Zhou Hao tightened his lunch box and walked in.

The doctor nodded to him with a hint, Zhou Hao set aside his meal and came out with the doctor.

"The puffiness on my face is now gone, but the cause has not been identified, so it is better to go to a large hospital for examination."

Zhou Hao bowed his head, "Well, I'm going."

The doctor's face showed an apologetic expression, and he comforted the family members of the patients in front of him.

"I plan to stay one more night and prepare to be discharged tomorrow. Thank you, doctor."

"Yes, buy more for the elderly."

Zhou Hao returned to the ward. His grandmother sat on the bed to eat. His grandfather sat beside the bed holding a box lunch. The old couple saw his grandson come in and stopped eating. He wiped his mouth and looked at Zhou Hao.

"Doctor Gang told me that there was nothing serious." Zhou Hao smirked sternly.

Grandma grinned, and her gums were severely corroded. She twisted backwards and reached for a small bag near the pillow.

His hand reached into the small cloth bag, and Grandma found a dirty and old handkerchief bag from the inside, which opened layer by layer, and inside was a thick pile of money.

"Wa'er, you stayed before, my grandfather and I didn't spend any money." The old man's face was genuinely like a child, and she passed the money to Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao picked it up, put it back neatly, put it back in the original handkerchief, and wrapped it up.

"I have money. You keep the money."

Grandma glanced at Grandpa, and Grandpa nodded helplessly, so she accepted it.

There was only the sound of the old couple chewing the food carefully in the bed, and Zhou Hao opened the box lunch and sat in the chair to eat.

"Haohao." Jiang Yudi suddenly appeared at the door.

Zhou Hao's face buried in his head suddenly lifted, the man was dusty, his chest was panting, his hair was puffy and messy, and sweat beads appeared on his forehead. He probably ran over. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, carrying something in his left and right hands.

In this effort, Zhou Hao's heart fell lightly, suddenly filled with tenderness.

Jiang Yu walked in, put the things on the bedside table, greeted grandparents, and grandma remembered him and grabbed his hand gratefully.

"Thank you, thank you." Grandma's voice suddenly became chaotic.

Jiang Yuzhen looked at Zhou Hao and saw that his eyes were faintly red, so he smiled at him. Turning his gaze, he saw Zhou Hao sitting on a chair and eating half of the fast food. The green pepper was shredded, the green pepper was not green, and he was suffocated with yellow.

Jiang Yuxi's nose was suddenly sore.

Zhou Hao walked over and scratched his hair, his actions were intimate and gentle. "Jiang Yuyan, your hair is messed up."

Jiang Yuxi instantly became a gimmick, a young boy, first banging his head, then tilting his head slightly, the little lunatic's hand fluttered his hair, the corners of his mouth rose, and he secretly enjoyed it.

"I'll buy something to eat. You ask your grandparents what to eat." Jiang Yuxi said suddenly.

Zhou Hao stepped back a few steps, blocking his half-box of lunch on the chair, "No more, all, have eaten."

Jiang Yuzhen didn't say anything. He came to Zhou Hao and said, "Are you ready to eat? The remaining half is for me." Then, he picked up the half of the lunch and sat down on the chair to eat. Zhou Hao sat beside him.

"Jiang Yuyu, thank you." Zhou Hao said very lightly.

Jiang Yuzheng was still chopping rice. He leaned over his face and glanced at the little lunatic.



"Jiang Yuyu, come out with me after eating, I have something to tell you."

They went to the entrance of the stairs. It was quiet at noon, and there were not many people going up and down.

"How is grandma?" Jiang Yuzhen asked.

"Yesterday my face was swollen and my eyes could not be opened. Today I swelled. The doctor asked to see it at the big hospital because I was not sure of the cause."

"Well, go to City A. I'll arrange it."

Zhou Hao suddenly grabbed Jiang Yuzhen's hand and held it tightly. Jiang Yuzhen could feel the gratitude from the lunatic through his hand. He held him back, "Don't be afraid, and me."

This is a very sultry day. The air conditioner on the side of the corridor is not cooling well. The two hands holding each other are sweaty and sticky. Jiang Yu rubbed the back of the little madman's hand, but couldn't bear to let it go.

"Haohao, when are you going to take grandma?"

"Go tomorrow, I will think about how to talk to them for a while." Zhou Hao's hand was still held by Jiang Yuzhen, "Thank you."

"What are you polite to me, I am your boyfriend."

Boyfriend ... Zhou Hao slowly withdrew his hand and quickly glanced at Yan Yuyan. In fact, he just didn't quite adapt to the word.

In the evening, Zhou Hao drank hot water, wiped her grandma, and then took the changed clothes to the bathroom to wash. Jiang Yudi has been sitting silently on a chair in the ward.

