Love is Sweet

Chapter 40

"If you want to live, you have to. If you like to be a single mother, I'll pay the child's alimony to the age of 18 in one lump sum, and then we'll be rich. Don't let me see you again! "

"I want to marry you, I don't want anything else!" Jonah insisted on his smile: "you are also a smart man. You don't understand. If you don't mention your father's trivial affairs, I won't marry you with your glorious history before."

"What do you mean?" She asked, "how many people did you go with before you and me? You treat me as Yin Zhe and hold you as a pure saint. What kind of woman will ask for money and things after sleeping with a man

"Asshole!" She waved and hit him. He raised his hand to block it and said coldly, "hit me, you don't deserve it!"

"Who's right, Mr. Jiang? I'm tired of being in Yin Zhe's arms now. If you want to be beaten, people don't have time to do it!"

He narrowed his eyes. "You've been thinking about people for a long time. Is it true that I've been a pure girl? Do you think she is? I've been living in Yin's house all day. Maybe several children have been lost Ah Jonah covered her face and looked at him incredulously

"It's not that easy!" She was red eyed. "You have to be responsible!"

"Be responsible, OK, you make an offer!"

Joana glared at him for a long time and said, "let the procuratorate withdraw the prosecution against me!"

"Didn't you get involved in your father's business? But how can I hear that most of the funds are invested and operated by your hands, and the penalty is more than 10 years! "

"Don't talk nonsense. I know you have a way When I'm sure I'm ok, I'll do it! "

"Do you have a plan?" He asked, "think about it, and then help me do the permanent residence!"

"You think I'm the president of the United States? I'll give you the green card if you want it? "

"Then, I will go with Yin zhe!" She gave him a smile that made him shiver.

For several days after that day, he couldn't sleep well. In the middle of the night, he often woke up with a cold sweat and no sleepiness. He hadn't contacted Jiang Jun for a long time. He didn't even dare to answer her phone. He knew that he thought about her and that his silence would make her more painful. But he was still biting his teeth to escape. At this stage, what else could he say and do? She is no longer a little girl who pursues his round brother. When she grows up, she falls in love with others, no longer needs him, no longer depends on her, and even can hurt him at all costs for his love. He can't help it. Looking at her further and further away, she leaves him only his back. When he was half awake, he would think that if he had told her directly that he loved her, would there be a different ending?

When she saw Jiang Jun again, she showed him the photos at a loss. She talked incoherently about JONA's past. She kept lowering her head and saying, "I'm sorry!" Sorry? Sorry what? To put it bluntly, it is not for the sake of her and Yin Zhe's happiness that she is trapped in JONA and prison.

At that time, he wanted to tell her everything, so many years of forbearance and persistence, only a sorry? Forget it, he said to himself, too tired, completely free it, tell her the truth, tell her that he loves her, all the things are brought out by him, what Jonah, what love hurt, go to his mother Yuanyuan brother, do not love him, hate him, completely away from him, no longer contact, no longer meet, this life has nothing to do with.

Can it be broken? "No, he can't, just holding her, then the heart softened, tears fell on his chest, she laughed sadly:" someone to help you punish me! " She said so.

At that moment he made up his mind.

He saw with his own eyes the ball of flesh and blood packed in glassware taken out of the operating room. Such a cold-blooded mother, such a cruel father, has no love, only calculation, no warmth, only trade. He was born with a tragic fate. He made a phone call outside the operating room to inform the prosecutor's office that the investigation into JONA could be restarted and left.

It's over. It's over.

In another ward of the hospital lies Jiang Jun, she finally fell head and blood, she gave up all the love, cheap enough to offset a lie.

He sat by her side, holding her hand on the side of her face, "Jun Jun" he called softly, infinite bitterness. Tears fall from the fingers.


Hey hey, you know brother Yuanyuan's power. There are perfect men in the world.


"sleep well!" Jiang Junshu murmured in Yuan Shuai's arms, "it's just a dream, just wake up!"

"Go to sleep, wake up and nothing will happen!" He patted her on the back.

