Love in the wrong time

Chapter 031 Background

Indeed, there was a table full of delicious food on the table, and my stomach was growling at the right time. Perhaps it was because she was extremely hungry after soaking in the hot spring. Chen wen smiled as he helped me with the food." You are so good at eating, but you are not fat." "

Chen wen has been helping me with the dishes, my heart is half grateful and half scared, I took the soup bowl from his hands with a gentle look instead of just distant looked at him and said:" yes, I can eat as brother, but as thin as bean sprouts, relatives think mom hungry us." "

Chen wen asked curiously," do you have a brother?" "

I am very proud to say:" yes"

I don't know what's wrong with having a brother, because when he heard I had a brother, his eyes started to tear away.

I looked at him like that and didn't say anything more. After eating, I got up and got back to my senses. I asked the waiter for a cup of warm water and sat on the sofa waiting for chen.

Chen wen asked for a cup of warm water and sat opposite me. He looked at me and said," sit down for a while and then go back. Do you want to call your family?" "

A flash of surprise passed through my mind." Yes, I did. "

Chen wen let two waiters go out first, I immediately became nervous. So I looked down at the willows outside the house were blowing in the air, I feel chen wen has something to say to me, so sit quietly.

After a moment of silence, he said softly," you must be very curious about how chen zhongqi is my brother! "

I raised my head in surprise and looked at him suspiciously. In fact, I am not at all curious about chen zhongqi. I am surprised that chen wen asked me this question.

He smiled gently and said softly," I am his half-brother and he is exactly my father's illegitimate child in foreign countries. "

I opened my mouth subconsciously and chen continued," I was four years older than him, and I knew he existed when I was ten years old. On the first year of high school dad let me and he meet, we do not have any estrangement, soon became a good brother, dad is also very gratified. "

I said," is your mother sad? "

He was very stunned, probably really did not expect that I would ask this question, he looked at me, then looked out of the window, after a long time, still quietly said:" actually, I am also an illegitimate child." Or an illegitimate child through a deal. He looked calm, but there was sorrow in his eyes.

I covered my mouth with my hands and looked at him in horror. My mind went blank and I sat quietly. Then a hint of sadness flashed through my heart.

He didn't say anything but looked at me with a calm look. I felt very uneasy, and I didn't know why he looked at me like that.

I calm heart said:" I heard others say that the old chairman's wife loves you very much!" I turned my head a few times, but could find nothing else to say, and sat still. She secretly blamed herself in her heart. If she didn' t sleep too much, she would have left work early. Now, this situation was not good enough to bring her back to the city.

Time seemed to stop, and after a long time I sighed softly. Chen wen looked at me and finally said after a long time," when I went to the united states to study, I accidentally found that my blood type is different from my mother." She still doesn't know that I know she's not my real mother. "

I whispered," do you know your real mother? "

Chen thought for a long time and said," yes, uncle li was still a housekeeper at my house. He told me everything. That woman was so vain that she made a deal with my mother for money that she slept with my father and gave her half a million dollars after I was born, and she married someone else after a few years. "

"Why did madam president want to make a deal with her? I knew I was wrong

Chen wen was slightly stunned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with displeasure," she can' t bear children, that's why she accepted it. During that woman's pregnancy, her mother also became pregnant, so in the eyes of outsiders, I am the genuine young master of the chen family. When my father was young, he was always merciful. His mother gave birth to him because she loved him so much. Why would juki's mother keep juki by her side, but that woman couldn't keep me by her side. "Then he hit the sofa hard.

"Have you seen her? ' I asked softly

Chen wen smiled but didn' t smile. His eyes were deep and uncertain." I found her five years ago, and now she's still vain. Looking at her now, I' m glad she's not by her side. "

I sighed with emotion in my heart." She must have had a hard time. How is she?" What mother doesn't love her children. "

Chen wen looked at each other angrily as if he still had a faint hatred in his eyes." What kind of trouble is it not all for money?" "

My heart suddenly tight said:" she has children?" "

Chen was almost furious and said," yes, and a grandmother. "

I said," oh, have you tried to find her? Ask around why she did it back then? "

"Now I look at her happy life and wish I could crush it and ruin it. She doesn't deserve a happy life. She should live in the dark. His cold eyes made me afraid. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Chen wen gave me the impression that the flower heart is steady with the warmth of the sun, and today he is cold and indifferent with a bit of gloom. The mouth of every speech has a hint of cold, I am more and more nervous.

Chen wen sneered and said," when I didn' t know my background, I used a condescending gaze and even pity to speak to the public. I'm not even as good as him, he was born of love, and I was born of profit, a heaven, a hell. "Then she covered her face and wept.

