5. Bread and dagger (73)

The elven guard was yawning.

Even from far away, I could feel it. The heightened senses dissected all landscapes without exception. Even a scene that should have looked like a small dot could not escape my attention.

The level seemed quite high.

At least he was a stronger man than old Pope. It wasn’t comparable to the Snow Leopard Mine he faced before, but he was an opponent who had no reason to take risks.

The ‘headquarters’ was the place where the elves’ power was concentrated. In other words, it was a place similar to the Imperial Palace, so even the guards had no choice but to be skilled.

There was no time to deal with it, and it was a difficult enemy to ignore.

At this time, the options I chose were usually similar.

It kills the enemy and steals it without even noticing it.

It was a safe and secure way. Even so, I didn’t deliberately choose this.

It was because the purpose was different.

I didn’t want to clean up the elven guards. Rather, it was my goal to cause a commotion and buy a gap for Avian to escape from Leoric’s clutches.

Therefore, there was no hesitation in my body kicking off the ground.

Run and run, before you know it, the elf guards are within sight of me.

The guards were looking at me with somewhat unrealistic eyes.

The ‘headquarters’ of the elves are located deep in the coniferous forest. In addition, its location was also classified, to the point that mankind had never officially discovered even an elven village, let alone its ‘headquarters’.

But suddenly, a human running through the snowy field appeared.

It took time to understand and accept this. I deliberately drew my sword in advance so that the guards could understand my intentions.

Only after facing that silver alert did the elven guards come to their senses.

The voices of the elven guards rose as if in an outburst.

“It’s a raid! One intruder… Keck!”

That was the last word.

Pak, the thrown hatchet burst into the elven guard’s skull. The sight of blood and bone fragments scattered was always unpleasant to see.

Blood dripped down the back of his head, staining the pure white snow.

I took a deep breath and sighed. And as much as possible, I moved to find the cover around me.

It was good to cause chaos, but it was impossible to attack the elven headquarters alone.

If more than one Mine came out right away, I would have to worry about my life. Deliberately obliterating my presence was more suitable for my purpose.

An invisible enemy is more terrifying than a visible enemy.

My hypothesis was soon proved.

It was because shouts erupted from all over the place.

“I don’t see an intruder! Search all over!”

“Hide non-combatants in houses!”

“Leoric-sama, report to Leoric-sama!”

Among the soldiers rushing in, some looked familiar.

Especially the ‘knifemen’ who don’t leave footprints on the snow.

It was the elite power of the elves that I had seen during the night raid on the military camp. I didn’t understand that step at the time, but it was different now when I was taught by old Pope.

It was an elf’s unique breathing method.

Old Pope tied my hands and told me to walk through the coniferous forest. The intention was to focus all senses on the feet and feel the natural objects around them.

I haven’t mastered the trick yet.

However, he understood the fact that his breath continued, and that ghostly gait was possible. I paid attention to the process of inhaling and exhaling of the ‘swordsman’.

My breathing becomes more and more frequent.

The faint sign was getting more and more faint. After several minutes of not finding me, the elves grew more raucous.

It was me who entered without even knowing the internal structure.

It was an excellent result for a reckless infiltration. I wondered if the elves’ breathing method was really effective, and no one noticed my temporary presence.

At least two of the elves searching for me were in groups.

It was to inform the intruder’s location even if they were attacked by surprise. There weren’t many ways to block two people’s mouths at the same time.

It was a great strategy, of course, but it was short-lived.

As the confusion grew, cases of disregarding the principle emerged. It was because the elves lacked manpower to search every nook and cranny of the headquarters.

It was what I was aiming for.

I was hiding behind the cabin. The signs that were gradually approaching me were clear.

Turn the corner and you’ll see me right there.

So I sneakily moved in the direction of that corner. It was obvious what would happen after that.

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Just before the elf soldier saw me, my sword drew a silver horizon.

It didn’t even make a sound.

The elven soldier did not realize my existence until the moment he died. On the contrary, I didn’t even know that I was going to die.

“Pak,” he said, rolling his head on the snow-soaked ground. After a while, the sound of blood gushing out was heard, and the body collapsed like straw.

Elves have long ears, so their hearing is sensitive.

Soon after, I risked being discovered, so I held my breath again and moved on. As I expected, several elves were gathering.

Now was the chance.

When the turmoil grows, everyone’s attention is directed elsewhere.

I recalled the geography seen through the eyes of a crow. I remembered that Leoric’s hut was located in a somewhat remote location.

We had to get as close as possible to it.

And after joining Avian, they quickly escaped.

that was my plan

In fact, since I had rushed in recklessly, I couldn’t come up with a more elaborate strategy than that. At least, this was the only way to save my life and Avian’s life.

You can’t face the strength of the elven headquarters alone.

On the contrary, it was doubtful whether even Leoric could handle it. It was best to leave this place alone.

It was around the time of going back and forth between huts and huts, or between trees.

