3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (25)

After taking control of the newspaper department, I was able to enjoy a peaceful daily life for the first time in a long time.

It was thanks to the disappearance of bullying towards my acquaintances.

Now everyone knows what kind of punishment awaits if they touch my person.

There were two beliefs shared by those who had bullied my acquaintances.

First, that the imperial family would look after me even if I hurt people around me.

It was true.

If the disciplinary committee was convened, even if it was something that could be a problem, if the imperial family was holding out behind it, they had no choice but to notice.

In particular, the lower aristocrats such as Leto and Celine had such a tendency. It was because he was from a minor aristocrat who could not guarantee his survival if he hated the imperial family even a little.

Of course, there were people like me among them. An idiot who didn’t even notice the imperial family, but this belonged to a very exceptional case.

The Empire, no one living on the continent wants to have the Imperial Family as an enemy.

The same was true of the permanent staff within the academy.

Even if there is violence, they aide, and even if they are subjected to violence, they keep their mouth shut. It was a vicious cycle that created an endless cycle of violence.

It was also the reason why I could use violence against my acquaintances to my heart’s content even though the academy’s bylaws clearly existed.

And second, that I don’t want to be expelled.

This was a false basis created by the newspaper department by manipulating public opinion and falsifying testimonies.

Any academy student fears expulsion. I, too, wasn’t one of those exceptions until recently.

But not anymore.

The family was on the verge of ruin by touching the imperial family right away, so there was no way they were afraid of being expelled. It was absolutely nonsensical nonsense.

Because of that, only the blood stains on my sword and ax were growing.

The lies were eventually exposed when the newspaper department confessed their sins. After my first visit, the newspaper department steadily began to create an atmosphere of fear about me.

Part of that was the numerous articles that the newspaper department poured out in just a few days.

There were articles that argued that I had no weaknesses and was not afraid of being expelled, or that there was a strong possibility of even more brutal retaliation in case of violence.

To be honest, the title was not very good, but the effect was surprisingly good.

No matter how mere an apprentice, the Imperial Intelligence Service was the Imperial Intelligence Service. For those who agitate public opinion in one city, public opinion in the academy was just an easy prey.

After that, it was a breeze.

There was still a belief that the imperial family would take care of my belly, but that didn’t work out as a reason to mess with my acquaintances.

Because everyone was as precious as my life.

He was a man who cut off the limbs of a commoner girl for slapping her on the cheek. It was only necessary to shed blood.

Even if the imperial family looked after her, nothing would change.

No matter how strong the backbone was, the knife was always closer than that.

It was fortunate for me.

It was enough to deal with the guys who touched me every time. However, there was nothing I could do about touching the people around me.

It’s not like you can hang out with your friends all day.

Even more so, most of my friends had families to protect, and a prosperous future awaited them. He couldn’t buy the hatred of the imperial family or high-ranking nobles, so he had no choice but to endure.

So it was a few days when I was always dozing with a bitter heart. I was finally able to walk around the academy with a slightly more relaxed mind.

Of course, that didn’t make things all the better.

As I was walking along the main road, I ran into Celine. It was rare to see a lonely expression on his face.

Naturally, my eyes met Celine’s.

As soon as she saw me, she stunned herself. And after hesitating for a while, he soon approached me with an awkward smile.

Celine greeted me with a cheerful voice, as always. Of course, he crossed his arms over me.

It was Celine as always.

“Hi, Brother Ian! long time no see?”

Even Celine’s greeting with a bashful smile did not ease my mind.

Other people may not know, but I knew.

Now Celine was acting.

Maybe I’m worried, so I’m pretending to be nothing.

I didn’t really like that, so I asked back in a somewhat subdued voice.

“… … Are you alone today?”

At my question, Celine smiled awkwardly again.

Originally, she had wide feet, and she used to take her friends with her wherever she went. If there was a time when he was alone, it was only when he was looking for me.

There was only one reason why Celine had to go alone at the same time.

