Love, Jerk, and Affair

Chapter 19:Let's get divorce

Adriana seemed to be dreaming, what she had just heard seemed to answer all the doubts in her heart to Mark, even the new fact that her husband only made her an outlet seemed to make the hatred in her heart very strong. disappointed, hurt, feeling cheated and fooled by fake love, made the young mother lose her temper.

"Adriana, since when were you here?" asked Mark with a surprise.

"It's long enough and makes me quite understand who you are," said Adriana curtly.

immediately Mark fell silent to swallow his saliva. "What do you mean, Honey, I don't understand?" he asked, pretending to be stupid.

"I've heard everything, you bastard!" said Adriana with an angry gaze, then waved her hand on Mark's face.


"I can explain everything, Honey," said Mark, holding his cheek which felt hot from Adriana's slap.

Adriana was disgusted by seeing Mark's face as if he was stupid, pretending not to know, calling her "Honey" but it only made her an outlet. she burst into tears and ran to her room.


In the room, Adriana was crying uncontrollably while putting her clothes and Evan's clothes into the suitcase. She decided to leave, feeling there was no point in holding on. The words of Mark, who only felt sorry for her, not because of love during the ark of the marriage, seemed to ring in Adriana's ears. The young mother felt very deeply disappointed and hurt her husband whom she had loved so much.

Imagine when Maura took Mark when she was taking care of Evan only accompanied by Dave and Zach, the fact that Mark did not leave town but was having an affair, seemed to keep running through her mind. At first, she was just suspicious, but all the joy was true. of course, the young mother's heart seemed to be shattered. she was helpless to hold on.

Mark followed Adriana to the room and saw her packing, he immediately stopped her.

"Adriana, what are you going to do?" asked Mark as he grabbed Adriana's hand to stop her activities.

"I'll get out of here!" Adriana replied firmly while waving Mark's hand to release his grip, then she returned to put her clothes into the suitcase.

"What do you mean to go? I can explain everything!" Mark insisted on preventing Adriana.

"WHAT WILL YOU EXPLAIN?" snapped Adriana, then she pushed her husband away from her.

"You just think of me as your toy and give me fake love. You don't love me, don't love me and our child sincerely. What am I holding out for while you are starting to confuse, I'm tired of your play!" Adriana was bursting with pain, she was still crying as she put her clothes into a suitcase.

"I'm sorry and please don't go, we can talk about this well, honey," Mark coaxed, staring at Adriana who turned his back.

"Everything is clear. Let me go!" replied Adriana.

Mark seemed confused to see his wife who was leaving the house and like there was no apology for him. "You are my wife, don't ever go away from me."

Adriana, who had finished tidying up her clothes, immediately turned to glare at her husband. "Then what about your beloved Maura, are you planning a polygamy program? How evil you are! I won't let Evan live with my stepmother! We better get divorced and Evan will come with me!"

Mark just gasped in silence because he had run out of words to prevent Adriana. What his wife said seemed to undermine his determination to prevent.

Adriana immediately dragged her suitcase out of the room. Mark also caught up with fast steps.

"Please don't be reckless, think about this carefully, Honey!" persuaded Mark while following Adriana who was at the door.

Adriana turned to stare at Mark with her eyes still crying. "If you feel sorry for me, divorce me! Aren't you just feeling sorry for me all this time?"

Mark fell silent again. Adriana's words were true but he felt it was hard to let her go.

seeing Mark frozen with just a sad look at her, Adriana immediately opened the door and walked out through the living room. However, her steps were stopped when Dave got in her way.

"Where are you going, Adriana?" Dave asked, staring at the suitcase that his sister-in-law was dragging.

"I've got to go, I'm tired of all this, Dave!" Adriana replied as she grabbed Evan from the arms of the maid who came over to her, then left when she handed Evan over.

"Have you thought about this carefully?" asked Dave again.

"Let her go, it's up to her!" said Margareth. Ah. The fierce in-law seemed happy that her daughter-in-law was leaving.

"But ..." said Dave who was not willing his sister-in-law and nephew to leave.

"Let me go, Dave. I'm unwanted here," said Adriana who was carrying Evan. The boy just silently stared at his mother who was still sobbing.

