Love, Expired

Chapter 75: Resignation (2 in 1)

The setting sun was gradually softening, and the heat of daylight was gradually dissipating. Zhou Hao stood on his balcony with an old popsicle in his mouth.

In his vision, the uncle who sold jelly skin on the street was particularly eye-catching, surrounded by people around the stall, and the white jelly skin was packed into one food bag after another, and the customers changed batch after batch ...

The old couple returned last Saturday and Zhou Hao sent them to Qingjiang County. Before leaving, Grandma was still sulking, she was not used to living in the city, and she was still comfortable in the country. Grandma also asked, how much did it cost to go to the big hospital this time? Zhou Hao said, there is not much money, the big hospital is cheaper.

Zhou Hao finished popping the popsicle in his mouth, vacated the suitcase on the bedroom closet, opened the closet, took off his clothes from the hanger, and was still on the bed. There are clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

He carefully stacked his clothes neatly, opened the box, and prepared to pack it from thick to thin.

As soon as the box was opened, Zhou Hao froze--

At the bottom of the box are two sweaters, one dark blue and one gray.

The most fashionable sweater of that year has now become the old style.

In the past, the masters flaunted their powers, and they were not afraid of the cold northern days, just to expose them, but now they are left at the bottom of the dark box by the masters, completely away from their golden age.

Zhou Hao reached out and touched one of them. The fluffy touch was a bit stubborn.

"I'm going to find my ex-boyfriend. He is good to me now, and I will be good to him in the future. You should be very good when you are abroad. Ou Yi said that you went to Europe with friends. Never been abroad ... "

These are his words, not lie.

Zhou Hao picked up the two sweaters, pushed the door and went downstairs. There was a green trash can diagonally opposite the entrance of the corridor, and he threw it in. He returned home and kept packing his stuff.

Ten minutes before eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Hao sat back in the living room, waiting for Jiang Yu's phone call.

"Buzz--" The phone vibrated slightly on the coffee table.

Zhou Hao bent to pick it up and pressed it to his ear, "Hey."

Jiang Yudi had just eaten dinner and shouted for takeaway. He held his mobile phone in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand, and there was a slight chewing sound in his mouth. What? "

"Eating popsicles."

"What's it like? Haohao, I'll end here next Thursday, waiting for me to come back."

"Don't come here, I plan to resign, and when I'm done here, I'll look for you in City A."

Jiang Yuzhen seemed to have no response, and asked stupidly again, "What did you say?"

Zhou Hao repeated mechanistically, "I resigned to find you in the past."

Jiang Yuzhen was surprised and happy, "Why, so suddenly?"

"Not a sudden, I've been thinking about it for days."

"Then I will go to the suburbs tomorrow to see if there is a suitable house."

"Jiang Yuyu, how much did my grandma spend in hospital?" This is an inevitable topic.

"Not much money, really."

Zhou Hao's free hand slammed into the meat, "I will pay you back later."

Zhou Hao's resignation was known to the entire department the next day, and they couldn't understand. The 30-year-old man put on a decent iron rice bowl and didn't want to run to City A to toss, and he was a rigid man , Can not afford to open the big city.

To say this, the saddest thing is Qian Wei. He shouted for four years before and after Haoge, and they all shouted emotions.

However, he is a person who knows the inside story. He can understand Zhou Hao's approach intellectually, but he just can't bear it.

The resignation procedure is quite troublesome. You need to find the department head, the director in charge, the hospital secretary, and the director. Zhang, the director of their department, regretted that it was difficult to attract a high-level student, but he still left, and the temple young couldn't retain talents.

When he was free, Corey ’s doctors and nurses were discussing the matter. Qian Weicheng, who was usually the most able to chant, was the quietest this time. Moreover, he seemed to be deliberately hiding from Zhou Hao all day.

In the afternoon, the resignation procedure was only approved. Zhou Hao packed his belongings in a carton box and walked to the fourth consultation room. Qian Weicheng was in the office and he entered.

"Come at my house at night. I'm busy ordering."

Qian Weicheng pretended not to hear and continued talking to the patient.

Zhou Hao knew that the boy was out of temper, smiled, and left with the box.

Before six o'clock in the evening, there was a knock outside the door. Zhou Hao went to open the door, and Qian Weicheng stood outside.

"Finally the rice is finally here, come in." Zhou Hao said with a smile.

Qian Weicheng swept away the usual exaggeration, now deeper than anyone else, he bent over to change his shoes and came in.

