2. The Lord is with you (47)

Mr. Guilford’s spirit with the sword was ferocious. It was as good as a complete weapon in itself.

Taking advantage of the surprise attack, they succeeded in rescuing the saintess, but after that, the outcome could not be guaranteed. A cold sweat ran down my forehead as I glared at Mr. Gilford.

There were no gaps. It looks like he is panicking with his wrists stamped on an axe, but the speed at which his posture and breathing are in order is different.

The academy students he had been dealing with so far felt like children.

This is the power of experience.

In terms of skills alone, the level of academy students is far higher, but there was a reason why they were differentiated by even adding the word ‘enrolled student’.

It was because it was still an immature grain.

No matter how good your skills are, if you lack experience, you will not be able to respond to all kinds of variables in actual combat. It was also in this context that I had to understand that it was necessary to go through practice throughout the fourth year to gain practical experience.

Out of all the ones I’ve dealt with so far, the only ones who had a lot of practical experience were Delphine and Elsie. However, even the two seniors were not up to the old prosecutor with decades of experience.

Mr. Guilford had a gloomy countenance.

He stared at me blankly for a long time, then let out a deep sigh and pleaded.

“Brother Ian, can’t you pretend you didn’t know for once? If they leave this orphanage, those children will have nowhere to go. You will either end up on the streets, or you will be exploited and killed by the vicious orphanage director.”


In fact, I didn’t know much about the reality of orphans. The explanation that I hadn’t had a chance to pay attention so far might have been correct.

Until now, the only sentiment I had toward the orphans was compassion. If it was lazy, it was a lazy perception. Understanding the suffering of the weak was not possible with a short thought.

Perhaps what Mr. Guilford said is true.

Orphanages on the continent were already saturated. There was no place to take up hundreds of orphans. Even if there was, the possibility that it was a normal place was not high.

Most of the hundreds would die or have their lives exploited, but Mr. Guilford was just trying to do his best.

Still, I couldn’t forgive him.

“… … Let’s do the rest of the conversation with a knife.”

Hanging the hatchet from my waist, I drew my sword.

The sword was directed at Mr. Guilford. As if he couldn’t help it, he caressed his blood-soaked wrist and made a complicated expression.

It was simple logic.

No matter how precious hundreds of orphans were, they couldn’t put tens of thousands of lives at risk. It was something that could put the entire continent in danger.

Mr. Guilford, the orphanage children must be the most precious, but I wasn’t.

Mr. Guilford’s choice will result in numerous orphans.

At least according to the future I saw. To prevent that unfortunate ending, I took up my sword.

The old swordsman and my eyes met. Mr. Guilford’s wrists had healed. The demons seemed to have an unusual recovery ability.

As I was aiming my sword with a spleen beauty, I heard a whisper behind my back.

“Ooh, ‘our holy power bag’… Me, me, are you crazy?!”

was a saint I felt like my immersion was suddenly broken, so I frowned without realizing it.

“Does the divine power bag even talk these days?”

At my criticism, the saintess’ light pink eyes instantly grew cold.

The way he wiggled his fingers, it looked like he wanted to pinch me. However, it would not be possible in the current situation where a small gap could separate life and death.

Receiving the saintess’ indignant gaze, I let out a faint smile. and whispered

“I’m just going to run away.”

“… … Can you handle it alone?”

“Of course, after using the divine power.”

As if she knew that, the saintess put on a sullen expression. Still, I couldn’t help it.

Even during training, I was one-sidedly pushed by Mr. Gilford. Unlike back then, even if you could use various skills, if the basic skills themselves were missing, it would be a loss as you went into a long-term battle.

If so, you have no choice but to supplement it with other elements.

The saintess recited a prayer, and soon a warm ray of light permeated my body.

It was a strengthening magic that not only strengthened the shield of faith, strength and agility, but also prevented one or two fatal attacks.

It was a high-level magic like a comprehensive version of divine magic, but to cast it with just a few short prayers, the saintess was indeed a saint.

“… … Then, be careful.”

The saintess left behind such a sweet whisper. Even then, Mr. Guilford was just staring at me with calm eyes.

he asked softly.

“Are you ready?”

“I guess I’ll just have to stick with it.”

That’s right, Mr. Guilford nodded at the moment.

My hand threw the hatchet like lightning. Until it was pulled out of the waist and fired, the high-speed coordinated action was such that an instant is not enough to describe it.

In a very short time the hatchet was within reach of Mr. Gilford. However, he was not the kind of person who would be taken by surprise at all.

