5. Bread and Dagger (74)

After that day, Seria’s night became terribly long.

Even when the sun warmed the horizon, Seria’s world was full of darkness. Even the distinction between day and night was meaningless.

The world was hell.

Often, when she came to her senses, Seria would realize that her hands were shaking.

Alex is dead.

in whose hands?

The senior he loved had lost his memory, and now he was pointing the tip of his sword at humanity. Among them, Seria will also be included.

It was a loss I had never imagined.

If someone ripped out my heart, I would feel this pain.

No, if someone would rather do that.

Can this painful and lonely laceration be cured?

The vacancy of the man she fell in love with for the first time in her life was too great. A kind person who took an isolated girl off the island and even walked her side by side.

no more

With a sigh, Seria bit her nails again.

It was a worn out thumb nail. More biting couldn’t make my fingernails grow so fast. Blood and ooze are still flowing.

Still, why does the creepy noise continue?

It means your fingernails are growing.

It was a regeneration speed that was incomparable to that of a normal human. After several days of hiding in a dark room with curtains covering the sun, Seria’s body was feeling abnormal.

However, Seria did not even notice the change that had taken place in her body.

The opportunity to do so had long since disappeared.

In the room, only dry friction continued.

Far away, far away, far away.

After a long silence, Seria stood up like a seizure.

And wandered around the room, lost in thought. Suddenly, the girl’s blue eyes were embracing a magical light, but the world trapped in the night did not even allow a chance to look in the mirror.

how, what should i do?

How can I get my senior back?

Suddenly, hatred and anger rose up in my throat. Emotions as hot as flames wriggled, scorching his chest and esophagus. Seria involuntarily burst out coughing.

have to kill

It was a conclusion made without any logical examination.

It was also an unreasonable decision.

I didn’t even know whose crime I was going to condemn.

Even so, Seria really liked the sentence that had just been handed down. For the first time in a few days, her lips drew a thin arc.

yes, you can kill it

Wasn’t this the life it had been?

It didn’t matter if the opponent was an elf or a human. There was nothing wrong with the senior.

Even if there was a mistake, it was the world’s share.

He was a hero who sacrificed himself for humanity and threw himself into the end.

After taking away the memories of that man, it is fate to point the sword at his own people.

So you must kill it.

It was an intention to kill whose target was not even clear. However, it wasn’t a vain impulse, so Seria’s eyes began to show a wet will.

It was a dark, secret desire like mud in a puddle.

Seria walked around and stood in front of her sword. The girl’s favorite bottle that had been put down by her bedside was still waiting for her.

As always.

Seria’s hand gripped the sword without hesitation. And the moment he was about to reveal that pure white sword to the world.

The girl’s ears perked up.

I didn’t notice because I was alone in my thoughts, but I felt a strange presence somewhere.

The time when Seria’s eyes were blankly trying to search for the epicenter.

Bang, and the window opened violently.

“Ugh, kyaaagh!”

A familiar doll rolled across the floor with a scream. Seria was taken aback and had no choice but to step back.

A fierce north wind came in through the open window.

A swaying fire shadow illuminated her dark blue hair. The color resembles the night sky, and even the appearance of tears as she rubs my hair.

Seria immediately deduced its true identity.

“… … Her Highness the Princess?”

“Three, senior Seria.”

The princess hesitated with a somewhat frightened expression.

Unable to guess the reason, Seria was stunned, but Shien closed her eyes and lowered her head. There were hurried excuses coming out of his mouth.

“I-I didn’t mean to steal it! I knocked on the window a few times, but there was no response… Well, you don’t even need to use a knife… … !”

Oh, and only then did Seria let out a faint exclamation.

Before I knew it, my hand was gripping the handle of the sword. As if he was going to do a sword dance right away, he was still holding on to his strength.

Startled, she quickly hid the sword behind her back.

And with an awkward smile, he cleared his throat a few times.

What was I trying to do?

I couldn’t remember. I can only guess that if the princess hadn’t come, something would have happened.

Seria said with a slight blush in embarrassment.

“Oh no! How can I disrespect the dragon’s lineage… Misunderstanding. The sword was left unattended for too long, so I tried to fix it… More than that!”

The stuttering language was condensed into a single question.

Seria, who soon regained her composure, had to ask a legitimate question.

“Why did you come in through the window? That it could be done through Yurdina Castle… … .”

“I heard a dangerous secret.”

‘Secret’, Seria kept her mouth shut at that short word.

The question was still unresolved.

I can guess how she got to Seria’s room. I wondered if he had probably used some kind of flying magic. As soon as the window was opened, the wind came in and it was like that.

But why is it necessary?

This was the castle of Yurdina, one of the five noble families of the Empire. There was no one who could threaten the princess who inherited the blood of the imperial family.

Still, the princess was swallowing dry saliva with a very nervous expression on her face.

As if being chased by something.

Shien whispered in a stiff voice.

“Seria senior… … .”

