5. Bread and dagger (58)

I was leading a new daily life in the elven village.

It was the peace I felt after a long time. I wonder if I’ve ever had a more leisurely time than this in the past few months.

That’s right. After the love letter from the future arrived, my life was like a battlefield full of blood and flesh.

Compared to that, I was very happy these days.

Even though this was the cold and dry northern part, even in an elven village where food was scarce, it was the same.

In fact, it wasn’t a particularly harsh environment for me.

The cold of the snowy field can’t penetrate my skin. In addition, it was possible to replenish the lack of food according to my efforts.

For example, hunting a lot of snow leopards.

It was a fact that had already been confirmed at the last banquet. The snow leopard meat that was hunted at the time still remained and was used as a useful food.

It was an important event in many ways.

After that day, I was firmly recognized as a resident of the elven village.

However, there was a group of people who looked down on me because of my excessive strength.

So I deliberately decided to keep a reasonable distance from them. Nor did he try to show off his power.

It was because I wanted to create a sense of incongruity in the village.

I just tried to adapt to the life of an elf. It was part of an effort to quietly melt into the village.

How many days had it been since I silently took charge of the village?

Before I knew it, the elves and I became friends exchanging jokes without hesitation. Even if not close friends, it was a perfect relationship as neighbors and cousins.

I didn’t even have time to feel lonely anymore.

It was because, as much as the trust of the village elves grew, so did my responsibilities.

In particular, incidents outside the village were my responsibility.

The elven village was located in a coniferous forest. It was a dangerous place to go even a little bit out of town, so it was inevitable.

Because I was the strongest in town.

The reason why Ruggett came to see me today was also related to him.

“There was a fire last night?”

“Yes, smoke was observed from a distance of about half a day. It’s not that big, but I thought I should let you know.”

I hmmm, swallowed my saliva and slightly averted my gaze.

All in all, it was half a day away.

Wasn’t the place where he found human traces during the last hunt? It seemed that he needed to visit old Pope and learn the detailed geography.

When my expression darkened, Ruggett immediately noticed my troubles.

He asked me with a wry smile.

“Are you okay? you are human It might be better to go back to human arms.”

“Ha, who accepts the traitor who ate with the elves?”

I dismissed the advice with a snort, but I felt a pang in my heart.

What the hell are you doing here?

Like Ruggett said, I was human.

My hometown was not a coniferous forest. It was a bountiful and cozy East, along with all my precious family and colleagues in the South.

There was no reason to endure in the cold and lonely north.

The only excuse he could concoct was the empty echo of not having fully grasped the elf’s circumstances yet.

It was bullshit.

What more information can you get from staying in this town?

They were just ordinary villagers who had to worry about their daily meals. He was far from the elves at the ‘headquarters’, who were said to be a cult.

But I was trying hard to avert my eyes from that fact.

If I leave, there will be no one to protect this place.

Since we can’t hunt snow leopards in large numbers, the villagers will have to go hungry again. Also, there will be no one to pass on the advanced civilization of mankind.

I had thoughts of going back.

Yes, I would have to go back someday. But that day was not now.

I still had work to do.

Ironically, I ended up falling in love with the elf.

I could never have thought that the nobility of the empire would become friendly with the elves.

It was disgraceful. Moreover, it was also shameless. Aren’t my hands already full of elf blood?

Every time I remembered that fact, I couldn’t stand the nausea.

My hand emptied the cold water in the glass at once.

Ruggett was still observing me closely. I wonder if I’ll ever change my mind.

But my answer has always been the same.

I reaffirmed it in a calm voice.

“I’m not leaving yet… Maybe someday.”

“You’re so honest whenever I see you.”

Ruggett also smiled lightly and raised his glass.

There was no such thing as a car.

If you look for it, there may be plants that can be used as tea leaves even in coniferous forests, but there was no time to explore right away.

We were just talking over cold water.

This was also the way the elves lived.