Two swordsmen were roaming around and approaching me.

It happened that Leoric’s hut was not far away.

I hid behind a pile of firewood. The two swordsmen with nervous faces moved forward while clicking their tongues.

The question seemed unresolved.

“How the hell did you find out about this place? If there is a traitor among your siblings… … ?”

“Today is Leoric-sama’s ‘worship’ day, so it’s a big deal.”


‘Swordsman’ seemed to be a kind of knight class. It was not an opponent that could be killed in one shot like a soldier.

let alone two

I didn’t think I would lose. However, as I was in a hurry, it was an enemy I didn’t want to run into.

However, no matter how long I waited, there seemed to be no sign of turning the swordsmen around, and if so, they would have noticed my presence sooner or later.

It was a game that had to be preceded inevitably.

My hand fiddled with the hilt of the hatchet.

After ending one by throwing a hatchet, he pounces on the bewildered swordsman and kills both in one shot. After that, it was my intention to run to the cabin.

Being surrounded, I could only see a future where I would die.

I regretted the past choice of leaving Avian alone.

It was already spilled water.

I had no choice but to do my best under the given conditions. I strengthen my will and pay attention to the swordsman’s gait.

Three steps, two steps, and one last step.

Right before the two swordsman reach the limit line I had set for me.

A thump, and a heavy vibration echoed from somewhere.

Not only me, but the gazes of the two swordsmen also naturally turned to the epicenter.

thump, and the ground rumbles again.

It was an earth-shaking shock. Every time the waves hit, snow piled up on the ground suddenly rose up and flew away. As time passed, the epicenter became clearer.

It was Leoric’s cabin.

Not everyone could guess what caused this.

What the hell happened?

The question was not long resolved.

With a bang, the cabin exploded with an explosion.

Fragments of trees that were shattered at once were lodged here and there. Some of the elves who were mesmerized around them were about to fall over screaming.

It wasn’t just wood pieces that were scattered.

All kinds of tools and furniture that had been dormant in Leoric’s cabin flew into the sky. And even Avian, who hid in Leoric’s cabin.

Whatever happened in the meantime, the transformation magic had been released.

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Just then, Avian was flying towards me. There was no more time to hesitate.

My hatchet was fired while drawing a hole in the sky.

The swordsmen, who were in awe, had no jaw to respond to this.

Pak, as the blood gushed out, one of the swordsmen’s eyes turned to me. The reaction speed was at least fast, but the sense of reality was missing in the bewildered eyes.

It was a good thing for me.

With all the strength I had been running, I kicked the swordsman in the chest.


And a hatchet that cuts through the body of the swordsman floating in the air.

It was Jeong Jung-dong’s grave.

I kicked the ground again, not paying attention to the knife handle. I threw myself right after that, and a gray-haired girl barely fell into my arms.

It was Avian.

The arm that received the shock tingled. Avian wouldn’t be safe either.

But not even a scream came out of the girl’s mouth. He just let out a grunt and moan with his eyes closed.

In any case, it was luck.

I felt that this was my last chance.

While everyone was stunned, even Avian fell into my arms.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the heavenly gods helped.

I decided to recite my future plans into Avian’s ear.

“Avian, are you okay?! Escape right now!”

“Be, Betty… … .”

However, the words that came out of Avian’s mouth made me hesitate.

Come to think of it, where is my sister?

No matter how much I looked, there was only one doll that had been thrown out of the cabin. With the heroine in my arms, it meant that Betty hadn’t come out of the cabin.

Is it possible.

What aroused my doubts was the sound of another scream.

My eyes went to Leoric’s hut, which had been blown out.

It was overflowing with molten flesh.

Yes, waves of flesh.

The boiling flesh was thick and hideous like lava. On the sea of flesh that endlessly expands its volume, one man, as if he were a savior, was walking.

No, can it be called walking?

The man’s legs had already been fused to the flesh. Every time I lifted my foot with a thump, thick flesh and veins stretched out.


In his arms, the girl Avian was looking for was held.

I hesitated and got up.

I feel sorry for Betty, but it was too much to come and save her now. The only option left to me was to run away.

Even so, I couldn’t shake my hesitation.

“Betty, no… … .”

Avian’s whispering voice seemed to overlap with me, who had sworn to protect Lia as a child.

It reminded me of a little knight who died protecting his little sister.

It was only a few seconds of conflict, but the price was bitter.

“Oh, Immanuel… Could there be such an exquisite fate?”

A voice that came out like a sigh aimed at me.

It was a quiet tone. It was clear that he hadn’t raised his voice, but the man’s voice was ringing in my ears with a strange resonance.

my eyes went silent

and met

With the eyes of a madman full of conviction to the point of disgusting.

“Brother Ian Perkus, nice to meet you.”

He was staring at me blatantly.

Apparently, it seemed wrong to run away.


One night, an uninvited guest came to Seria’s room.

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