Love is Sweet

Chapter 41

Jiang Jun is sitting in the star buk outside the shopping mall, blowing the air conditioner and drinking the juice leisurely.

"You knew that would happen?" Du asked her with a black face, "how?" She blinked innocently. "When you come, you pull me here and pretend. What the hell is going on?"

"Don't worry, the good play is in the back." She looked at the time, took out the phone call directly to Liu Dan's boss, a greeting.

Five minutes later, the Secretary of the director went to the cafe to meet them in person. She went to the bathroom to put on lipstick and followed Du into the door.

Liu Dan is smart. When the director personally led Jiang Jun to appear in front of her, she immediately knew that Jiang Jun was not easy to be provoked. Of course, she had already prepared for it. In front of the leadership, she pointed out that there was a deficiency in the MH declaration documents. Jiang Jun gently touched Du, and Du immediately stated that he would submit the supplementary information as soon as possible, and he would discuss the global economy and the important position of MH in the world investment bank I made a speech with a high attitude.

"Liu Dan, we should try our best to help them solve their problems. The development of foreign banks in China will greatly promote the improvement of China's financial market." Liu Dan, of course, did not dare to listen to the director's speech and approved the reply on the spot.

"Thank you, Liu Chu When parting, Jiang Jun politely thanks "should be!" Liu Dan held her hand back, and the electric light and flint were on the verge of firing.

"You really have a way of doing it Du, who did not speak for a long time after leaving the gate, said, "even the directors of the people's Bank of China are smiling at you. I used to be too old to break the ground!"

Jiang Jun laughed: "can I be so confident without your backing?"

"Come on, I don't have such a big idea. I'll leave the domestic business to you in the future. You can do it yourself!" He was a little discontented and said, "don't be so careful. Can I find out the palm of your hand? Go, I'll treat you to dinner She knew she had to pull him into the car.

"Why are you driving so fast?" Du is a little afraid to release the handle above the window.

"Schumacher is my senior brother!" When she saw the red light go out, she put her foot on the accelerator and rushed out of the white line Du stood at the door of a dilapidated courtyard. Jiang Jun pointed out that the walls were so fast that they could not see the color of the scarlet letter: "restaurants, authentic palace dishes, generally do not invite you here if you have a bad relationship!"

She took the lead to walk in and yelled, "master, I'm here for dinner!"

"You are the boss of this girl!" The old man in the mouth of Jiang Jun asked "yes!" Du put down his chopsticks a little at a loss. He didn't know the identity of the other party, but from the familiarity between him and Jiang Jun, the relationship between them was not general.

"Eat. Eat Old man fan fan fan smile, Mimi's greeting: "the meal point is too early, I have no other good material, make do with it, you girl come don't say in advance!"

"You can give me a bowl of noodles, I have thought for a long time. It's like rain in the middle of the night!" Jiang Jun had nothing to eat. After taking the old man to the kitchen, Du looked around and found that the walls were full of pictures of heads of state and business and political celebrities, leaving a message "where is this?"

"Ask so many why, some eat good, tell you, our MH boss came here to eat, did not book a seat!" Jiang Jun said vaguely, "didn't you say you wanted to retire in a few years? I'll find you an investment channel and discuss with the old man about opening a branch store in Hong Kong to make sure you count your money until you are soft! "

"What? You told me to open a restaurant? "

"Why are you so lofty? The old man is a high-level student from Tsinghua University. He is a professor of Applied Mathematics in Zhenger Bajing. The so-called" small hermit in the wild, big hidden in the city ", that's what he said

"What's good for you?" Du asked, "you also know that I have a restaurant in Hong Kong. The location is first-class, and the quality of the staff is very good. The fat and water do not flow to other people's fields. How about I transfer it to you?" Jiang Jun said the real purpose, "you are so clever in your calculation!" Du exclaimed, "are you going to take root in Beijing?"

"My house is here. Where can I go?"

"In this way, you can take a stake in the restaurant decoration and the old man. I'll take care of the rest. How about four or six profits?"

"It's a deal!" She raised her glass and said, "the contract will be signed when you go back. I wish you a smooth cooperation."

"It will be!" Du drank it with a smile


with a smile Finally, the topic returned to the preparation of MH China branch company. Jiang Jun could see that Du was very interested in her contacts in Beijing. She staged the play of lending Dongfeng today. First, she wanted to warn Liu Dan not to be too arrogant. No one or two backers would come out. Second, in order to enhance Du's confidence, there is no problem with the domestic high-level relations. As long as he supports her, she can create a new one The whole world.

Du listens carefully to Jiang Jun's blueprint. He has always trusted her, and even he himself has some unthinkable trust. She always has a calm and calm demeanor, and she turns into a devil in a critical moment. Over the years, she has been fighting for him in the western countries. It can be said that without her Juno, he would not have been able to sit in his present position so quickly. Her ability is obvious to all. She never conceals anything in front of him. However, the situation today has shocked him. She has only taken over the domestic work for nearly two years, and most of her time has been in Hong Kong From her attitude, she has more than that in her contacts. How many things does he not know? But it doesn't matter. She won't harm him. He has long found that she seems to care nothing about what ordinary people want. She is not greedy for money, and her power is far away. Everything seems to her like a game. Her diligence and hard work seem to be just trapped in the role of a game.Is he part of her game?

"In addition, I will attend the reception for the establishment of GT China branch. Anyway, I can't hide it. The company depends on you She said in a flattering way, "the situation of the previous period has not been so popular. You asked me to tell the boss," Juno and Zeus are a couple. "Isn't this a death hunt He came back to his mind and said, "sooner or later, it is better to say earlier than later, and to say it yourself is better than others. What's more, the current situation is favorable to our side, and the publicity between me and him proves that I have a clear conscience."

"Why didn't you say it earlier, since you had figured out how to go?" Du was dissatisfied with the tapping of his fingers on the table. "Now things are all together, isn't it to find trouble for yourself?" He knew what she said was right. She never did anything rashly. Now it is clear that this matter is to clear the way for her in MH future. Those who want to grasp her will hear about her relationship with Zeus sooner or later. Instead of being passive at that time, it is better for them to take the initiative.

Jiang Jun was a little bit unreasonable and said, "it didn't happen before Anyway, it's just like this. It's not the way to hide and tuck in. It's the best policy to confess! "

Du didn't listen to Juno carefully. He suddenly thought that her family didn't show up when she was ill. And yesterday Jay accidentally revealed that Zeus was her distant cousin, and that Zeus and Jay had a relationship. Things became more and more complicated, but the more it was, the more beneficial it was for him, right? As long as she is still with him, there are opportunities. It is not so easy to work with MH, open a restaurant, and want to run.

Jiang Jun was seen by Du hair suddenly stand, uncomfortable touch face: "what's the matter?" She asked du to think about it and said, "nothing, just thinking about what kind of family can give birth to a baby like you!"

"What do you mean?" She was alert. "I've never heard you talk about your family!" Du said, "it's not a rich family, what to show off!" She pretended to be indifferent and said Du laughed. Knowing that she didn't want to say more, she stopped asking, "well, it's time to return to the original owner." He pushed the mobile phone that she had given him before to Jiang Jun.


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