Lightning strikes and beams of light intersect.

A bluish aura hit the hatchet. The ax immediately deviates from its orbit and spins in the air. In the meantime, I spurt the ground and throw myself.

There were all kinds of furniture and fixtures in the director’s office. It was better to make a leap and jump over them all at once than to dodge them one by one.

Of course, Mr. Guilford would have expected that much. He was about to raise his sword as if he had waited, but there were still issues to deal with before that.

The hatchet that was spinning in the air was struck down vertically again.

Mr. Guilford eventually had to swing his sword one more time in the trajectory that poured like a waterfall.

The hatchet slammed into the wall with a pitiful sound. But by then I had already stepped onto the table.

The downward slash with all its might landed directly on Mr. Guilford’s sword face.

Koo-ung, a heavy impact shook the director’s office. It was a situation where divine power was added to the body strengthened with magical power.

The blow, which even caused a wind of dust, seemed to startle Mr. Guilford a bit. his arms trembled

My physical ability itself is now ahead of me. such a certainty. The strengthening magic the saintess cast was so powerful.

“… … Your skill with an ax is like a ghost.”

“How about your sword skills?”

Faced with knife and knife, Mr. Guilford and I tried to joke.

However, it had been a long time since both of our arms began to tremble. It was proof that he was doing his best. At least I was on the table, so I could put my weight on it, which gave me a little more advantage.

Mr. Gilford answered my question with a light smile.

“That, I’ll have to watch for a bit.”

The next moment, Mr. Guilford’s kick hit the table I was standing on.

There was a crackling sound, and at the same time the table shattered, scattering pieces of wood.

I tried to minimize the shock by jumping right before, but I couldn’t move freely while floating in the air.

The only thing I could do was put my weight on it and stab it down at an angle. It wasn’t Mr. Guilford who couldn’t have predicted the number.

He slipped aside and struck me in the side with his sword.


The sound of metal colliding with metal echoed and sparks flew. It wasn’t the sound of flesh and blade colliding. The true value of the strengthening magic cast by the saintess was finally displayed.

A shield of faith, a shield that blocks one or two blows that lead to fatal wounds.

Even so, the shock inflicted by Mr. Guilford could not be fully offset.

The moment I took a deep breath, my body crashed into the wall like a cannonball.

It was to the point where I felt as if an earthquake had occurred in the director’s office. Fragments of booths fell from the ceiling.

Breathing is out of order.

The lungs were cramped. The muscles that allowed the strike contracted spontaneously and declared a strike. But there was no time to stay like this.

There was no way the seasoned swordsman would miss this opportunity. I immediately raised my sword vertically and raised my body as if I was being shot.

A sharp crash rang out. It was an imperfect posture, but I was able to match because I had the upper hand in physical ability. Two or three sword attacks followed.

Mr. Guilford drew back little by little. I was in a corner, right next to the window where sunlight was pouring in before I knew it.

It was located in the middle of the corner of the director’s office.

I decided to take a bet at this point.

The sight diagrams the space. As soon as I recognized the solid lines of intertwined space, I twisted the lines.

Mr. Guilford’s blade passed me in a strange curve. His eyes widened as if in bewilderment. That short gap that separates one moment from another.

In the meantime, a seed slash that strikes with all its might.

Bang, there was an explosion. Mr. Guilford managed to defend his flank, but could not avoid being staggered and pushed to the window.

Should I push on like this? That’s when my eyes turned to Mr. Guilford, who was pushed against the wall.

I calmly gave up the follow-up hit, and threw my body to pick up the hatchet that had fallen in the corner. It was because Mr. Guilford was watching me closely.

It didn’t feel right. If I had tried to hit the follow-up at that time, I didn’t know what tricks I might have suffered.

So I threw down the hatchet.

The hand ax fired in a straight line was hit by Mr. Gilford’s sword without fail and flew through the air. However, the old man stumbled off the hatchet and immediately returned it to my hand.

And then another throw followed.

Throw, hit, throw.

During a couple of repetitions, Mr. Gilford had no time to straighten out his staggering posture. So when I got closer to him, my hatchet drew another trajectory.

Instead of returning to my hand, the hatchet struck Mr. Guilford once more.


Mr. Guilford could not have predicted the trajectory of the hatchet, as he groaned and managed to swing the sword. But at the cost, the posture collapsed.

It was then that my sword, one after another, struck his side.

Bang, bang, bang! A shockwave resounded like an explosion, pushing Mr. Guilford away. As if I were a woodcutter chopping down trees, I slashed Mr. Guilford’s sword face at random with both hands strong.