On the table was a table of dishes, several of which were Qian Weicheng's favorite food. Every time the kid came to cook rice, he had to comment on it. Over time, Zhou Hao wrote down his favorite food Dishes.

"Wash your hands and eat. There is only one soup left, and it will be ready right away." Zhou Hao said, pushing Qian Weicheng to the bathroom, and then went into the kitchen himself.

The soup was brought up, and the dishes were all in order. Zhou Hao took off the apron and hung it on the table chair.

"Eat, why not move the chopsticks?"

Qian Weicheng sandwiched a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

"Brother Hao, are you really leaving?"

Zhou Hao nodded, "Yes."

"Just because of that schoolboy?" Qian Weicheng's face hated iron and steel. "You're alone in City A. You have no family and no reason. You haven't worked for the time being. What do you eat? Rely on that man? If he is really reliable, Why did you come to Suchuan in the first place? I don't know what you think. "

"I've decided to live with him. I can't hang on to him all the time. He's very busy at work and has to run on both ends."

"Then you go to City A to see him every weekend, otherwise.

"I don't have that much money. I go once a week. Who will pay me for the return air ticket."

Qian Weicheng choked his mouth and stopped talking. He faintly felt that Zhou Hao was foolish and sweet in dealing with private affairs, and he could not understand clearly.

The little ambiguity between adults is normal, even if it is not a big deal, but he doesn't even have to work, and goes all the way to find his love, it can't be justified.

This meal Qian Weicheng ate uninterestingly. He leaned against the sofa, his brows frowning, and he was very worried.

After Zhou Hao finished packing the chopsticks, he went to his own business and left in a few days. He had to organize the things in the house in order and mailed them to City A first. At least, the model of that cabinet had to be mailed first.

At eight in the evening, the phone arrived on schedule, breaking the weird silence in the living room.

Zhou Hao was still busy with his hands, and couldn't make any effort. He had to tilt his head and hold the phone with his ears, "I have eaten."

After a while, he said, "The resignation procedures are all done, and I will leave in a few days. Well, okay, Jiangbei District is also very good. Well, you send me an address in a while, and I will post things to you tomorrow. No need, not much, I won't tell you, I'm packing. "

Finally, Zhou Hao hesitated and said, "I love you too ..."

The disturbing call was finally broken, and Qian Weicheng couldn't rest anymore. He straightened up and took a serious posture.

"It's so fast. When is it going?"

Zhou Hao glanced back at him, and leaned over to arrange things again. "The day after tomorrow, I turned over the yellow calendar. It was a good day to travel."

"Are you still working in the future?"

"If you don't do this, what can you do?" Zhou Hao didn't turn his head, Qian Weicheng asked him a word, and he said a word, as if it were a routine thing.

"Brother Hao, I really hate you." Qian Weicheng was rare and deep.

Zhou Hao turned his head, his teeth grinning, "Your boy is afraid that three people will not find anyone."

"Cut, it ’s not serious to talk about it. What I said is true this time, you ... uh, I do n’t know, u said, anyway, you got to A city, you can get a job, earn more money, No man can be trusted. "

Zhou Hao remembered his words in his heart, but said, "This makes you say, as if we are not men."

"Is your house tidy? Your job is quit and there is no provident fund. I will not be able to repay more mortgages each month."

"I plan to sell it after a while."

Qian Weicheng really wanted to smash his head into a crack to see if it was filled with paste. Now that the house prices are rising, he just wanted to sell the house.

"Don't sell it, just keep it. You will sell it when the house prices are saturated. They are all 30-year-old men. They have a house, and they can say it hard."

The day before leaving, Qian Weicheng called Zhou Hao to soak his feet, and in the afternoon he also arranged a game of mahjong, saying that he would see him off.

Zhou Hao thought about the unique life in these small towns in Suchuan.


On a three-hour flight, the plane arrived in City A. Zhou Hao took two orange cats directly to the place where Jiang Yuchao lived, an apartment near the Fifth People's Hospital.

The sun was getting thick, and after getting out of the taxi, Zhou Hao dragged his suitcase and walked into the community. The noise made by the gears rubbing the ground made people more stuffy. After walking a few steps, Zhou Hao felt that his back was sticking to his clothes. It was too hot this day.

When he got downstairs in the unit, he could n’t get in without a card. There was no way. He had to call Jiang Yuxi—

"Jiang Yuyu, I'm here."

Excited over there, "Are you at the airport? I'll pick you up."