“Actually, I was anxious at first. Because I was the one who decided to bring you into town… But now I feel it was a good decision.”

“Why are you making me cringe?”

Hearing my disgusted voice, Rugget smiled even more bitterly.

The main point was spit out shortly after.

“One of our villagers is missing.”

I was silent.

My eyes quietly studied Ruggett’s complexion. The vitality in his face, which was always full of energy, was gone.

In a desperate tone, my friend asked me.

“I was on my way to collect moss. But there was a fire… would he be dead?”

So I had no choice but to answer like this.

“… … You have to go to know.”

In the search for survivors, time was of the essence.

I decided to get ready to go see old Pope right away.


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Jim was unloaded.

Most of the items necessary for survival were in the pocket anyway. The space expansion pockets were so useful.

I was about to leave the cabin with only my armament hanging loosely around my waist.

If Avian hadn’t caught me.

“Where are you going?”

It was a question thrown out of the room out of nowhere.

It was a girl who had been living with me for a long time. I was qualified to know my destination.

I said it like it was nothing.

“To the forest. An elf is missing.”

After that, he tried to take a step, but Avian was faster than him.

I could feel her frowning slightly.

As my eyes turned to my back, Avian was already close to me.

“Where is the fire?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s a bit suspicious.”

“Wait, that’s dangerous!”

It was the words that Avian shouted in astonishment.

It was an elf who was unnecessarily worried. At one time, he even hated me.

I smiled bitterly and soothed Avian.

“What’s the risk? I’m just going to look around.”

“Then, if you ever run into a human… … .”

“I am human too.”

The one who finally had something to say was Avian.

At the same time, the way he slightly lowered his gaze seemed to have died. I felt a strange emotion in those eyes.

Worry, anxiety, and nervousness.

Finally, I sighed and turned around.

My hands rest on my chin and rest on Avian’s shoulders.

“Do not worry about it. I have no intention of leaving for a while… And I have no intention of dying. Will you die without me?”

“Why do you do that?”

However, the question Avian asked was beyond my imagination, and I was at a loss for words.

“I heard elves are enemies? I just treated it like that… But why are you pretending to be for the elves now?”

I’m short of breath, choking.

Avian’s voice didn’t seem to have a high pitch, but I could tell just by looking at the tears in his blue eyes.

she is confused

My back and forth attitude, my appearance for the sake of the elves I’ve killed dozens of times.

Even I think it is contrived and contradictory.

My mouth was dry. I thought for a long time about what to say.

Even so, the one word squeezed out in the end was shabby.

“I do not know.”

Avian’s brow narrowed slightly. I couldn’t bear to meet that gaze.

“Originally, this is how humans are. Our lives are very short, and if we don’t act on our whims, every day is too precious.”

It was a side that an orphanage director showed.

At the time, I might have thought of him as cowardly. A villain that could be understood, but could not be forgiven.

However, ambivalence is an attribute that everyone has.

I was no exception to that either.

He suffered countless enemies, but on the other hand, he could not abandon his compassion and sympathy.

So, a human suffering every day stood here.

I didn’t know that the person I would confide in was an elf.

No answer came back to my confession mixed with a sigh. After a long silence, Avian also revealed his past.

“I don’t know who my parents are… I only have memories of being bitten to death by a snow leopard when I was young.”

Come to think of it, Avian was especially afraid of snow leopards.

I listened to Avian’s story without saying anything.

“Since that day, my sister and I have always depended on just the two of us. I trusted and loved my people, but I had to become a spy to make a living. But what are you protecting me for?”


It was the second answer I had already uttered.

No further explanation was needed. Avian bit his lip and gave a hesitant look.

“… … Can you save Betty too?”

“Sorry, I don’t know.”

Avian’s sister was at ‘HQ’.

There was no certainty that I could save her. At my honest answer, Avian smiled bitterly as if he knew it.

And the girl spoke for the first time in her life.

