Love in the wrong time

Chapter 030 Handover

I nodded and walked to chen zhongqi's office. I adjusted my breathing at the door and knocked on the door. Chen zhongqi saw that I was still expressionless, I smiled and said:" vice president chen, George asked me to ask you if there is anything else to add to this office?" "

After a minute, he put down the document in his hand and pointed to the curtains." The curtains are light blue and the coffee is latte. "

Looks like I like blue. I'll stand by and wait for him to tell me what else I need. Unexpectedly, he only looked at the documents and did not lift his head. I had to ask again, when he looked up at me and said," didn't I tell you? "

I had to say," okay, I got it. He left his office at a brisk pace, lest he should be cold.

As soon as I came out, I went to the purchasing department to see the color of the curtains. I chose a light blue curtain with a white geometric pattern to allow the buyers to fit the size, praying in my heart that vice president chen would like it. He also took two packs of coffee from the purchasing department.

When I told lieutenant Marie chen that he liked blue, she gave me a big hug. Next thing I know, I'll tell her everything chen juqi likes and dislikes in life. She felt that she shouldn' t do this, but she couldn' t stand Marie's pleading tone. This is also a secret between me and her, Marie told me not to tell other colleagues that she and chen juqi dating.

Busy work makes me feel very full, perhaps I can really do the work that George gave me, why don't you believe in yourself. I secretly cheered myself up, and when I got home I made four dishes and a soup very carefully, because I wanted to discuss with my parents-in-law about the changes in my work. I often see George working overtime, and I think that if I take over George's work overtime is inevitable. So I have to check with my family in advance, see if I don't have to cook dinner. When I told the two elders about the possible overtime problems caused by work changes, her mother-in-law put down her chopsticks immediately with a look of displeasure and said:" I was wondering what day the dinner was so sumptuous today." "

Arlo looked at me incredulously and said," no way. You've only been on duty for three months and you can do such an important job? "

Alo's disbelief made me a little angry, although I was not in the heart of the job, but at this time I need his encouragement.

Her mother-in-law looked at me sideways and said," it's not for my sake that chen believes you. Don't let him down." "My mother - in - law looked as if she wanted me to be grateful and virtuous.

The father-in-law drank a mouthful of soup and said:" these work requirements are very comprehensive, I believe you can do it, rest assured that I will do the dinner, little tree you don't have to worry." "

I looked at my father-in-law guiltily and said," for a few months, when secretary qiao comes back, I will go back to my old job." "

The father-in-law said in a firm tone," even if it's only for a month, you have to do well. It's rare to have such an opportunity." From the look of it, the father-in-law seemed to give me strength.

The mother-in-law stood up to help the father-in-law a bowl of soup, turned to me and said:" don't embarrass me, just don't do stupid things." "Then, with a look of disgust, I covered my chest with my hands and slowly blew away the hot air in the soup bowl.

Arlo leaned close to me and said," were you in charge of our bank trust business last time? "

When I heard that it was particularly harsh, my heart sank. What arlo cared about was not my hard work, but his own interests. I lowered my head and said," the trust business is in the charge of chairman chen. "

"The last time manager liu visited chen, chen told him that the trust business was left to George. George doesn't seem to like our bank. "

"I don't know. George didn't give me the business. "Actually, George was going to hand his work over to me tomorrow, and I wasn't sure if he had any trust business, but arlo asked me this with great resistance, so I turned him down first.

"Well, if not, ask George next time. "Said alo, drinking the soup.

The father-in-law put down his chopsticks and said softly," ah luo, you'd better not let ah mei touch this, lest she be in a dilemma." If your company's plan conforms to yuanshan, I think chen will give you a chance. "

Ah luo whispered," that manager liu asked me to ask ah mei to ask George out for business yesterday." You know manager liu's brother-in-law is our president. "

"Even if that's the case, don' t let ah mei come forward. Your promotion depends on your real skills, not those flowery tricks. "Said the father-in-law in a reproachful tone.

Ah luo glanced at his father-in-law and said faintly," dad, what do you mean by' flowery'? Now you don' t have any connections and can only be a nobody in the unit. If I could use your old contacts, I wouldn't be such a lousy employee now. You see, may is a mother's relationship in the yuanshan group eat more open. "

There was a hint of anger in his father-in-law's eyes as he said," ah luo, chen wen from the yuanshan group is not stupid enough to let her be an assistant because she is the teacher's daughter-in-law. That's because ah mei has the ability. And you're a dad. You're on your own. You're responsible for everything. Instead of trying to get me to pave the way for you. "

Whenever the father-in-law said something more serious arlo immediately fell silent. Her mother-in-law looked at the father-in-law and sneered," yao sheng, arlo has worked a hundred times harder than we thought." We don't want you to do anything. You don't have to worry. "

After that, he served a bowl of soup to ah luo. He took a sip and was about to say something when his mother-in-law pulled ah luo's clothes. The whole family ate in silence.

