3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (58)

The frequency of Sien’s visits to Ian’s hospital room increased day by day.

Of course it wasn’t a sin.

Shien was a party to the case anyway. There was nothing wrong with wanting to apologize to Ian and wanting to take care of him.

However, whenever the princess came to visit Ian, like a criminal who avoided the light, she killed the presence without even realizing it.

Not only Retona Celine, who is the closest friend of Ian, who is known for himself and others, but also Delphine and Elsie, who are known to be influential among high-ranking aristocrats, were unable to come to the hospital. In the midst of that, the fact that he was going to meet Ian using his power was because he was very shy and shy.

All of them blankly waited for Ian in front of the temple.

When Celine sat down against the wall and stared at the ground, Leto would sigh and slap her on the back of the head. Then, Celine was always angry, and Seria was just biting her nails next to him with her shadowless eyes.

Emma went back and forth to the temple several times, trying to put food or potion into it. Even after hearing that one of the causes of Ian’s injuries was a drug overdose, he staggered back as if in shock.

Delphine stopped by often without saying anything and reported the general situation to the priests and then went back. It was the most calm response, but because of that, the priests treating Ian couldn’t help but be more nervous.

When they arrived at Elsie, they just stood guarding the front of the temple like a loyal dog, whether it rained or the wind blew.

Occasionally, the only break was when Lupine, his younger brother, patted Elsie on the shoulder and ate. Except for that moment, Elsie was always in front of the temple.

Even they weren’t the only ones waiting for Ian.

In addition, many people who were saved by Ian stopped by the temple to ask about Ian’s well-being.

It was a clear privilege that only the princess could meet Ian, leaving behind such people.

So when Shien reached the front of the temple, he unconditionally lowered his head and walked quickly. I wanted to see if I could even make eye contact with them.

She didn’t yet have the courage to face their feelings.

No, in fact, I expected what kind of feelings they would have. However, after facing this, he would not have the courage to come to Ian like he does now.

Even just a little bit, Shien wanted to spend time alone with Ian.

Even though it was a repetition of the time when the other person was in a coma and Xien was just staring blankly at his sleeping face.

Still, today’s princess was able to arrive at the hospital room with a bit of excitement after a long time.

It was the day they finally obtained permission from the imperial family to take out the new item.

When the story of the ‘dragon blood text message’ was brought up, the imperial family suddenly cut off contact, but when the princess pleaded with them, they gave a gift that could be used as a sacrifice.

The princess could not hide her uncomfortable feeling even though she was barely able to accept the new item. Anyway, if you were the owner of the dragon blood characters, you were in no position to freely access the Imperial Family’s remarks.

It was not difficult to bring out at least one god, but it was a situation where I had no choice but to think that it was bouncing.

Still, once he received the new product, Shien’s mood improved.

Although it belonged to the lower level among the treasures possessed by the imperial family, it was a treasure that could not be obtained even with ten million gold.

Divine objects were sacred objects that accepted the divine power when a god descended to the earth in person. Of course, its value was enormous, and when priests used it as a sacrifice, its value multiplied several times.

No matter how severe Ian’s injuries were, this miracle could have saved his life twice.

Of course, this was a story when the highest-ranking priest accompanied the treatment, but since there was a saint at the academy, it was a story that didn’t matter.

Rather, as soon as the saintess accepted the divine object, it turned bright and welcomed it.

According to rumors, the saintess hadn’t smiled for a while recently, but looking at her bright smile, the value of the divine being was certain.

However, it did not take long for the smile on the saintess’ face to disappear.

Somewhat excited, Xien expressed his feelings for Ian for the first time in a long time.

“This treatment room, is the temperature okay?”

“Yes, we always maintain the optimum temperature. Of course, there are some errors, but… … .”

“Then what about humidity? Is the ventilation good?”

The saintess’ expression, which at first accepted the princess’s words with a smile, gradually hardened.

In fact, the saintess had endured a lot during that time.

No matter what anyone said, the main cause of Ian’s severe injury was the princess.

