2. The Lord is with you (48)

There were all sorts of rumors about Mine.

In fact, it was not uncommon for people to even doubt its existence. Thousands of years have passed since the Great War of Gods and Demons, and the power of the Dark Church has long since disappeared.

But when I became a noble, I knew. The fact that they are not just legends.

I didn’t know the details of its power.

Some said it was at a level where it could deal with a single knight, while others said it could be defeated only with the help of an army.

However, both sides had one common opinion.

At least it’s not an enemy you can fight alone.

They were beings who offered something precious and received power from the evil god Omerus in return. They were the vanguard leading the ground invasion of Delphirem, and the rulers of the beasts.

Of course, he would have the power corresponding to that position.

And I was feeling that fact more than anyone else right now.

Blood stains draw a solid line in the air.

I only looked away for a moment. The fingernails swung without missing the gap left a long cut on my cheek.

If I had been a little late, my head would have exploded, not blood.

However, there was no time to calmly measure the opponent’s skills. Again, the high-speed swinging nails were aiming for the head.

There was no answer when I went on like this. No matter how much I swung my sword, I was gradually pushed back.

My sword is one, but the opponent had two hands. That was causing an essential speed gap.

Even the Witchbeast’s arms were long, and her fingernails were also long. The rich difference was absolute.

His breathing was already as rough as it would be. There were scars all over my body.

I was already close to the limit.

In the end, I had no choice but to swear and throw myself away.

“… … What the f*ck!”

It was more like a scream. As my body rolled on the ground, solid silver lines were drawn in the air. The reverberation of bluish light lingered there.

It was an auror. The halo of lights I saw that night was not an illusion.

Since he’s as strong as Guilford-san, he must have been able to form an aura on his fingernails.

So I was even more frustrated.

The aura of a skilled person who has reached the level of sword expert embodies the mental image.

In other words, it meant distorting reality. An example of this was Delphine-senpai’s aura emitting high heat without any heat source. The same was true of Mr. Guilford’s aura.


At least that’s what I saw. The position of the nails drawing a strange trajectory was slightly different from what I had grasped with my eyesight.

It was an insignificant ability, but the battle of masters was decided by a very small difference. In particular, the power to confuse vision, which accounts for the majority of the human body’s senses, was very threatening.

Because I couldn’t be free from sight unless I closed my eyes.

However, if you close your eyes, more than half of your senses are blocked, so it was an extrovert.

With a whimper, his nails penetrated the ground. It was right after I gritted my teeth and rolled away.

The magic beast burst into a roar.

“Is that all!”

Suddenly, his voice was mingled with the cry of an animal. Even so, I still felt human emotions.

Anger and remorse, it was funny. On the subject of magic.

I quickly got up and threw the hatchet. A beam of light shot through the air. Truly in the blink of an eye.

If the opponent was an inexperienced swordsman, this throw would have resulted in a decision.

However, the witch showed an unimaginable response.

Inaction, I didn’t even care if the hatchet dug into my skin.

The skin was so thick that even an ax blade could not inflict deep wounds. Considering the magic beast’s resilience, a few seconds were enough for him to be completely cured. The skin was already bubbling and regenerating.

There was such an essential difference between humans and demons. The battle with Majin was also a battle against common sense.

Embarrassed, I retrieved the hatchet as originally intended. The hesitation that arose between them was defeat.

While I hesitated for a moment, the two arms of the rushing Witchbeast drew a crooked cross. As soon as the nails and the sword collided, sparks flew.

And struggling, my arms trembled.

The physical ability of Mr. Gilford, who transformed into a monkey beast, was on a different level. Previously, I seemed to dominate, but now it was the exact opposite.

I was the one who overcame the difference in skills before by taking and suppressing them with my physical abilities. However, having lost even that one advantage, they were now completely on the defensive.

I heard the beast’s fishy breathing. Blazing blue pupils were staring at me.

“Didn’t I teach you! You have to look at the sword to the end!”

The Witchbeast growled and said so. It was as if he had become a strict teacher who scolded his disciples.

I cried out in bewilderment.

“… … Are swords and nails the same?!”

Again, it had one sword and two hands. The gap was clear.

However, the Witchbeast seemed unwilling to listen to my excuses.

After that, the Witchbeast broke his wrist and my sword got stuck between my fingernails. I panicked and tried to remove my arm, but it was impossible.

