Love, Expired

Chapter 74: Barking husband

His grandmother was admitted to Xinming Hospital in City A. This is one of the largest hospitals in City A. Jiang Yuhuan's uncle is the party secretary here. Jiang Yuhuan asked him to open the back door and arrange the ward for everything.

The ward is on the top floor of the inpatient department. It is a VIP room with complete facilities, TV, refrigerator, and independent bathroom ... It is equivalent to a high-end single apartment, divided into two inside and outside, with the bedroom and bathroom inside, and the living room outside. .

Grandma didn't know where it was at first. In her understanding, the hospital should not look like this. Zhou Hao did not explain too much, he only said that after checking his body, he took her to the city where the grandson went to school to play.

The attending physician is a middle-aged man who returned from the United States with a doctorate in respiratory medicine. He looked at his grandmother's case and concluded that it might be facial edema caused by asthma.

These days when grandma was hospitalized, Jiang Yuzheng took special care of her aunt at home, came over for lunch and dinner, and cooked some lighter dishes that were easily absorbed by the stomach.

Mother Jiang asked the nanny who delivered the meal. The nanny said that the meal was taken to the hospital. There was an old lady in the hospital. His grandson and his wife were there to accompany him. The babysitter also said that her grandson looked familiar, as if he had been home.

Maybe it's Yu Yan's friend. Mother Jiang didn't think about it. It happened that there was a scientific research project in hand, and this matter was turned away.

Grandma's test results came out quickly and did not matter, which was the common symptoms of asthma. Da Lao Yuan came, grandma was nursed here for a while, and by the way, he did a whole body examination for his grandpa.

The old couple were all right, Zhou Hao's hanging heart was completely grounded.

Jiang Yuzheng will come every night, the time is not fixed, the company is too busy during this time.

By the middle of the night, the old couple had fallen asleep and made a slight husky snoring. Zhou Hao was also sleepy. He rubbed his forehead and braced his eyelids. The sourness in his eyes became more pronounced. He yawned and his eyes were full of red silk.

At 23:48, Jiang Yuyan pushed in the door and came in. Zhou Hao was sober with a spirit.

"Why is it so late today?" Zhou Hao straightened and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Yu walked lightly to Zhou Hao, and also lowered his voice, "It's late for overtime, and I haven't finished it yet. I brought the documents over."

Jiang Yuzhen put his suit jacket on the sofa and asked Zhou Hao, "Are you coming over at night?"

"Come here, I'll leave you some food."

"I have eaten in the company." Jiang Yuzheng lightly pressed the lower eye circles of the lunatic with his thumb. "Eyes are red, you lie down for a while, I will listen to the movement inside."

Zhou Hao reached out and grabbed the hand that Jiang Yuzheng pressed on his face, staring at the man in front of him, "I'm not asleep, I'm waiting for you."

Suddenly, all of a sudden, Jiang Yuzhen was stupid, some helpless, that hand was allowed to be caught by the lunatic, but he didn't know what words to respond to his lover.

In front of the little lunatic, he will always appreciate the throbbing of his first love, always like a ignorant hoe.

At night in big cities, the main tone is also quiet. Occasionally, there are several whistling sirens.

Zhou Hao let go of Jiang Yuxuan's hand. He tilted his head to the side and kissed the man's lips crazy and eagerly.

The man's consciousness awakened little by little. He was anti-customer-oriented, wrapped his arms around the lunatic, deepened the kiss, spitted and lingering.

It seems that he is still 18 years old, and he is still 21 years old, which is their best youth.

The lips of the two were staggered slightly, and there was a slight wheezing between the chest and chest, and Jiang Yuzhen's cheeks were stained with a thin flush.

He gasped and said, "Haohao, stay with me in the future, okay?"

Zhou Hao didn't rush to reply, his clear thinking has been disturbed now, "I think ..."

What the lunatic said, I think about it.

At this moment, Jiang Yuxuan's heart turned into a round finger. He held the face of the lunatic and kissed him again. "Okay, I'll wait."

Zhou Hao was still not used to such intimacy. He turned his face away and sat on the sofa. "Then I'll sleep for a while."

Jiang Yuxian blinked at him and smiled, "Huh."

This laugh, how much of a boy's bad taste.

Jiang Yuzhen scattered the documents brought over on the coffee table. He sat on the floor with one buttock and looked at the documents and materials in his hand. Zhou Hao squinted on the sofa behind him.

Zhou Hao closed his eyes and licked his slightly wet lips with Jiang Yu's breath remaining on it, and he somehow secretly laughed.

The time after zero seemed to pass extremely slowly. The sound of friction between the papers was "Salsa", and there was a slight sound from grandparents.

He couldn't sleep, he couldn't sleep as hard as he could, and then he gave up and opened his eyes and stared at Jiang Yu's back.