"I'm downstairs in your neighborhood. I can't get in."

"Wait for me, I'll be right there."

Zhou Hao looked up at the sky and shook his eyes. The eyes could not be opened at all. He went to the shadow of the corner and unloaded his backpack containing the cat.

The clothes were affixed to the body, which was uncomfortable. Zhou Hao lifted the neckline and fanned it, and the hot air rushed in through the collar.

At this time, a middle-aged couple came out from the unit building, the glass door opened, and then closed automatically. Zhou Hao stood straight in the shadow. He felt the eyes of the middle-aged couple and he looked up. To them, the couple walked away.

At this time, Zhou Hao couldn't help but wonder: what did he do here? How come here thousands of miles away?

But before he thought about it, Jiang Yuzhen appeared.

The man wore a high-end custom suit. Except for a little sweat on his forehead, the place was clean and neat. He came over, carrying Zhou Hao's box, and swiped into the unit building.

In the elevator, Jiang Yuxi loosened his tie and exhaled for a long time.

"Hot?" Jiang Yu looked at Zhou Hao with a smile.


The twenty-eighth floor has arrived. Zhou Hao was carrying a cat and followed Jiang Yuyu.

A couple of sandals were placed at the door, a pair of blue and a pair of black. Jiang Yuchen took out the key and said, "The blue one is yours."

The door opened, Jiang Yuzhen took off his jacket, turned on the central air conditioner, and went to the kitchen to pour two glasses of iced fruit juice.

Zhou Hao released Da Mao Er Mao, and the two guys walked happily around, this way can break them.

"Don't call me earlier." Jiang Yuzheng passed the juice.

Zhou Hao took it, groaned and drank it, "You're not at work, don't want to make you mess."

A flash of faintness appeared in Jiang Yuzhen's eyes. He sat next to the lunatic, holding him with one hand, and squinting on his cheek.

"Don't ... hot, my face is full of sweat." Zhou Hao tried to push away the man beside him.

Jiang Yuzhen was not reluctant. He picked up Zhou Hao's box and went into the bedroom. He stacked his clothes one by one into the closet and put them with him.

Zhou Hao leaned on the door of the bedroom, his gaze followed the busy man.

A man is rich, careful, and good to him. This kind of life can't be faulty. He should be content.

"Jiang Yuyu," Zhou Hao suddenly grabbed a man from behind, and put his face behind him, "is it tiring to pack your clothes?"

Jiang Yuxi turned his head and glanced at the little lunatic, and he was ecstatic. He deliberately took Joe, "Don't be troubled, hot ..."

Zhou Hao really let go of this hug, and bent over to take out the remaining clothes in the box. At this moment, Jiang Yudi threw him on the bed.

"I lie to you, I'm not too hot." Jiang Yuxi smiled naively.

Because the range of action was too large, a button was opened on the man's chest, revealing the strong muscles inside. Zhou Hao had needle eyes, and his eyes were full of Jiang Yu's meat.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhou Hao finally removed her eyes and was a little nervous, "No, nothing ..."

Jiang Yuxi lowered his head, and then realized that he quietly bit the little lunatic's ear and said, "I'll show you enough at night."

Zhou Hao shoved him away, pushing back, "I have what you have, and what's nice about it."

Jiang Yuzhen blinked, pretending to be poor and innocent, "I was wrong ..."

In the next few days, Zhou Hao was on the lookout for a job. He also knew that his personality was not suitable for foreign companies. He could not think of anything better than a hospital.

Although his education is not bad, the top three hospitals are not so good. Just in July, many hospitals in city A have recruited. He has registered online.

On Wednesday, Jiang Yuzheng released a mobile game developed by their company. After the conference, there was a grand celebration feast.

Zhou Hao stayed at home reading a book by himself, and Jiang Yuxuan's phone came over and asked him to come to the Sofitel Hotel in Sandaokou.

Zhou Hao was still carrying a noun explanation in his mouth, and he didn't even want to go back to "Don't Go", put down his mobile phone, and continued talking in his mouth.

It didn't take long for the sound of the key jack to sound outside the door. Zhou Hao wore headphones and didn't hear it.

Jiang Yubi pushed open the bedroom door, and saw the little lunatic leaning against the bedside, endorsing with his eyes closed, and babbling in his mouth. He walked over, unplugged the little lunatic's headset, and the talent discovered his existence.

"Why are you back?" Zhou Hao was surprised.