In my stomach, a kick exploded.

It was a clean blow that penetrated the gaps in the skeleton like an awl.

In an instant, breathing stops. At that moment, I didn’t even feel the pain. This feeling as if time has stopped.

When I came to my senses, I was already rolling on the ground. Even the sword was missing.

Shut it off, I groaned. I only gave him a vital point once, but his vision was blurry.

The Witchbeast, who had trapped my sword between his claws, indifferently threw it at me.

The sword rolling with friction with the ground, I crawled and grabbed the sword.

And as soon as I managed to raise my body, as if I had waited, solid bluish lines poured down my upper body.

It was a nail with an aura. thought it could be avoided.

So I took a step back at the last moment, but it was already too late.

Five streams of blood filled the air.

It was a hallucination. The nail was located slightly ahead of the trajectory captured in the visual field.

Staggering, my body took a step back. It wasn’t a fatal wound, but it was a fairly deep cut.

My head was dizzy from the rapid bleeding. Even so, I gritted my teeth and tried to swing my sword.

If only the sword hadn’t gotten stuck between the crossed nails again.

The blow to follow was clear. Another kick that digs into the stomach.

The ‘shield of faith’ has been broken for a long time. The internal organs that could not withstand the impact exploded in a mess.

Crying, blood ran up the neck. My vision became even more blurry.

It was difficult even to catch my breath.

It was painful and painful. I wanted to close my eyes and find rest.

What awakened my darkened mind was the sound of metal rolling on the ground again.

My unfocused eyes turned to the epicenter. Before I knew it, my sword was thrown again, towards me.

The Witchbeast was looking down at me with its blazing blue pupils.

“… … Is it over?”

A sigh of laughter came out of my mouth.

He groaned and blood flowed from his mouth. With my jaw muscles trembling from exhaustion, I spat out blood.

Then, again, he grabbed the sword with his hand.

It was difficult to even balance. The muscles in her legs trembled as if they were complaining about their limits.

But I got up. Using the sword as a staff, he gritted his teeth.

With a risky gesture, he pointed the sword at the beast. It was instead of an answer.

The witch nodded once saying that she knew that. And a sharp anticipation that soon strikes.

I watched the trail to the end with my eyes wide open.

The basis of the latecomer system is to see the flow. Taking a step closer, ride the current and spin around.

Yes, it had to be.

However, in the gap where he tried to turn his body, the kick landed again.

This time it was the side. It wasn’t a place to be called a vital point, but it was no different from a fatal blow to me, whose internal organs were already bursting.

My body rolled on the ground again. He didn’t even have the strength left to rise.

The evaluation of the teacher who transformed into a monster was harsh.

“… … It’s late. You hesitated again at the end.”

Because life is precious, isn’t it natural?

I tried to kill it like that, but I quit. To be more precise, I didn’t even have the energy to do that.

eyes gradually closed. As if a peaceful sleep had arrived, the strength gradually drained from the body.

If this is the case, no

A clamor was heard. There was someone waiting for me, shouting and metal crashing.

But the eyelids were too heavy. A drowsy sleep came.

The moment I closed my eyes like that.

“…Be obedient.”

The sound of a thunderclap in my ear brought me to my senses.

Like dominoes, the world is collapsing. Memories overflowing in pure white overlaid the gloomy consciousness.

It was a landscape engraved with two men and women.

Among them, the man was groaning as he fell to the ground. It looked very painful, judging from the distorted face.

Along with a moan, he let out a low voice.

“No… So, are you familiar with jujutsu?”

It was a cynical question, but the woman only gave a smug smile.

She was shaking her hands. Just by looking at it, you could tell who had pinned the man to the ground.

The woman who was watching the sprawling man opened her mouth.

“Is there anything that even the crows of the world who fly all over the continent don’t know about?”

“…If you really don’t know anything, would you like to shoot all over the continent?”

To the man’s blunt reply, the woman let out a clear laugh as if she had heard a funny joke.

After putting on a happy expression for a moment, she rebuked the man in a low voice.

“The magic of martial arts cannot be explained only with theory. You have to understand the ideological roots to truly learn its history and even its intentions. Among them, ‘obedience’ is the core of Seonguk’s secret jujutsu.”

“……Isn’t it futile?”

It was an unexpected question.

