3. Dragon’s Eye, Human Mind (59)

At the saintess’ provocation, Shien’s hair turned white.

No words came to mind. The words are rich and the language has no context.

In fact, Shien also agreed with the saintess’ point. No matter how much he wanted to see Ian, Shien knew shame.

That’s why I bowed my head every time I arrived in front of the temple.

She had no exclusive rights to Ian. No, there were no rights, not even qualifications.

It was because the princess was the one who hurt Ian.

Realizing this once again, the light gray eyes of the princess shook violently. The vertically slit pupils were arbitrarily squeezing the feelings of others into the princess’s brain.

It was the sensation of a heated iron skewer penetrating the optic nerve.

It was the first time in my life that I had felt such fierce hostility and hatred.

Shien couldn’t even properly understand the source of that anger. I was just gasping for breath, barely breathing out.

The anger of a woman who almost lost the man she loved was so frightening and intense.

Those blazing light pink eyes had a clear coloration that made it feel rather sensational. The saintess’ lips vomited out her emotions as if chewing them again.

“To be honest, I don’t like the fact that they keep coming. Of course you should be thankful and sorry. By the way, there are many people out there who are grateful and sorry to Ian besides you, right?”

It was a sharp, sharp tone for a word spoken with a refreshing smile. The cowardly Shien stuttered again, unable to come up with a proper answer.

It just felt like I was going to burst into tears any minute.

But I persevered.

It was Shien who did the wrong thing, so I had to somehow make an excuse or ask for forgiveness.

It was a spinal reflex judgment that could be called an obsession.

“That, ah, that, that… So, oh, a little misunderstanding… … .”

“… … misunderstanding?”

“Pick,” the saintess laughed, and finally dropped her hand that was brushing her bangs.

Her silver hair fell down and showed off her unrealistic beauty. It was a truly celestial beauty, a sight that would make you exclaim, but Shien couldn’t stop his trembling body.

The saintess’ mouth was smiling, but her eyes were cold.

The exquisite contrast tightened Shien’s throat even more.

Waves of surging emotions suffocated Shien like a liquid with a dull flow.

“Misunderstand, misunderstand, misunderstand… It’s good, it’s great.”

Step by step, as the saintess approached, Shien hid and took a step back.

In the end, dew began to gather in her eyes, which she couldn’t stand. Of course, even the slightest bit of mercy had long since disappeared for the saintess, who had already severed the strings of reason.

“Even if Ian is not enough and even touches my family, just one word, ‘misunderstanding’, is enough, right? And now, how about pretending to be a lover while taking care of the extremely sincere Ian?”

Shien shook her head in surprise at the saintess’ chilly voice. Because of that, the tears that had been pooling flowed slightly, but there was no mind left to care about it.

Because it sounded so absurd.

Being Sir Ian’s lover was something she had never dared to imagine.

How could he have committed so many wrongs and harbor such a heart without remorse? Shien hurriedly put together an excuse.

“That, like that… … ! Uh, how dare I… … .”

“But what’s wrong with your eyes?”

Silenced, Shien stared blankly at the saintess.

what about my eyes?

Then, the saintess sighed, haa, and let out a hint of annoyance. Her hand touched her forehead.

“I mean you, you were staring at Ian every day with a face that said you fell in love with the wonderful knight. Anyone can see that he has the face of a female.”

“… … Ah, ah, a female?!”

It was a blatant expression I had never heard in my short life. Shien’s eyes widened, and soon those delicate hands covered my mouth.

Regardless of whether or not, the saintess only showed a sullen attitude as she twisted her side hair with her index finger.

“Yes, female… Yes, I understand that the princess is old enough to do that.”

“It’s not like that!”

Shien screamed with her face flushed red, but the saintess continued to ignore it as neatly as before.

Instead, she twisted the corners of her mouth and curled them up.

“Ian can’t, you know?”

In the atmosphere that cooled down once again, Xian calmed down his hesitant momentum. Those light gray eyes that looked at her with a glance were still wet.

One more step before I knew it, the distance between the saint and the princess was now close.

The distance the saintess whispered was enough to wet the princess’s eardrums.

“… … You are not a princess, you are a bad dragon.”

It was a single word that instantly froze Shien’s trembling heart.

After those words, the saintess slowly stepped back and walked away from Shien. Even then, after looking at Shien with a puzzled expression for a while, he soon turned his gaze to Ian.

It was the exact opposite look from when I was looking at Sien.

Looking at those pale pink eyes that were filled with affection, worry, and pity, the princess shut her mouth.

I just intuitively understood.

I guess you were talking about those eyes, ‘female eyes’.

Shien didn’t even have the right to look at Ian with those eyes.

I thought I hadn’t had any complaints so far, but when I thought about that, my heart felt tight, and Jo Yeo and the princess put their fists on my chest.

It was painful and painful.

It was at that time that the saintess’ mouth vomited a celebratory order.

“Get out.”

The eyes of the saintess who said that did not even look at the princess. He was just looking down at Ian sadly as if he was swimming in the frozen time.

That resolute tone made Shien feel uneasy.

“I… Well, even if it’s just for a moment… … .”

“Get out.”

In the end, Shien became discouraged and had to take a hesitant step back. At that time, another voice of a saintess penetrated Shien’s ears.