I drew a tissue and went to his side, he quickly hugged me, I half knelt on the sofa, he sat, his head buried in my arms and cried. I took a deep breath in surprise, hands do not know where to put. Just like this, let him hold me tightly, his back was hard to grasp the pain. What should I do? I could only lower my head and frown.

Half an hour later, he let go of me. He stood up and walked to the bathroom. I also took care of my clothes. My chest was wet with a large area, plus his unique perfume smell. My body is full of his smell, thinking to go back if aloe can smell it can do? I took a tissue desperately wipe clothes, fortunately the clothes thin soon dry, but his perfume is still there.

He walked out of the bathroom and was back to the usual chen wen. This style of painting has changed too quickly, I once suspected that he was just to eat my tofu made up. If it was true, I would be the third person to know his background. Why would he tell me? I couldn't figure it out.

Chen wen picked up the report and gestured for me to take it. He told me to send the report to the group's system tomorrow. I carefully took the report from his hands, whispered:" Mr. Chen, are we going back to the city?" "

"Yes, right away. "No one could tell from his facial expression the sadness, the heartache, the hatred.

I walked quickly in front of him, the car must I drive, if he is a big variable, I opened the front passenger seat door let him sit up. As soon as I got on the bus, I knew it was 11: 20. As soon as the car drove out of the resort, I stepped on the gas pedal fiercely. There were very few cars around the city in the suburbs, so I kept the speed at 120 yards. As soon as I got in the car, chen's phone didn't stop. I was a little scared when I saw the sparsely populated highway and the night sky. Chen wenxin, who had been completely different just now, tightened her grip and unconsciously stepped on the accelerator. The car went 180 yards fast. Am I crazy? Chen wen, who was on the phone, pointed to the speedometer, so I relaxed the throttle and kept the speed at 100 yards.

To the city, chen put away the phone, with his hand touched my face clip said:" you just drove so fast, is everything okay?" "

"Nothing. "I answered guiltily, and as soon as I got to the company parking lot, I got out of the car and got on the horse and said," goodbye, Mr. Chen. "

I could hear chen's laughter behind me as I trotted in the direction of my car.

I strolled all the way home, and at the door I tidied up my hair and clothes. As soon as I opened the door and didn't expect arlo to be back, I took a quick shower. She called ah luo, but no one answered. She thought that he might be driving. I lay on the bed thinking about the authenticity of chen's life, can not find any reason he told me, if it is true why he told me.

Plus, I couldn't sleep without little tree by my side today. At two o 'clock arlo still didn't come home and didn't answer my phone. I have a faint worry about alo is not something wrong, except for business he has never spent the night outside. In this fear, I fell asleep at 4: 00 in the morning. At 6: 30 the alarm went off at exactly the right time, and I pressed off the alarm and felt if arlo was coming back. Ah luo did not go home all night, I thought that ah luo might be afraid to wake up late so sleep on the sofa in the living room, went to the living room sofa empty. I knocked on her mother's room, her mother looked at me sleepily, when she heard the whole night did not return when she hurriedly picked up the phone, as if to think of something and then put the phone back to the original position. Look at me and say," did you come home after 12: 00 last night? "

Are you kidding me? Arlo didn't come home all night. Instead of looking for her first, you blamed me for coming home at 12: 00.

Seeing that she wasn' t nervous at all, she could tell that she knew where ah luo had gone. So he asked patiently," did arlo tell you where to go? "

"Where can he go? Of course he's working overtime at work. Why did you come back so late last night? Where were you going? ' She asked angrily

I said grumpily," I work overtime too! "

She rolled her eyes at me and said," what class do you have to work in? Don't think that you have an old woman to support you. Don't forget who gave you the job. "

Are you kidding? Her son works overtime for the family, and I work overtime becomes all wrong.

She glanced at me from the corner of her eye and continued," you went out with that li yue last night. How many times have I told you that a woman like li yue is not serious at first sight. She told you not to be with her. Instead of listening, you're getting better and better with her. You're trying to piss me off. "

"I didn't go out with li yue. ' I said aloud.

After that, he came out of the room and called ah luo again. When he called the second time, he answered the call. When he answered the call, I said grumpily," why don't you go home?" "

Ah luo's tired voice came from the other end of the phone: I worked overtime last night. I slept in the office.

I said disdainfully," why aren't you answering my phone? "

"I didn't hear that. I was so tired that I fell asleep in the office. "

Last night arlo did not go home, think of the last time I was out of the house when his performance, just a moment ago I was in a trance that arlo had a woman outside, and this woman is he chun. However, when she heard his tired voice, she denied the suspicion in her heart and couldn' t help but believe that ah luo didn' t come home because she was working overtime at the office. Then all the doubts in my heart disappeared.

I changed my mind." Shall I bring you some breakfast?" "

"No, just a little. I'll be home early today. "

I smiled bitterly and said," well, come home early tonight. "

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