He Yu said to Li Yang,"I will definitely live up to your hope and I will persist in practicing. But how the function of Qi can be run from the lower Dantian to the palm of the hand and released,

I really feel it is too mysterious. Incredible." impossible to do"

"This is the biggest difficulty in practicing internal strength, and it is also the most critical step."

When I started practicing, I never did that.

The master said that as long as I think about generating energy in the body, he asked me to think about the energy flowing from the lower Dantian, to the middle Dantian, to the upper Dantian, and then to the arms, and then use force to Energy is released from the palm of my hand.

In this way, a lot of heat energy is generated in the palm of my hand. Thinking is an idea. Without this idea, the heat energy accumulated in the body cannot be released.

I will show it to you now and let you feel the palm of my hand. How powerful the heat energy is released."

Li Yang said, thinking about his luck, and then let out a breath. He pointed his palm at He Yu's back, and

He Yu suddenly felt a strong flow of heat entering his body.

He Yu said:"How come your skills are so strong?"

"You don’t know that my master has been teaching me how to practice since I entered Baoguo Temple, and I have been practicing for more than thirty years now. And never stops"

"I see, that’s why your skills are so strong"

"Let me tell you, practicing this kind of internal strength not only strengthens the body, but the energy released from the palms can also cure diseases."

"Can it still cure diseases?

It makes me feel even more amazing!"He Yu said

"It's amazing. I've treated people with rheumatism and minor kick injuries."

"My calf was bruised when I went up the stairs two days ago. It still hurts a little. Please relieve it and treat it."

Li Yang got lucky first, and then aimed at He Yu's injured part and deflated.

He Yu suddenly felt a heat flow penetrated the muscles to the bones.

After a while, the pain was relieved, and he slowly felt It no longer hurts.

He Yu said:"It's amazing!"

"Not magical at all, because of the heat energy that was released from my body. It’s difficult to relax the muscles, activate blood circulation, and disperse blood stasis. Doesn’t Chinese medicine say that if there is pain, there will be no pain, and if there is pain, there will be no pain? The energy I release can clear the meridians and open up the blood vessels.

So it can also cure rheumatism.

But to cure rheumatism, it is not done once or twice, but dozens of times, even if you have little skill.

You have to practice for five or six years. And you have to persist every day to cure rheumatism."

"As long as it can cure rheumatism. Even practicing for ten years will do.

Anyway, I believe hard work pays off."He Yu said

"I trust you!

You have good physique and understanding. As long as you have determination and patience, you can do it.

I have taught you all the essentials and basic skills. Just follow my instructions and practice slowly.

Come back to me when your training is over. Let me see what you become through cultivation.

I can't accompany you anymore.

I have too many things going on.

Practice when you have time.

As you said, hard work pays off."

"All right!

Then thank you!

It's really rare to meet you.

If I hadn't come to Xi'an Jiaotong University for training,

I might never have seen you again in this life.

It's true that we are destined to meet you here.

Good friends who have been playing around together in elementary school for more than 20 years finally meet here.

I will definitely live up to your hopes and practice hard. Achievements in cultivation"

"You really deserve to be a teacher, good at speaking.

It’s not like me, who just reads the scriptures non-stop throughout the day.

Learned little about other aspects of knowledge."

He Yu has been practicing on the grass every night since he left Li Yang.

Teacher Yang said to Teacher Zhang,"This He Yu seems to be obsessed with something.

He squatted motionless with his two feet and raised his palms flat in front of his chest."

Teacher Zhang said:"He is doing the exercises. I didn't see him for several nights. I don't know who he was looking for to learn the exercises from.、"

"It turned out to be practicing!

I don’t know why he is so interested in practicing Qigong!

Baoguo Temple is right next door, so he might have gone to the temple to find a monk to teach him how to practice Qigong," said Teacher Zhang.


This He Yu wants to learn everything, he is really an all-rounder."

It's really rare to meet a primary school classmate and teach him a complete set of skills to strengthen his body and keep fit.

This is a rare and good opportunity.

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