“And don’t come again. To be honest, it gets in the way.”

Hearing that low warning, Shien’s footsteps stopped abruptly.

Looking back, she looked desperate. In a desperate voice, she wept and rebelled. For Scienchigo, this was a task that required great determination.

There were many things I wanted to say.

Outside, there were only people who hated her now. Each time they faced their feelings, Shien was hurt and the scars from her childhood deepened.

I was able to persevere somehow.

Since Shien had found the ‘real’ that she had been longing for, it would have been nice if only Ian could see her, and she laughed even when blood was dripping from her heart.

But now, he’s trying to steal the last remaining “real” from Xian.

It was not strange even if I raised my voice and listened to it. The fear Shien felt was terrifying. Anger, like a desperate scream, rose up through the throat.

Without Ian, she collapses.

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Just like in childhood.

It was a kind of survival instinct. Shien had such a determined gaze, then met the eyes of the saintess looking down at Ian.

And breathing stopped.

In the eyes of the saintess looking down at Ian, a blurry water was reflected. Shien had never heard of a saintess crying.

She was such a strong and compassionate woman.

It was only then that the words the saintess had uttered were stabbed into her heart one by one like a dagger.

Not even qualified, yes.

I don’t even deserve that.

Shien’s body was drained of strength, and Shien, who couldn’t bear to give up on Ian, wept bitterly.

In the end, the only words of defiance that came out of her mouth were faint cries.

“Ha, but… … .”

There was no answer to the sound of crying.

The world was not Shien’s nanny. There was no such thing as a problem that could be solved by crying. Realizing that fact again, the princess had to take a weak step back.

There was only gloomy despair felt in those footsteps as they hurriedly walked.

After Shien left, the saintess leaned against the bed as if collapsing.

Her hand was placed on her forehead. Regret trickled down his lips, along with his heated breath.

“… … It shouldn’t be like this.”

First love drives a woman crazy.

There were no exceptions to that truth.


The sky, which had once been clear, was colored with a gloomy light.

The patter of rainwater added background music to the gloomy scenery. The sunlight covered by dark clouds did not penetrate much, blurring the boundary between day and night.

A melancholy shade fell on Shien’s light gray eyes as he left the temple.

Weather has a great influence on human emotions. At least, it was enough to drive the girl’s mood, which was already depressed, to the bottom of the abyss.

Xien opened the luxurious umbrella that the attendant had prepared in advance. At first glance, the navy blue umbrella embroidered with gold thread looked like it would only be used by nobles.

Of course, Shien didn’t feel any discomfort when he opened the umbrella.

It was because it was a right that they had enjoyed every day since they were born.

As a member of the royal family, she had received numerous privileges, such as inhalation and exhalation. There was no reason to make a fuss with an umbrella now.

So, Shien took a step without thinking.

The rain-soaked stairs made a clicking sound and spattered water stains, and the front of the temple where the heavy rain was pouring was rarely seen.

I was rather fortunate.

I had no intention of showing such a downcast appearance. The princess involuntarily let out a deep sigh and wiped the moisture from her eyes.

It was then that the girl and the girl met.

A cone-shaped hat that was wet with water caught my eye.

It was a woman standing without an umbrella in the midst of heavy rain.

The cone-shaped hat that couldn’t overcome the water was already bent, and raindrops were dripping from the clothes that wrapped around the petite body.

She was a girl with a lovely appearance like a doll.

The blue eyes that blended with the brown hair were staring down at the ground. That expression alone was enough to convey a gloomy image.

As soon as Shien faced the girl, he had no choice but to pause for a moment.

Its identity was well guessed. It was because he was one of the brightest talents produced by the Rainella family, and was so famous that even among the seniors of the academy, there was no one who didn’t know.

Elsie Rainella.

I heard that Ian and I have a special relationship. As if to prove the rumor, Elsie has been standing in front of the temple every day since Ian was hospitalized, waiting for him.

Even on a rainy day like now.

Shien hesitated, not knowing what to say, then quickly walked with his head bowed.

It was because I realized that no matter what I said, it would not be comforting.

Elsie’s emotions were reflected in those light gray eyes. Shien had no choice but to keep his mouth shut in the wavering despair and depression.

When asked whose fault it was, I didn’t have the confidence to give a proper answer.

So, Shien tried to ignore Elsie and moved on.

It would have been if it hadn’t been for the small voice ringing in her ear as it passed by the girl.

“… … would you like it?”

Standing tall, Shien’s steps stopped again.

She slowly shifted her gaze, a little startled. On the side of it, Elsie was glaring at Cien with eyes as cold as the chill of raindrops.

“You say you’ll like it, you’re a nuisance… I was saved on my own, and now I go to the hospital on my own.”

Seeing that clear hostility, Shien opened and closed his lips.

If it was a saint of the Holy Land, it was understandable because it was similar to Shien. However, as the Rainella family was a member of the imperial aristocracy, they did not know that they would openly show hostility to the imperial family.

And above all, those deep blue eyes staring at Xien.

The image of the girl with clenched teeth and trembling hands with clenched fists gave off a bleak atmosphere in itself. Shien had no choice but to cry once more.

In the temple, outside the temple, wherever you go.

It was all her enemies.

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