Around the time Seria’s head, unable to overcome her curiosity, tilted slightly.

“Are you interested in ‘Irregularity’?”

Seria was silent for a moment.

And I thought.

Carl, should I pull it out like this?


Chiik, and the medicine poured over the trampled snow.

Then, red footprints began to creep up. Checking the direction every few minutes, the women were moving their steps.

It was Delphine, Elsie, and Emma.

The troops brought as guides and attendants were left behind in the elves’ hideout. It was a decision made with the thought that it would be better to meet Ian who headed to the ‘headquarters’.

Anyway, there was one more person who could be a guide.

It is none other than the elf who was captured by the women and interrogated for the first time.

It was Isha.

She was still trembling with fear. The women did not show a particularly favorable attitude toward Isha.

Humans and elves have been at odds for hundreds of years.

Even when I heard the truth, it was difficult to completely trust it. The more I listened, the more stories I didn’t want to believe.

Alex is a family traitor.

It was an unexpected sound. Delphine was speechless after that.

Only Elsie was the only one who patted Isha and threatened her from time to time.

“Hey, elf… Are you looking for the right way? As you can see, my younger brother is a bit competent. If it leads you down the wrong path… … !”

“I-I don’t do that!”

Elsie let out a subtle, hmmm sound at the sound she made with a teary face.

It was still a look of doubt.

Isha was now persuading Elsie as she begged.

“Man is our friend! Where in the world is an elf cheating on a friend’s friend?”

“Where does an elf dare to pretend to be a friend of the master… After, done.”

Elsie seemed to be in tears for a moment, but she soon calmed herself down.

As the girl shook her head, the tip of her cone-shaped hat shook along with it. A slight fatigue was reflected in those blue eyes.

It was a reward for continuing the forced march over the past few days.

In addition, not only the body but also the mind suffered severely, so it was inevitable to show a tired appearance.

However, his expression brightened slightly.

“So, master’s memory is fine?”

“Yes, yes… Perhaps from the conversation I had with the knight.”

“Heh, the owner’s tastes are also unique.”

Elsie snorted and smiled proudly.

It was a habit that came out when I was in a good mood.

“I have memories, but what about hanging out with elves? How much do you sleep? … .”

“Me, him.”

It was the first question Isha threw.

As if asking what was going on, Elsie’s eyes turned to Isha. He was much shorter than Isha, but Isha knew it well.

What happens when that tiny hand is swung once?

The sky is torn apart, and divine punishment strikes from its lacerations.

He had never seen such a strong shaman in his life. Even so, Isha couldn’t overcome her innate curiosity and bluntness.

A gurgling sound was heard. The question followed next.

“Ho, if humans really lost their memories… What were you thinking… … .”

Hmmm, Elsie swallowed.

Elsie’s eyes softened as she looked around for a moment. With mischievous eyes, Elsie whispered in Isha’s ear.

“You have to take responsibility… I, the master, have a child.”

“Hey, you’re pregnant… … ?!”

Isha was startled and looked back and forth between Elsie’s stomach and her face. No matter how I looked at it, it didn’t look like a pregnant woman’s body.

I heard that it doesn’t show in the early stages of pregnancy, so it’s true.

It was when Isha quietly marveled at the mystery of life.

Elsie said with a calm face that was shameless.

“no? Let alone pregnant, I am a virgin.”

“Then what are you going to do later… … !”

“You can really get pregnant… It suddenly and secretly attacked at night.”

Isha kept her mouth shut.

I looked at her, wondering if it was a joke, but Elsie looked infinitely sincere. There was no agitation in those blue eyes.

It was a story close to the idea of a madman.

Trying to give up my virginity to get at least one man. Even premarital pregnancy would not have been such a disgrace to a woman.

So Isha had no choice but to realize again.

After all, humans are scary creatures.

But that thought didn’t last long.

It was because, not long after, the scene that he had to shake off his thoughts came into his field of vision.

A thump, a resounding vibration.

The group’s footsteps immediately stopped. There was still a distance from ‘headquarters’. Nevertheless, what is the identity of the vibration that can be felt so clearly?

It was still like ice.

Delphine was staring intently in a certain direction in silence. Then close your eyes and take a few seconds to slow down your breathing.

Bloody eyes bulged.


The party did not go against their instincts.

The bodies of the women thrown to the ground were buried in the snow. Right after that risky evasion action, a beam of light flying in burning the world.

The searing heat incandescent the retina.

I couldn’t even hear the noise. There was nothing left where the rays passed.

No trees, no animals, nothing.

A straight line of sight was secured along the trajectory of the light beam. The party groaned and stood up.

And at the end of that fiery straight line, it was visible.

It was a landscape like a very small dot. But someone was fighting with a sword in the distance. The rolling shadows were dancing.

As soon as Elsie saw the sight, she immediately kicked the ground.


That was the beginning.

The group immediately started running. Towards the man they were looking for all along.

The signal flares of the decisive battle were going up.

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