It's dawn and there's no dream, because no one can sleep.

"Didn't you sleep well yesterday?" Du handed her a cup of tea. "Why are your eyes so dark?"

"Not bad!" She sighed, "Du, find me something to do. I feel my fighting spirit is asleep!"

"Well, I'm afraid your fighting spirit will be tired and sick again!" He pointed to a pile of documents on the table and said with a smile that Jiang Jun picked it up and looked at it. He threw it back in boredom: "is there any challenge? These assistant girls can do it!"He hit her on the head. "No nonsense, you ask her to make one for me, and I'll give her a raise immediately What do you think of the people's Bank of China? "

"Let's go to talk with Liu. You'd better be charming enough to take her down directly, and then you'll be relieved!"

"With your strategy?" He saw her open eyes and waved her hand, "OK, OK, don't say, don't say, let's meet her tomorrow!"


"You go to the upstairs room to sleep for a while. You make yourself like a ghost. Yin zhe will arrive in the afternoon. He will do these things. Just keep an eye on him!" Du said, "OK!" She replied feebly, and floated out of the room. Yin Zhe's arrival seemed to give a shot of stimulant to the dead office. After a long time of drying, the flowers surrounded him, asking for warmth. Looking at the scene of women fighting for spring outside the office, Jiang Jun laughed and joked at Du, "you are a younger brother, more popular than you, and your ranking has fallen sharply recently!"

Du snorted, took out a box of cigars and shook it at her.

"Don't tempt me, I quit. The fact is in front of me. Uncle type cooked men are not popular any more."

"That's because you don't know how to appreciate it. It's strange that you can rely on it!" He lit his cigar leisurely and looked out of the window with disdain.

"Are you going to get Yin zhe here?"

"Can't you help me? The boy has made rapid progress, but he has offended many old people in Hong Kong

"Someone to watch me?" She fiddled with the match on Du's desk. "I'm afraid I'll rebel."

Du reached out to gather the matches she had been playing with and said casually, "watch you? He's your inside man. I'm an outsider in front of you

"Nonsense She laughed and threw the match at him. "You are brothers. What am I?"

"Beauty brings disaster!" Du hides and laughs at the same time. You make fun of each other. Until Yin zhe knocks on the door, he stops his emotions and discusses business.

Yin zhe seems to think that GT's move to withdraw from IBD business in mainland market is unbelievable, insisting that it is a conspiracy.

Jiang Jun frowned and didn't say a word. He motioned du to explain with his eyes.

Du was also helpless to Yin Zhe's obstinacy: "Juno, aren't you dating someone?" He said, "Oh, it's too late. I'll go first. I'll see you at 9:00 tomorrow morning." She left.

MH and GT's office is very close, she called Yuan Shuai before she went out and told him to wait for her downstairs.

Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam on the road, so she called him again and told him to come down later, but no one answered the phone. When the car got to the GT downstairs, she saw yuan Shuai Zheng talking to a woman in red. She gave the car to the parking attendant and walked over with her clothes full of "come and pull!" Seeing her, Yuan Shuai immediately met her and said, "well, can I go?"

"Hello!" The woman in red turned and asked yuan Shuai, "my wife, this is Tina, a new marketing colleague of the company." Yuan Shuai introduced Dao. Jiang Jun said hello with a smile. He took up yuan Shuai's arm affectionately. Yuan Shuai immediately leaned on her and said, "well, I'll go first. You can directly communicate with your boss about specific matters."

The woman looked them up and down: "see you tomorrow!" Then he turned around and left.

"How rude!" Jiang Jun discontented to push aside the disabled "you dare to recruit bees to guide the dish, I beat you half paralyzed!"

Liu Dan didn't disappoint her as expected. Jiang Jun and Du waited for nearly two hours, but they didn't even enter the gate of the people's Bank of China. The colleagues in charge of contact looked at Du's increasingly long face and were about to commit heart disease. They tried their best to contact her by phone. The reason they could get was that Liu was in a meeting.

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