Celine scratched her cheek and slightly averted my gaze.

“That, that? Ahaha… I wonder if I should learn to be a little lonely these days. you know? Actually, I am a literary girl.”

It was an excuse that didn’t work.

In the end, all that came out of my mouth were words of apology mixed with a sigh.

“… … sorry.”

Celine stood still and stared at me, then sighed and put her hands behind her back.

Her toes scratched the ground. Celine finally showed me how she truly felt.

A gloomy and lonely face, and my eyes naturally darkened.

“No, no matter how, because Ian oppa is the most important to me… It’s just that I’ve become a little futile. I didn’t know that the relationship we’d built up would collapse like a sand castle.”

The strength of Celine, whose family and talents were ambiguous, was in her wide range of human relationships.

So it was Celine, who had been obsessed with forming such a relationship since first grade. Since the ties he had put so much effort into were cut off at once, Celine had no choice but to be futile.

It was unavoidable if the opponent was the imperial family.

The cause was ‘I’ from the future, but as a result, it would feel like it was my fault to Celine.

Even so, I was grateful for the heart that deliberately cared about my heart. I looked down at the silently bowed Celine, then handed over my apology again.

“… … Sorry Celine. I will try to solve it as soon as possible.”

But despite my courtesy consolation, Celine just shook her head.

“Ugh, no. But these days, bullying is gone. Not too long ago, between the sophomores of the swordsmanship department, I didn’t even hear Tong Ian’s swearing, and now it’s a little better.”

Celine’s situation was pitiful as she had to say ‘it’s better’ even though all of her close friends turned their backs on her and she was being bullied.

It was my fault.

My mood sank into a slightly more gloomy light.

I had to see a solution soon.



In the end, information was needed to see a solution.

I knew the contents of the letter, but I couldn’t figure out what the words in it meant. In order to use future information, it was necessary to find out its interpretation.

It was the reason I called Neris-senpai to the clearing in the southern forest.

It was only a few days, to be honest, it was unclear how much information he had prepared.

Even so, the reason I dared to call senior Neris was because I was so impatient.

The longer the confrontation with the imperial family, the more the people around me suffer. Even my sister’s trade union was on the verge of ruin, so it was difficult to solve it quickly.

Even if bullying was unavoidable, there was no turning back if the top tier collapsed.

Even if the case ended like this, the future of being ripped off by his younger sister was certain. If the top tier goes bankrupt, it wouldn’t be strange to stir-fry it because you couldn’t scratch the gourd.

He will tear my hair out saying he will take responsibility for my life again.

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Just imagining it was terrifying.

As I thought of such an unfortunate future, my expression naturally hardened. The more restless it was, the senior Neris stood in front of me.

She looked carefully at me and asked.

“Me, Ian? Ho, if there was something lacking in our work, please relax… … .”

“Oh, not like that.”

At my simple answer, Neris-senpai gave a confused expression.

It was the look in my eyes that I couldn’t tell if I was serious or if I was trying to float.

Even a few days ago, I was consistent in speaking in short language, so I had no choice but to do it even more because I was using honorific words.

However, I decided not to care about Neris-senpai’s feelings.

Not only did he not have the energy to do so, but senior Neris was guilty of harassing my friends.

There was no reason to be kind. I wouldn’t bother you on purpose, though.

“First, let’s get the information. Have you had any results?”

“It wasn’t much time, so it wasn’t much. In the first place, information such as ‘matrix’ or ‘crypt’ has too much overlap… … .”

Hmmm, as saliva flowed out of my mouth, senior Neris began to break out in a cold sweat.

To her, I was the representative of the Emperor, so it was clear that my evaluation would have a great influence on Neris-senpai’s future.

Of course he wanted to look good.

Senior Neris swallowed dry saliva and immediately lowered his head.

However, contrary to the humble words he uttered at the beginning, the information senior Neris brought was quite useful.

My eyes deepened as I listened to those words that continued slowly.

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