5. Bread and dagger (57)

The elven village was full of energy.

This was rare in the cold, dry North. In the first place, the food itself was small and the elves minimized their calorie consumption.

There weren’t many days when we got together and made a buzzing sound.

If the elves were gathering and making a fuss, they had to doubt two possibilities.

First, when a major crisis occurs, with the town’s survival at stake.

Or secondly, when you are so happy that you don’t even think about the lack of food.

Today’s meeting met both conditions.

Traces of humans were found in the distance of only half a day. This news was enough to bring down the atmosphere in the village at once.

It was a plate that might have to leave the familiar village.

Fifteen residents continued their sluggish discussion, expressing their opinions. However, no suitable answer was found.

To the elves, the human invasion was like a natural disaster.

It was not the kind of disaster that could be resisted by worrying in advance. At best, it was all about reporting to headquarters and expecting support.

Of course, the chances of that heart being reciprocated were not high.

The elves were always suffering from inferiority in strength. There was no capacity to take care of every single small village.

In the end, the village elves soon decided to forget the sad news.

Not only did the situation not get any better if he agonized over it more, but a wonderful gift had arrived to replace the trouble.

At the entrance of the village, animal corpses were piled up like a mountain.

You could tell just by looking at its huge body and ferocious teeth. They were snow leopards that reigned as pure white fear in the coniferous forest.

Some elves still looked at me in disbelief.

The snow leopard was strong and clever.

If you could hunt even one, you would be recognized as a seasoned elf hunter. Old Man Pope also became a respected hunter in the village only after hunting snow leopards.

It was also famous for its excellent taste. This is because the soft and elastic muscles give it a unique texture.

Also, what about the warmth of the leather?

Elves who migrated from the south were particularly vulnerable to the cold. So they used to go around wrapped up all over their bodies, but there was no need to do so if they had snow leopard skins.

Because it was warm even with just one coat.

In this way, the value of one snow leopard was equivalent to a treasure. However, as many as 15 of those precious prey fell into their hands, the elves had no way to hide their bewildered feelings.

Even the person who hunted it wasn’t an elf.

A black-haired, golden-eyed stranger who has lost his memory.

According to the testimonies, he single-handedly defeated many of these snow leopards.

However, the man did not even show signs of being excited about his performance.

It was only to help the elf dismantle the snow mark in silence. Every time the hatchet struck, the snow leopard’s body was sliced apart.

It was terrifying strength.

Even the strong bones of a snow leopard couldn’t stand it, so what would happen if that ax caught the delicate body of an elf?

It was a chilling imagination. Some elves trembled with their eyes tightly closed.

It was because he had not yet fully trusted the stranger.

It was fortunate that there were unusual species such as Ruggett, Dolph, and Miera. They sincerely welcomed the new resident’s performance.

There was even a hint of pride in his face.

Of course, they weren’t the only excited elves.

Isha, who went hunting with the man, was as excited as ever. In front of the huddled elves, she was voicing a voluptuous speech.

“So, three snow leopards died in one breath while I was engrossed? I have never seen an elf with a hatchet so well!”

“That’s because you’re a human, not an elf.”

Old man Pope’s stupid remarks continued, but Isha clearly ignored them. There was a sense of pride in that heated tone.

It was the pride of those who witnessed the historical scene.

“In my opinion, humans before losing their memories must have been great people… Couldn’t he have been something of a hero to mankind?”

“Arthur, Arthur.”

However, Isha’s hypothesis soon ran aground.

It was because of Dolph’s objection.

“Why would a human with such high reputation come all the way here to save an elf? If you are a ronin who hides your skills, you won’t know again.”

“Is that so?”

Isha immediately scratched her cheek and expressed her agreement.

In fact, Isha was ignorant of human society.

No, not only Isha, but all the elves in the village were like that. It was impossible to deduce the man’s past with only their knowledge.

It just builds a stone tower of imagination on top of sloppy speculation.

So, the arrow of the question naturally had no choice but to point to someone else.

An elf who was the only one here who had ever lived in the cracks of humanity, and also traveled with the man of the past.

It was Avian.

The gray-haired elf girl still wore a bewildered expression. Those blue eyes blankly stared at the man’s back.

Seeing that, Miera let out a giggling laugh.

“Oh, oh, oh… Are your eyes infatuated with a man?”

“Oh no!”

Avian jumped up on the spot and denied Miera’s words.

A groaning voice leaked out of those tiny teeth.

“Who is that violent and lowly human being… … !”

“Are you violent?”

It was a question thrown by Ruggett, tilting his head.

Avian soon shut his mouth. Even so, as the elves still blinked, she had to pick up an excuse with an awkward smile.

“that that… Did you see it? People change once the battle begins.”

“Ah, it was. I was really scared… Didn’t the blood-covered figure look like an evil demon?”

Fortunately, the attention of the crowd turned to Isha again.

It was thanks to the man’s heroic story that began. Exclamation burst out among the elves whenever excited voices continued.

Avian let out a deep sigh.

It was difficult to get my head around it.

The man was Avian’s enemy. That fact did not change.

Although fraudulent, what he used to subdue Avian was violence. There was no way that the one who was forced to submit would have goodwill towards the perpetrator.

yes, it should be

Avian was confused whenever he saw the man these days.

He was a human who once said casually that he would kill an elf. But lately, he’s been putting himself through all sorts of hardships for the elves.

That was the reason why he dared to hunt snow leopards.

With plenty of food left in his pocket, why did he go hunting for snow leopards? The more you do, the more likely it is that your identity will be discovered.

Also, he casually shared my emergency food.