In the past, when I was lacking in magic power, I had been beaten by Seria in the same way. so I knew

How hard it was to endure this series of blows, which were hit with only one’s strength.

It staggered, collapsed, and soon crashed into the wall, creating a crack. In the past, the window was broken and Mr. Guilford’s body flew through the air.

It was an open space outside. I picked up the hatchet that had fallen to the ground, threw it out the window, and immediately jumped over the frame and chased after Mr. Guilford.

However, the moment I met Mr. Guilford in the vacant lot outside the director’s office.

I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut.

Mr. Guilford stumbled to the center of the clearing before he knew it and found a hatchet stuck in the nape of his neck.

It was normal to die instantly. However, that strong body showed no signs of collapsing in the slightest.

Silent, I raised my hand.

The hatchet that had been lodged in Mr. Gilford’s nape returned to my hand. It was after he had become accustomed to Jung Jung-dong’s techniques.

The old prosecutor looked up at the sky without saying anything. Even though the sun was shining brightly, he didn’t even move.

He opened his mouth slowly.

“… … It was a long time ago. There was a time when I collapsed and closed my eyes after starving for several days in the great flood.”

“I have heard of it before.”

Huhu, Mr. Gilford let out a weak laugh. His eyes scanned the ground.

No, maybe he was reminiscing about a more distant past than that.

“Brother Ian, you know what? They come when humans are at their weakest and most humble.”

What are you talking about, it happened before I even asked.

Along with the shouts, the sound of weapons colliding was heard. The sound of children’s screams was deafening.

This meant that the battle had begun.

I looked behind me in bewilderment.

The enemies were hundreds of magic beasts, no matter how many hands they had, they were not enough. I had to come back soon.

My teeth were gritted. Unlike before, I glared at Mr. Guilford with clear hostility.

“… … What have you done?”

“I just did it my way.”

I hesitated for a moment.

Now that the front line is formed, the possibility of reinforcements coming to me is slim. Even so, I was the one who told Leto to keep Mr. Guilford’s identity a secret.

The saintess might have gone and shared the information with Yuren, but the probability that she would be able to afford to lend me a hand was not high if the monsters were swarming like now.

However, it was questionable whether they would be able to hold out for a long time in my absence. There are Delphine seniors and Elsie seniors, but I also belonged to a force that could not be replaced if it was confined to actual combat.

I had to go back. As I was thinking about that, that moment when my eyes met Mr. Guilford’s.

In an instant, an optical illusion occurred that made the world dark.

It was a high-density demon. The magical crystals that arose like clouds were distorting reality and spreading. And the creepy, creepy sound that followed.

Mr. Guilford’s eyes burned bluish.

“Falled in the flood, Keuuh… That night. I encountered a vampire.”

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

Every time he heard the sound of bones and joints twisting, Mr. Gilford let out a groan and twisted his body around. Each time he did so, his body gradually grew larger.

Old clothes are torn. The muscles swelled, and dark brown hair began to grow.

“at that time… Heh, that’s when we signed the contract. In return, big… This is the power you gained.”

“… … What did you give?”

I asked with faint fear before he turned into a monster.

The contract to become a Mine was not simple. You can get extrahuman powers, but you have to offer something in return.

Hehe, a gloomy laugh leaked from Mr. Gilford’s mouth.


I looked behind me nervously, but no matter how I looked at it, I couldn’t seem to get away from Mr. Guilford.

In the end, I put the hatchet back on my waist and pointed the sword at Mr. Guilford.

“They brought the corpses of their colleagues. Satisfy your hunger with this… I did it. So, how refreshing.”

With a hook, Mr. Guilford’s arm suddenly stretched out. Long arms that reach below the knee.

His sword was already rolling on the ground. Because I didn’t need it anymore.

Mr. Guilford was no more. Only one huge monster was staring at me with blue burning pupils.

It was the boss beast that penetrated my stomach.

“Comrades, don’t worry too much, Bocchan. If only I defeat them, everyone will run away.”

“… … Can’t you tell your colleagues about that?”

“I can’t.”

And the magic beast raised his arm. A long fingernail protruded from it.

The witch smiled mischievously. It was a laugh he had seen many times while dealing with the monkey masters.

“Fair and fair, one-on-one.”

Under the sun, Mine finally revealed itself.

The scar on the nape of the neck had long since disappeared. I felt an ominous intuition about that regenerative ability, and adjusted my posture.

I guess I’m screwed.

A cold sweat ran down my back. Thinking that I was bluffing to Leto.

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