The little lunatic stood by the pool and rubbed his clothes. The voice reached Jiang Yu's ear through the door. His mood suddenly became tender and pity. He stood up and went into the small bathroom in the ward.

When the door was opened, Zhou Ha looked at him sideways and smiled at him, "Just wash it right away. Jiang Yuzhen, I'll get some water. Would you like to take a bath in it?"

Less than four square meters, there is a toilet, a wash basin full of stains, and a round plastic basin in the pool. The hand of the lunatic keeps twisting and rubbing in the basin.

The walls are covered with tiles, but the tops are covered with gray dirt marks. The seams where the tiles are connected are glowing in black, like black mold spots.

This is the first time Jiang Yuzhen has come into close contact with this small-scale public hospital, and also the first time he walked into the bathroom here.

There were many words in Jiang Yu's throat. He tried to make a sound, but he saw the smiling face of the lunatic, and the words in his heart could not be said anyway.

He wanted to say, Hao Hao, stay with me in the future, don't go through this hardship.

"Jiang Yu, hello, what do you send? Would you like to take a shower? I'll wash my clothes and get two bottles of hot water."

Jiang Yuzhen went behind the little lunatic, hugged him from behind, and put his face on his wide back.

Zhou Hao twisted a few times, "What are you doing? I wash clothes."

Jiang Yuzhen didn't speak, didn't leave, and still stuck his face on Zhou Hao's back.

"I like our Hao Hao the most ..." It was like talking to himself.

Zhou Hao twisted a few times again, "Jiang Yuhuan, don't make trouble, help me scratch my back."

Jiang Yuzhen stood upright, and according to Zhou Hao's verbal prompts, he turned left and right for a while, and then went up and down again, and finally felt the itch.

"Is it here?"

"Yes, yes, make a little effort, and use a little harder ..." Even Zhou Hao's voice became extremely comfortable.

After washing the clothes that Grandma had changed, Zhou Hao went to the small balcony in the ward and hung up the wet clothes. Immediately afterwards, he went to the water house and made two bottles of hot water.

After entering the ward, Jiang Yuzheng was cutting apples for grandma, and Zhou Hao took the water bottle to the bathroom.

"Jiang Yuyu, come here." Zhou Hao shouted inside.

"Here it is." Jiang Yuxian quickly cut the apple and handed it to her grandma.

"Next, my grandma has just been hospitalized. I haven't bought a bath ticket. I'll get you a new towel and wipe it casually. Have you brought any clothes?"

"Bring it."

"You brought the changed clothes, and I'll find a clean towel in your bag."

After listening to the words of the lunatic, Jiang Yudi took a bath, and Zhou Hao did the same.

The clothes changed by the two were thrown into a plastic basin by Zhou Hao, and they were ready to be washed in the bathroom. Jiang Yudi didn't rush to do laundry with him this time, but stood beside him to accompany him, looking for something to talk about.

The quiet and ordinary time passed by the sound of the washing up and down, and their relationship seemed to deteriorate invisibly.

After 9:30, the lights in the ward went out, Grandpa and Grandma were squeezed into the same bed, and Zhou Hao and Jiang Yuzhen were squeezed into another vacant bed.

Neither of them had any drowsiness. Although the room was air-conditioned, the skin of the two men in the summer was still hot. However, Jiang Yuzheng has been holding Zhou Hao's hand.

"Let go first, let me see if there is tomorrow's flight." Zhou Hao's hand slipped out of the palm of Jiang Yuying.

Zhou Hao held his mobile phone to check the plane ticket, and found that tomorrow, there is no plane to City A, but only to the provincial capital, and then fly from the provincial capital to City A. It's nothing, I'm afraid the old couple can't stand such troubles.

"No, I have to take a bus to the provincial capital. I'll buy four passenger tickets and then four plane tickets. Jiang Yuzheng, give me your ID number."

Jiang Yuxi also picked up the phone and opened Ctrip. "I'll buy it."

"I buy ..." Zhou Hao insisted stubbornly.

Jiang Yuxi retracted his phone and nestled quietly next to the lunatic.

"Jiang Yuyu, are you sleepy?" Zhou Hao whispered under his throat.

"not sleepy."

Suddenly Jiang Yudi's hand gently rubbed the back of the little lunatic's hand, just like during the day.

Such an unremitting action vaguely connects the two together, with tenderness and honey, like glue and paint, and there is nothing to separate them in this world.

A brief illusion? Perhaps.

"I didn't tell them just now that my grandma is not coaxing. I want to talk about taking her to a big city to see. She must think that she is seriously ill."

Jiang Yuxi kissed the lunatic with a dragonfly. "Don't worry, you say grandma is old. Take her to the big city to have a good check. By the way, take care of your body."


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