It was information that was not revealed to the end even after violence and threats.

“My sister has gray hair like me. Also blue eyes.”

It was as if it had a special meaning.

While I kept quiet, Avian’s toro continued.

“Have you ever asked before? About the two-headed lion living in the Southern Great Forest… There’s a woman who brings that twin-headed snake to ‘headquarters’. And gray hair is proof that you are born with her blood.”

Is there a woman who can break through that far distance alone?

I didn’t understand at all, so I tried to throw a half question.

If only three syllables hadn’t come out of Avian’s mouth before that.

“… … He called me ‘The Vampire’. The one who gave me blood.”

It was a name I had heard so many times.

My lips were grafted into place.

“Gray hair and blue eyes are proof of that. Please save my sister… … .”

There were people who suddenly came to mind.

Are my friends still worried about me?

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Just like Avian pleading with tears.

My story was taking a new turn.


The gray-haired girl opened her eyes.

The gasping sound was faint. The blue eyes that urgently looked around were pitiful.

Beside the hospital bed, a woman with silver hair was sighing.

“So you said it was impossible…”

It was a melancholy tone.

The girl put her hand on her forehead from a throbbing headache. There were memories that came along with the pain that seemed to break.

Yes, there was a fire.

After that, a roar was heard. It was the sound of all the strategic materials that had been prepared exploding.

But how the hell?

It was the road that led the few elite members of the Yurdina family. Not only Seria, but even the sensitive senses of her companion did not show any signs of suspiciousness.

However, Seria’s doubts did not last long.

A girl with brown hair took care of Seria. The petite woman was curling the side of her hair with her index finger.

“Hey, what do little kids need to know? Running out without knowing the subject, then crawling back to the main house relying on a scroll… Do you think we don’t want to save our master?”

Seria couldn’t hold back her heartbreak with each word that followed.

The identity of the two women mocking her was clear.

The saintess and Elsie Rainella.

Among the forces accompanying the North, they were by far the best. To add a bit of exaggeration, it would have been nice to say that those two accounted for more than half.

They are monsters that can turn the tide of battle with a single body.

Would the outcome have been different if they had accompanied them?

Seria chewed on her lips, but only reminded herself of her shortcomings.

It seemed like he knew why ‘he’ from the future wouldn’t take Seria with him.

Regardless, the conversation between the saintess and Elsie continued.

“Don’t be like that… Sister Yurdina did her best, too.”

“Do you think we organized the punitive force because we didn’t do our best? The Empire, the Holy Kingdom, and even the privates of the Yurdina family… Ugh, now it’s time to do it in earnest.”

Apparently, the two of them were thinking of a new organization from the rear.

It was literally a power to clear the coniferous forest.

A military force cooperated by the Empire, the Holy Kingdom, and the Yurdina family?

However, Seria knew one thing they didn’t know.

Maybe this could have been the wrong choice.

“……I found it.”

The voices of the two women, who had been conversing with each other, died down.

When her questioning eyes turned to Seria, she screamed in a fit of panic.

“I found it! Senior Ian, he’s still in the coniferous forest…”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Elsie’s voice became hoarse.

She strode forward and grabbed Seria’s collar with her small hand.

A growl scratched Seria’s ear.

“I found it, but you came back alone? Are you crazy?! There’s no way…”

“He lost his memory.”

A single word that he vomited out while panting, along with tears.

Elsie’s face became stunned. It was the same with the saintess.

“Memories, ha ha… Lost, they consider elves as their own kind…”

Clear tears drip down.

Elsie remained silent for a while, then let go of her hand.

I was free, but the girl’s tears did not stop.

Elsie looked down at her empty hands and muttered quietly.

“……You lost your memory?”

Does that mean everything is gone?

All the precious memories, feelings, and memories of love that the two of you shared.

It felt like someone was tearing the flesh from my chest.

The story accelerated and kept intersecting.

The rupture is coming soon.

The saintess inadvertently thought so.

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