I heard from Ruggett a while ago. The day I was invited by Dolph, he served me a wonderful meal.

Then today, he sacrificed his arm to save Avian.

It would be pathetic for an elf girl to sit down with her legs weak, but she didn’t bruise a single word. On the contrary, he even supported her, who couldn’t even raise her body.

He was a very ambivalent man.

It was when Avian was lost in thought for a long time.

“… … Avian.”

At that low call, the girl’s eyes inadvertently turned back.

And a hook, a fishy smell that hits her.

Avian’s vision turned to darkness in an instant.

“Ah, kyaaak! uh, what is this… … !”

Avian could only scream and struggle. The object that attacked the girl out of nowhere was thick and warm.

It was so heavy that it was difficult to get off.

The practical joke did not last long. A few seconds later, Avian’s vision suddenly brightened.

A man stood with his back to that dazzling light.

with a mischievous smile.

“It’s snow leopard skin. Do you like it?”

“Who likes leather right after it is peeled off!”

Avian couldn’t help but cry out.

I was just sad and embarrassed.

Someone is repeating agony because of me, so to joke around so carelessly.

But the man only giggled and laughed.

“That’s the skin of the smallest one. I want it to fit your body perfectly.”

“Heh, that’s it.”

“I’ll tell Aunt Miera, get yourself some winter clothes. Because I’m useless anyway.”

Avian pursed his lips and turned his head away.

It was a rebellious attitude that could not be compared to before. Regardless, the man didn’t seem particularly upset.

After the man left, the elves who had been silently watching the two came rushing in again.

Miera’s eyes were full of confidence.

“Look, you’re the only one who gets special treatment, right?”

“It is not. I was just kidding… … .”

Snorting, the girl slurred her words.

However, contrary to that calm tone, both hands were holding the snow leopard skin tightly. It’s like you don’t want to lose it to anyone.

Seeing this, Miera smiled bitterly.

It’s a good time.

At the banquet that night, only joyful sounds rang out.

The man took out a drink and the atmosphere became even hotter. Actually, he was caught by ‘Drunk Dolph’ and had to drink alcohol all night.

Avian thought as he looked at the smiling elves.

What an awkward landscape.

The people she knew always had gloomy faces. The pale, staring eyes were more like a dying corpse.

But how could he have such a clear laugh?

The meat did not shrink even after eating until the stomach exploded. The roaring fire presented warm warmth.

And in the center stood a man.

Avian stared blankly at the shimmering scarlet shadow. The man’s reddened face suddenly caught my eyes, as if I was slowly getting drunk.

That night, the girl thought.

Will I be able to stay like this in the future?

With my own people, so happy.

It would be nice if my sister could join us at this banquet.

The girl watched the man all night, and old Pope stopped drinking.

His gaze fell on the man for the last time.

The hearts of the two elves were shaking in the night breeze.

It was proof that the man was steadily adapting to the elven village.


With a breath, the tip of the sword sank into the ground.

It was unstoppable, as if digging through soft mud. Blue flames shimmering on the blade illuminated the night scenery.

A dark forest, a tent where only a few torches light the night.

One elf held his breath, unable to even scream.

The blade was lodged right next to him. Feeling the cold anticipation, his eyes shook violently.

It was like bursting into tears at any moment.

Of course, the girl in front of him didn’t seem to accept this.

It was a woman with gray hair and blue eyes resembling aquamarine.

Her appearance was very beautiful with her back against the moonlight. She was a rare beauty even among the elves called the race of beauty.

It’s just that those sunken eyes were more terrifying than that.

The girl’s lips softened.

“Only answer questions. If you talk nonsense even a little bit, I’ll kick you one by one.”

The elf nodded, forcing himself to hold back the tears that leaked out.

Then the woman’s question followed immediately.

“Are there humans in your town?”

At that short question, the elf’s trembling body stopped instantly.

Stupid eyes turned to the woman. It was like how you knew that fact.

The girl’s lips were bitten.

The hand holding the sword was getting stronger.

“Answer me! Are there humans?! If so, what’s their name?!”

“That, that, that…”

The elf could not easily come up with an answer. Then the girl became even more impatient.

Kak, the sword that was pulled out now aimed at the throat. The elf shrieked and dragged his butt backwards.

But there was nowhere for him to escape.

This area had already been sealed off for a long time. In particular, the momentum of the women who kept their seats silently was frightening.

The elf alone could not escape.

In the end, he cried and cried.

“Mo, I don’t know! I can’t betray the village!”


As if it were ridiculous, the girl swallowed a blank laugh.

And the sword is raised. The bright blue moonlight flowed down the blade.

This will soon become a solid line that rips through the night and bursts with blood.

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Just before the girl drew her sword like that.

“I lost my memory!”

Suddenly, the girl’s breathing stopped.

It wasn’t just her. All the women who were watching the elves held their breath.

While the girl couldn’t bear to ask a question, the elf cried out.

“That friend, I lost my memory! If you’ve been chasing the traitor who escaped with the elf, stop torturing me!”

“That’s what a cow…”

“He’s our neighbor!”

It was a howling sound like a seizure.

The elf shouted as if to vomit all the resentment he had been harboring.

“So don’t bother me anymore! Ooh, we didn’t do anything… We’re living happily ever after with him! We didn’t even touch a human!”

However, the crying elf’s appeal did not move the girl’s heart.

It was because I hadn’t heard of it for a long time.

The girl just muttered in dismay.

“……You lost your memory?”

and right after that.

“It’s a surprise! Someone set the camp on fire!”

Unexpected flames soared.

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