The next day when I went to work, it was obvious that all the female colleagues around me were secretly sizing me up. Everyone was full of doubts. Several female colleagues from the planning department were chatting and laughing in the pantry. As soon as I went in, I immediately fell silent. I knew they were talking about me, and their eyes told me: my job changes must have been made by shady deals.

I have a calm expression, should be appropriate, attitude as usual modest. George asked me to do all kinds of paper replies in the group's system to track the printouts. He asked me to follow up the matters decided by yesterday's shareholders' meeting and report the actual situation to the chairman in time.

After doing this, George took a copy of the chairman's schedule to me and asked me to take it to chen's office. Today's guest list was given to the front desk. George gave me an electronic key to the office of chairman chen and vice president chen, and I took it with trepidation. George said seriously," keep the key properly. Don't open their door if you have nothing to do. Don't let down chairman chen's trust in you." "

As in the past, George had given me time limits for these tasks, and it is conceivable that I was three hours late for the first time. It was only nine o 'clock in the evening when George and chen wen were about to press the elevator when they walked over. The atmosphere in the elevator was slightly awkward, and the three of them did not say a word. After exiting the elevator, chen wen asked," may, let's eat together?" "

I hesitated for two seconds and said," no need, Mr. Chen. My family has cooked. I'll go home and eat." "

After that, I nodded to him and George and turned around to leave. I drove away quickly. Back home father-in-law has helped the tree to take a bath, aloe still working overtime, I hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of rice, accompany the tree to sleep.

During the past few days of the handover, I only got home after nine o 'clock in the evening. When I got home, I was tired. My mother-in-law tried to find fault with me several times, but I pretended not to hear her because I really had no strength to say anything other than greetings.

The day I officially took over was a mess, and I didn't know what I was doing all day. Call George as soon as you get into trouble. I can imagine George on the other end of the line regretting having me take over his work.

At the same time, I also admire George in this position can do more than 20 years, secretary workload, high quality requirements, time tight. In addition, nota's group actually did not have a secretarial room, only his secretary, and the group of subordinate units, if there is no standard work procedures very high efficiency and high quality work is difficult to achieve. So I've elevated George to the rank of god. I once asked George why the group does not have a secretarial room, George told me coldly: historical reasons.

I spent two-thirds of my working time with chen. I wonder why he didn't go on business this month. He used to go on business all the time.

As soon as I got to work today, chen took me to the resort in the suburbs to listen to the work summary and work plan of the resort. The head of the resort, surnamed zhang, summed up his work for the first half of the year in very detail and spoke very clearly. I thought that the general managers of these subsidiaries that I contacted this month were all experts. Looking at the past, the whole yuanshan group was really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

After lunch, chen took me to a pure log villa built around the lake. The villa had its own hot spring medicine pond. Chen pointed to the hot spring in the room and said," this hot spring can make people feel safe. We'll go back to the office after lunch. I'm next door. If you need anything, ring the bell. "Then he left.

As soon as he left, I carefully observed the room, the color of the room is unique to the wood of the yellow, antique, very powerful. In particular, the bathroom with the hot spring was super awesome. It could even look up at the sky while soaking in the hot spring. The room was spotless.

I took off my clothes and put myself under the water. I felt at ease. I looked at the blue sky and drank my juice. After soaking in the hot spring, I decided to go to bed and take a nap. Because this bed is so soft and comfortable.

. Class =' class1' > when I slept it was dark, and I looked at my watch. It was six o 'clock in the evening. . Class =' class1' > jump off the bed and quickly tidy up. Find the mobile phone to see there are two missed calls, are father-in-law called, I called back, father-in-law told me tonight he took xiaoshu to grandma's house for . > > He told me to eat out and go back.

. Class =' class1' > I carried my bag out of the room. I didn't expect chen to be sitting on the sofa in the living room. I walked over and lowered my head." I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I overslept." .????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ...???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The time is just right. The chef at our hotel is waiting for you to get up. ...???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

. Class =' class1' > at this time I found two waiters standing on the right side of the living room, nodding and smiling at me. . Class =' class1' > I looked at chen and said," Mr. Chen, are we eating here? ...???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The dishes are all ready, of course. , Said he, getting up, and going to the dining-room, I followed him.

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