Dave, who could not bear to see his sister-in-law and nephew, offered to take her, "I'll take you."

Adriana did not respond to her brother-in-law. She immediately walked out of the house without saying goodbye to her in-laws or husband.

"What kind of drama is this again? Before it was Mark who liked him, now Dave is also tempted!" Byanca said in a rather high tone meant to insinuate Adriana.

Adriana and Dave who heard Byanca's words immediately stopped their steps, then turned to glare at the girl.

"KEEP YOUR WORD OR I WILL KICK YOU!" Dave snapped as he glared at his younger sister who was always be the stove in all matters, he didn't care if his mother saw him yell at his younger brother.

"Come on, Adriana. I also don't feel comfortable here!" exclaimed Dave as he led Adriana out of the house.

Mark just didn't flinch while looking at the departure of Adriana and Evan. He felt a tightness in his chest, felt that something precious from his life had gone. However, the man was unable to prevent it, because he did not sincerely love his wife.

"I'm sorry, Adriana," he thought.

While in the car, Adriana was silent but still sobbing. Sometimes she wiped her tears with her hand, while Evan continued to stare at her with pity.

"Mommy," Evan called out as he rubbed his crying mother's cheek.

Dave, who was focused on driving, stopped the car.

"Please stop crying, Adriana. Aren't you sorry for Evan?" Dave tries to emphasize to Adriana not cry in front of Evan because he feels sorry for his nephew who keeps seeing his mother crying.

"This is so difficult, Dave. I can't just accept this fact right away Even though it's my decision, I can't deny my sadness. We were together for several years, of course, there are too many memories. I need time to accept all of this." Adriana massaged her head which felt dizzy. she was dizzy from crying and was quite surprised by the situation she had never expected.

Adriana exhaled roughly, then kissed Evan's forehead. 'I'm sorry, Honey,' she thought, then gave the child to Dave's lap.

"Take care of him for a moment, I want to calm down for a moment," pleaded Adiana. she immediately opened the door and got out without waiting for Dave's approval.

Adriana stood leaning behind the car, closing her eyes and catching her breath. She tried to assuage her anger that had been burning because of the burning reality. Of course! any woman will burn her heart when she finds out that her husband is not sincere in giving love, even unfaithful.

'I must be strong! Because this is my choice. Maybe after this, I won't continue to hold back the turmoil in my heart. maybe by divorcing, there will be happiness for me someday,' thought Adriana then rubbed her face and pushed her hair back.

After feeling calmer, Adriana was about to get back into the car. However, a car stopped right in front of her.

Adriana narrowed her eyes, staring at the figure coming out of the car

"Zach," muttered Adriana, staring lazily at the man.

"Why are you here, where's Evan?" asked Zach.

"He was in the car with Dave" replied Adriana with a flat gaze.

"Where are you guys going, as far as I know, this isn't the way to Mark's house?" asked Zach again. He watched Adriana's face, which was swollen as if she had been crying.

"I ... I want to go to my mother's house," said Adriana with her face lowered.

Zach frowned and asked, "why?"

"I'm going to get a divorce," said Adriana.

"What ... divorce?"

"Yes," said Adriana. "I must immediately continue my trip now,"

Adriana immediately got into the car before Zach responded to her answer. She was reluctant to continue her conversation with the man. Because definitely will lecture her.

"Come on, take me to my mother's house, Dave," Adriana exclaimed as she entered the car.

Dave immediately returned Evan to sit on Adriana's lap. after that he drove his car to his sister-in-law's mother's house which was quite far from where he lived.

Zach stared at the car that took Adriana far out of sight, he was silent as he thought of the woman who was always in his heart.

'What has happened to your marriage? You said Mark was always nice to you, but you will get divorce, why are you covering up Mark's ugliness from me? ' thought Zach.

Zach got back into the car and immediately drove it toward the house. During the trip, he was still thinking about Adriana and cursing himself who wanted to be with her but was afraid. The man was afraid that his cousin would like her again if he dared to approach her.

if Zach was with Adriana, surely she would often meet with Jack, because his house was not far from his cousin's house.

Jack will laugh at him or bother her because he's just as jerk as Mark, even though he already has a wife, he still often teases other women.

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