He will be with this man in the future, this time he made the initiative to choose.

The man seemed to feel the focused gaze behind him, he turned back violently, and saw his lover staring at him with burning eyes.

Jiang Yuxi was shy again, showing a green smile, then lowered his head.

He secretly hid in his heart and secretly stored his affectionate eyes secretly. Gradually, the excited factor jumped out of the body, he followed the inner agitation and moved over.

"Can't sleep?" Jiang Yuxi said this, deliberately rubbing the face of the lunatic with the stubble of his chin.

Zhou Hao was tickled by him and gently pushed him away.

However, Jiang Yuxi didn't want to let him go, and he covered it up, looking at the people under him with all his spare time.

"Don't you have something to finish?" Zhou Hao mumbled.

"Haohao, call her husband." Jiang Yu began to seduce softly and tempted.

"I'm sick, I'm crushed in the middle of the night just to make me call this?"

"Cry for me." Jiang Yuxi insisted on the gentleness of drowning, as if brewing a high tide.

"Husband." Zhou Hao shouted reluctantly, but was drowned by the whistle on the street outside the window.

Jiang Yuquan shuddered, "I didn't hear ..."

"Husband." Zhou Haoyin faced.

Jiang Yu couldn't hide the smile in the corner of his mouth. He secretly kissed the lunatic, then turned over, carried his documents, and began to work.

In the living room of the ward, the air became sweet and fresh.

Zhou Hao was still not sleepy. After 1:30 in the morning, he simply sat beside Jiang Yuyu, and stayed with him on the coffee table.

He was very quiet, but Jiang Yuzheng, when he was exhausted, he would pick a few words to talk to him. such as--

"Hao Hao, live in City A in the future. If you think it's noisy in the urban area, our home will be located in the suburbs. It's easy to drive anyway."

Zhou Hao seriously considered this suggestion and echoed, "Okay."

Jiang Yuzhen looked at him sideways with a smile on his mouth, "The home is decorated in an idyllic style, the floor is light wood, the ceiling lamp is milky white, and the small goose-yellow sofa is placed in our bedroom, and the large grass-green sofa is placed in the living room. Here, when the weather is cold, we will lie on the grass-green sofa to watch a movie, oh yes, the two cats, choose a yellow nest for them ... "

Zhou Hao's thoughts entered the world that Jiang Yuzhen conceived little by little. He had a long-awaited look. "When decorating, I will choose lamps and tableware with you."


On this quiet night, the two stayed together until 3:30 in the morning, and Jiang Yudi finally finished his work.

"Not sleepy yet?" Jiang Yuxi rubbed the corner of the little lunatic.

"I don't have to go to work tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you sleep or not. Hurry and lie down for a while."

Jiang Yuxi tilted her head and covered the little lunatic's face in his sight. "It's better to be a wife and a child."

Zhou Hao gave a sting to his heart, "Speak well!"

Jiang Yuxi deliberately covered her chest, frowning and crying, "Sister-in-law, please start lightly."

This is probably the other side of Jiang Yuhuan's hidden potential. Zhou Hao knew him for nine years, and it was the first time that he found out that staying in wood would make a joke.

Grandma had to go back to the hospital for half a month. Before leaving, Zhou Hao was going to take Grandpa and Grandma to walk around City A. The old couple were old, and they went to a famous royal palace for a little while. It is out of energy.

Zhou Hao had to lead them back again.

On the day they left, Jiang Yudi didn't go to work and drove them to the airport. Grandparents sat in the back seat, and Zhou Hao sat in the co-driver.

The car stopped, Jiang Yudi secretly caught the hand of the lunatic, he turned to look at the lunatic, and there were countless farewell words in his throat.

Zhou Hao understood what he meant and nodded at him.

It took a long time for Jiang Yuxi to say, "I forgot to ask that night, what color do you like on the sheets?"

Zhou Hao's eye circles suddenly turned red, and he smiled at Jiang Yu. "I listen to her husband."

Grandpa and Grandma couldn't understand Mandarin. They sat behind and looked out of the car window. Grandma opened her vicissitudes of eyes and was fascinated by the novelty, so was Grandpa. As for the world outside the car window, it was an uproar, and everyone was eager and numb to catch the plane and get off the plane.

Let them see, be busy, no one will notice the secret words of the two men quietly passing in the car at this moment.

"Grandpa, grandma, let's get out of the car and pull that handle, yes, that's it." Zhou Hao pointed and said that he used the southern dialect that Jiang Yudi couldn't understand.

The old couple got out of the car, and Zhou Haola pulled the door and wanted to go down.

Suddenly, Jiang Yu held his hand, his eyes were full of infinite tenderness and perseverance, "Haohao, I wait for you."

Again, wait for you.

Men's love words are sometimes so monotonous, but they are poked in their hearts.

Zhou Hao blinked at him, smiled and said, "OK."

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