Although Ian had a risk-taking side, the only enemy of the saintess, who could not bear to blame the man she loved, was the princess from beginning to end.

Even so, the saintess held it in.

It wasn’t the princess’s fault. The guilty party was the Dark Church, and she was only saved by Ian.

It was heartbreaking, but I couldn’t criticize it any more than that.

In the first place, Shien was a member of the great imperial family. No matter how high he was in the Holy Kingdom, he was not an opponent he could treat carelessly.

But lately, the saintess’ patience has always been tested to the limit.

Those who sinned and did wrong could be forgiven.

However, those who brazenly raised their heads did not want to forgive at all.

Furthermore, Shien came to visit the hospital on the day of the fictional year and even looked down at Ian with a sad expression.

I thought I would stop ignoring it. However, the saintess was not generous enough to neglect the situation where the man she loved was alone with an attractive woman.

Even Shien shed tears by Ian’s side with pitiful eyes every time he looked away.

Every time that happened, the saintess had to barely swallow the roar that rose from her throat.

it’s because of you

Trying to save you, someone I love is hurt. Not out of selfishness, but because of that good heart that wants to save you!

At least at that moment, there was no saintess who was benevolent and philanthropic. Only the ferocious woman who almost lost the man she loved unrequitedly remained.

But today, after a little bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of

Suddenly, the sound of blood vessels bursting came from the saintess’s forehead.

Even so, the princess, who was already distracted, continued to worry about Ian without notice.

“And, I’ve been thinking about it since last time, but I don’t think the scent in the treatment room is very good. A little more luxurious balm… No, because I’m going to get high-quality balm directly from the imperial family… … .”

“… … Drop the price.”

The princess’s body froze at the words she spat out.

Soon, her bulging eyes gradually turned to the saintess.

His eyes were full of bewilderment, as if that couldn’t be the case.

The saintess of the Holy Land, to the Princess of the Empire?

Of course, the positions themselves were similar. However, because they were similar, there were certain beings that could not be treated carelessly.

This was especially true when dealing with foreign dignitaries.

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Just because the order of protocol was similar, there were no humans who treated each other harshly. There were only two occasions when that was the case.

The opponent is a fierce enemy, or angry enough to lose reason.

The saintess appeared to be the latter among them.

Even so, the voice that leaked through those seductive lips was so calm that Shien had to put on a dumbfounded expression.

“What kind of mug are you talking about like that? Don’t you know who is responsible for Ian’s hospitalization? This happened while saving the incompetent you and your incompetent subordinates… But what? Sir Ian blah blah?”

“Ah, uh, that… Seo, saintess? that, so… … .”

In fact, Shien, who was naturally timid and tearful, was unable to respond to the saintess’ wrath.

In the meantime, he had been suppressed somehow with the authority and bravado of the imperial family, but it was the first time in his life that he was harassed by a human of equal status in an unexpected situation like this.

However, the saintess only let out the feelings she had endured for so long, whether Shien was embarrassed or not.

Rather, she sighed and even ran her left hand through her bangs. Those pale pink eyes held a sharp light.

“Your Highness, the princess, don’t be afraid of our price… Let’s not act like a heroine with a tragic heart in front of Ian. I know? Because you are not the heroine, but the villain who bullied Ian and threatened his family.”

Shien, who was at a loss for words, couldn’t even breathe. On the contrary, the eyes were filled with light water.

The crybaby temperament that had been hidden so far is being revealed.

Still, there was a hint of doubt and disbelief in his eyes. No matter how much it was, it was a suspicion based on shallow common sense and belief that the saintess couldn’t do this to her.

Facing that gaze, the saintess brushed her bangs with her hand and gave a very charming eye smile.

“… … Why, is this the first time I see a saintess who only speaks the truth?”

It was a word that erased even the slightest bit of doubt the princess had.

Shien hiccuped and hiccupped.

The intense hatred and hostility contained in those light gray eyes made her want to run away at any moment.

The princess was afraid of the saint.

very much

However, this was still just the beginning.

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