The woman stared at the man with her eyes wide open as if a little unexpected.

The man asked again, catching his breath.

“In the end, isn’t that what God meant to do?

“Huh,” the woman said, averting her gaze slightly.

Then, with an incomprehensible smile, she crept up to the man with her hands behind her back.

“Even if that’s my will?”

“Even though…….”

Hook, and a shadow fell over the man’s face.

The woman’s mischievous smile rose above the man’s pupils. The man kept his mouth shut.

Because it’s so beautiful, or whatever.

He shyly averted his gaze.

Shh, the woman whispered, bringing her index finger to her nose.

“When in doubt, remember these words. This is also the core of the Seongguk vision.”

“……What do you mean?”

The woman looked down at the man with clear eyes. The shadows of the two gradually overlap.

“… Immanuel (the Lord is with you).”

I don’t know if you can understand the meaning, but the sweet voice that added so wet my ears.

Again, the world falls apart.


Guilford looked down at Ian without saying anything.

He was a strong human being. Either by force or by image.

But even that strong man was defeated. The power bestowed by the evil god, Omerus, was so powerful.

Blood was already soaking the dirt floor. Blood dripped from the corner of Ian’s mouth, who couldn’t even vomit the pieces of intestines.

That’s it.

Based on years of experience and brute intuition, Guilford made the right decision.

No matter how strong a human being was, he couldn’t survive if his internal organs were shattered by that much blood loss.

Even if he didn’t die right away, he would die on his own in a few minutes. Then there would be no need for him to die.

Guilford hated murder. Even more so to take away the life of a young man whom he once had a crush on.

Of course, that was just hypocrisy. Even so, Gilford wanted to protect even the shell of his humanity.

Turning his back like that, when Gilford made up his mind to deal with the rest of the party as well.


Ian’s moaning stopped the demon’s footsteps.

make a sound?

Gilford’s questioning eyes turned to his back. Humans who are about to die can groan, but they couldn’t show such clear breathing.

Guilford, who inadvertently looked back, stopped moving. His eyes widened.

An unknown liquid was flowing. It wasn’t blood. Shards of glass scattered on the ground came into view only then.

Guilford’s brow narrowed.

“……Healing potion?”

No way, the potion bottle is painstakingly crafted so that it cannot be destroyed during battle. There was no way it would just break like this.

However, the figure of the man wriggling and convulsing clearly testified that the liquid was a healing potion.

While Guilford hesitated in embarrassment, the man’s hand thumped the ground.

While staggering, the man raises himself. Guilford was finally able to properly meet Ian’s eyes.

Glowing golden eyes.

It was a look that a desperate human could never have. The shimmering hostility and determination made Guilford’s spine shudder.

Even while getting up, he fell over several times.

His muscles must be as heavy as lead, and even if he did first aid with a healing potion, it was only enough to hold on to the lifeline.

Further fighting was impossible. It was common knowledge that Gilford had been accustomed to for decades.

But why is that man trying so hard to get himself up?

A fear of the unknown gripped Guilford. Reason was telling him to stab the man to death right now, but instinct was holding him back.

After several challenges, Ian finally got up.

Panting breath, blood-soaked eyes that cannot even see properly.

It was the limit for anyone to see. Even so, he smiled slightly.

“… … Come.”

As soon as he heard those words, Gilford couldn’t hold back the emotions that came up.

I couldn’t even figure out its identity. However, the intuition that was beating his brain like crazy spoke.

have to kill If not now, it can never be killed.

His feet kicked the ground. Even splitting a moment into a moment wasn’t enough, Gilford’s arm was already outstretched.

Including the nails, the length was almost 2m.

The difference in reach that could not be overcome was even delayed by Ian’s response.

It was natural to be stabbed to death like this.

but the next moment.

time has stopped What swims in it is only the man’s body.

Ian’s body spun like a fish on the water.

It was close. If I had turned a little earlier, I would have been counterattacked, and if I had turned a little too late, I would have been stabbed.

It was as if I had touched a frictionless sphere. No sense of resistance was transmitted to Guilford’s arm.

Guilford instinctively realized. What will be the next linkage action?

Ian’s sword cut through the parallax and drew horizontally.

The secret behind the late start system that divides life and death.

Esoteric season, diffraction.

Guilford, who opened his eyes for a moment, couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction.

It was perfect.

More than that.

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