3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (26)

Neris-senpai must have been a little nervous, and he started talking with a stutter.

“Ooh, first of all, ‘Matrix’ doesn’t have much information, even if it’s confined to the academy and its surroundings. The conclusion is that there is only one procession scheduled in the first place.”

A twinkle flashed in my eyes as I heard those words.

When I said there was only one, it meant that I had investigated all the possibilities. As the saying goes, within a short period of a few days, I could see that I did my best in my own way.

A question naturally followed from my mouth.

“Is there only one?”

“Yes, there is only one. It is the procession that is usually held at the Academy’s annual event, ‘Homecoming Festival’.”

‘Homecoming Festival’, the moment I heard that, lightning struck in my head.

yeah i forgot

After the final exams, the academy has about two weeks of free time until the results are announced.

After that, when the grades are announced, the students of the academy gather in twos and threes and form a column. Then, from the academy, a march through the city was held, and this was the ‘homecoming ceremony’.

After this homecoming ceremony, the academy’s semester officially ends.

It was an event with many meanings.

When the grades are announced, the failing students are also announced, and they had to leave the academy and go home lonely.

It was a chance for those failed students and their friends to reminisce about the academy one last time. In addition, it was also the day when the head and second heads of each department appeared in front of the public.

Since it is such an important event, it was a principle that many professors as well as students participate during the homecoming festival. Even the road leading from the academy to downtown was the main street.

The march could also be called a ‘parade’, but there was a reason why I couldn’t immediately think of the homecoming ceremony after reading the letter.

Even if it was the Dark Church, it was hard to think of the idea of attacking a procession of terrifying power in such an open space.

Isn’t it a march in which thousands of academy students and professors participate? To add a little bit of exaggeration, even if you fight against one legion, you are not inferior.

In order to attack a procession of that size, of course, a huge amount of power was indispensable. And it was not simply a matter of possible and impossible.

It was a question of whether it was worth it.

If Neris-senpai’s information was correct, it meant that the ‘dragon’s eye’ possessed by the sender of the letter was of comparable value.

As my eyes deepened, senior Neris quickly continued his conversation.

“And there is no information about the crypt as it deserves. The news that some unidentified oysters have recently been discovered on the outskirts of the city is worth noting.”

“How big is it?”

As if trying to read my intentions, Neris-senpai glanced into my eyes. She immediately responded with a look of realization.

“It’s not big enough for a person to fit in.”

It was as fast as one eye.

Even so, I had to ttsk and click my tongue after hearing that.

According to the contents of the letter, it seemed that something had happened between me and the sender inside the crypt.

Therefore, the ‘crypt’ mentioned in the letter had to be large enough for a person to enter.

In the first place, if it was a crypt of a size that no one could enter, there was no need to even consider it.

My complexion became serious again. The ‘crypt’ seems to be important information, but it was because they couldn’t find any clues about it.

Neris-senpai seemed even more flustered when I felt uncomfortable.

Of course, it wasn’t the fault of senior Neris. It would have been more efficient if the conditions for specifying a little more information had been added.

I belatedly added a condition.

“Find a crypt that is large enough for a person to enter. Also, look for all the crypts, whether they are hidden or open, not just the new ones.”

“… … I will do as you say.”

Senior Neris didn’t respond to my words and immediately lowered his head.

It was as if he was now my subordinate. Whether that was a sincere feeling was debatable, though.

I couldn’t read the eyes of senior Neris, who had her head down.

However, she moistened her dry lips with her tongue and brought out the last piece of information as if it were the most important story.

“And the information about the ‘dragon’s eye’ you mentioned… … .”

Neris-senpai, who continued talking like that, suddenly stopped moving.

At first, I wondered why, but as time passed, I could understand why.

It was popular.

I came here cautiously in my own way, but I couldn’t fool Neris-senpai, who belongs to the intelligence department, or my senses, which have become especially sensitive recently.

The number is two, and Neris-senpai took one more drink and deduced the true identity.

“… … It looks like Her Highness, the 5th Princess, and her escort knight.”

The 5th princess would have been Shien, and the escort knight would have been a knight named ‘Irene’.

Both of them were bad for me.

To be honest, I didn’t have any ill feelings towards the two, but right now the princess and I were at odds. There was no change in the fact that it was difficult to face.

Senior Neris stared blankly at me as if asking what to do.

Even if she didn’t say it, she knew well that there were only two options.

Do you reveal your identity by showing the dragon blood text message, or will you cheat and move on?

My mouth was shut tight. I thought for a moment.

The former was a means to eliminate all these problems immediately.

If I could reveal the dragon blood text and explain that what happened that day was actually for the princess, the misunderstanding would be resolved and all the blades pointed at me would be removed.

However, there were two points where it was difficult to choose the former.

First of all, the more people who know that I have dragon blood characters, the greater the risk.

In particular, the princess was even more dangerous.

Unlike senior Neris, it was because he had a status that allowed him to make direct inquiries to the emperor without going through the reporting system.

And one more thing, according to the letter, I endured misunderstanding and stigma without saying anything until the last moment.

why the hell

It was reasonable to infer that there must have been a reason for doing so.

While I was immersed in my thoughts, Neris-senpai spoke to me as if urging me on.

“If you are seen with Ian-sama, you might be suspicious of his identity. Avoid the seat even now… … .”

“It’s already too late.”

I said so in a sullen voice.

My gut feeling was telling me. The other side was already moving confidently in the direction we were headed.

Hiding the body only raised suspicion.

Then Neris-senpai asked me again with doubts engraved in his retinas.

“But if it became known so blatantly that Ian, not Her Highness, had a newspaper department… … .”

“You just have to give me a reason for that.”

The reason why the newspaper department had no choice but to take my side, even if I was not the emperor’s representative.

When Neris-senpai’s expression became dumbfounded, I asked her.

“Neris, are you good at screaming?”

“yes? what does that mean… … .”

It was then that the popularity of the princess and her escort knight reached a close distance.

Senior Neris was startled and urged me on.

“Ian! You have to evade your seat… … .”


And the moment when the princess and the escort knight narrowly escaped from the bush.

The sound of an ax blade digging into raw flesh resounded.

Senpai Neris screamed with his eyes wide open at the sudden blow.

“Uh, kuh, kyaagh!”

And in the body of the woman who stumbled and collapsed, and in the eyes of Neris-senpai, a clear fear lingered before she knew it.

I bent my knees and looked at her.

“… … I told you not to question it.”

At that one word that he would have uttered someday, Neris-senpai’s face began to grow pale.

She immediately lowered her head, as if forgetting that anyone was even watching. A trembling voice escaped from her mouth.

“Boo, please forgive me… … .”

It was great acting.

I smiled in satisfaction.

In particular, Neris senior’s acting skills were outstanding. It was almost as if they were really afraid of me.

Even though he gave me a word before taking the axe, and the ax blade did not go deep enough to break the cartilage.

Saying that he was a useful person, I raised my evaluation towards senior Neris by one notch within myself.

He was a person worthy of frequent visits in the future.


Neris managed to suppress his wheezing.

The nightmares of the past passed one after another.

The savory scent of alcohol poured into his burning body, the humiliation of bowing his head while covered in water soaked in a rag, and even the hatchet that shattered his shoulder joint at once.

Neris hated Ian.

I never wanted to see your face again.

No, I wanted to kill him.

I wanted to assassinate him, but the opponent was the owner of the dragon blood character. Resistance to Neris was impossible.

It gave me a terrible sense of helplessness.

Neris did not like Ian. Heartily.

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