Jiang Yuzhen urged, "Relax today and stop reading. I will take you to dinner and quickly change clothes."

"Just eat at home, too lazy to move."

Jiang Yuzheng rubbed Zhou Hao's face vigorously. The mouth was squeezed and deformed. "Little conscience, didn't I tell you yesterday. Today the game is officially released, and the company has a celebration party in the evening."

Zhou Hao patted his brain, and he was so stupid as to endorse it, and he forgot about it.

"I'll change my clothes right away."

Luxurious crystal chandeliers, dazzling, five-story champagne tower, filled with light silver liquid, noble and elegant, everyone in the dress, evening dress.

Jiang Yuzheng said a few words briefly before the dinner began.

Zhou Hao was not accustomed to this kind of excitement. He walked around holding the plate for a few times, glanced at the food, and put a few pieces on the plate with his hand.

Jiang Yuxi joked, "You're not stupid, just pick expensive food."

Zhou Hao stared at him, "It's a waste if you don't eat."

Suddenly, Jiang Yuzheng's phone rang. "Haohao, I'll go out and take a call."

Holding a plate from Zhou Hao, Jiang Yuzheng talked and laughed behind the buttocks. Almost all employees were speculating about Zhou Hao's identity. They were laughing and talking, and couldn't hold back their curiosity.

A conservative guess is that one of President Jiang's friends was brave and guessed that Zhou Hao might be President Jiang's. As for the next words, it goes without saying that everyone understands it.

Cheng Jing walked to Zhou Hao with seven centimeters of high-heeled shoes. She picked up a piece of sea urchin and put it on Zhou Hao's plate. Her eyebrows were raised, her lips covered with delicate lipstick said softly, You try. "

Zhou Hao clamped the piece of sea urchin to Cheng Jinghao's plate, "I don't eat seafood."

Cheng Jing stared at Zhou Hao with sharp eyes for a few seconds, then his lip angle was tilted upwards, and smiled, "That's a pity, this thing is not something you can eat. But ... you stand by Mr. Jiang, if he wants to eat, he can get it for you. "

Zhou Hao looked coldly at the aggressive woman in front of him, "Do you hate me?"

"That's serious, I just can't see people who get it for nothing."

Cheng Jinghao left a meaningful smile, brushed around Zhou Hao, she merged into other small circles, and was chatting up with colleagues around.

Jiang Yuzhen came in from outside and saw the lunatic standing timidly. He patted him from behind.

"What now?"

Zhou Hao returned to God, "I'm full, Jiang Yuyan, I'm going back to read."

"Wait for me and I will go back."

Jiang Yuzhen clearly saw the dissatisfaction of the lunatic. He walked over and told Cheng Jinghao about the ending, and then came over to Zhou Hao, pinching the lunatic's face while no one noticed, "Go ,go home."

On the way back, Zhou Haojiu leaned back on his seat, just at the crossroads, and Jiang Yuji stepped on the brake.

Zhou Hao's body leaned forward slightly, but he still didn't open his eyes. Jiang Yuzheng rubbed the back of the little madman's hand with his thumb. He was in a hurry and full of intimacy.

"Tired?" Jiang Yuzhen asked in a deep voice.

Zhou Hao opened his eyes. "No, I'm thinking if I can't get into the hospital, what should I do?"

"You can come to my company if you don't pass the exam and be my secretary."

Zhou Hao disdain, "I have a higher education background than you, why should I be your secretary?"

"Fun for you to play, how can our family Hao Hao be a secretary."

Unintentional words gave Zhou Hao the courage to backwater. He began to brainwash himself repeatedly, failing to get into the hospital and became a unemployed young man, and had to be sick at home every day.

When I was a kid, the desperate effort to study was back.

After zero o'clock that night, Zhou Hao was still reading in the study, Jiang Yu woke up to go to the toilet at night, and found that the study light was on.

"Haohao, look at it tomorrow, it's all a little bit more." Jiang Yuchan appeared at the door of the study, his face was a confused sleepy face.

As soon as Zhou Hao looked at the time, it was almost one and a half. At the request of Jiang Yuzhen, he got up and went into the bedroom.

The two lay face to face, Jiang Yubi was half asleep and awake, and subconsciously carried the lunatic into his arms.

Zhou Hao froze in his arms, "Jiang Yu, can you hear me?"

"Um ... go to bed ..."

"You're not going to work tomorrow, you'll draw me a few questions."

"Um ... go to sleep ..."

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