620 – 7.5 Season is Autumn (9)

The cry was long and long.

As if she had to resolve all the grievances she hadn’t met in the past, the girl’s tear ducts constantly overflowed with dew.

There must have been a psychology of wanting to be compensated for the sad parting.

Even after squeezing her tears for a long time, the girl did not think of leaving her man’s arms. On the contrary, she just covered the man’s cheek with her hands with her hazy eyes.

She still couldn’t tell if she was dreaming or waking up.

“Huh, black… Why are you so old, how many hardships must you have…….”

Your body is younger than when we first met.

Those words got up to her throat, but her man soon stopped. It wasn’t even her man’s body anyway.

It’s not like I didn’t notice the girl’s meaning either.

No matter how young his body was, it was not enough to hide the unique atmosphere of a man who had been through the years.

A worn out soul.

Emotions and passion are now dim. Shall we say that it is a machine-like existence that operates only with originality and a sense of duty?

On the contrary, it was a miracle to see the same reaction as now.

The man tried to contain her wry smile, but she soon gave up.

For many years, the corners of his lips, which had not even moved, could not even be drawn properly. Like rusty gears that don’t turn properly.

However, the man clumsily brushed the girl’s back.

“Sorry, sister.”

“That’s all I have to say…… ?”

I flinch.

Rarely, the man’s body trembled. A faint puzzlement spread in his golden eyes.

If she was a man not too long ago, yes.

It wouldn’t be strange to say “The end” In an indifferent tone. But isn’t the woman who asked the question the woman her man couldn’t help but love?

He too was a man made of flesh and blood. The man realized that fact only today.

Hesitating, hesitating.

In the end, the man put her sincerity buried deep inside her into her mouth.

“I missed you.”

Only then did the girl show her happy smile.


Before long, she smashed her head into her man’s arms.

A slight warmth began to flow from the man’s face as well. To the extent that the corners of her lips drew a slight arc.

It was around the time that this tickling atmosphere flowed.

“Kuhm, hmm.”

At the sound of coughing that came out of nowhere, the two of them looked away in amazement.

At the epicenter stood a woman with dark blue hair.

The Archwitch.

As soon as he realized this, the man tried to separate the girl from her body, but it failed because the girl was clinging to the man.

Of course, there is a difference in strength, so if you want to push it, you can push it. It’s just that her arms didn’t have enough strength.

Ahead of this, the great witch cleared her voice again.

She said, “I tried to watch from afar… Seeing as they are still doing it, they must have known when they were in their prime.”

“What, what.”

And then the girl tightened her grip on her man’s clothes. As if she would never take away her precious treasure.

It was a blatant reaction because I couldn’t be honest. To the extent that the Archwitch swallowed a laugh while saying “Pick”.

It was her man who took the more normal courtesy.

“Master… ….”

“Hmph, who is your teacher?”

But the Archwitch’s voice in response was just heartbreaking. She should, though she usually has a mischievous smile on her face.

“My disciple is not an old man like you. A little more pure, stupid… That’s why he deserves more expectations.”

“You mean that kid?”

“With a habit of talking.”

In response to her man’s question, the great witch pursed her lips. It seemed that she was not willing to curse at her disciple.

Even that appearance reminded me of my mentor.

The man had to fall into the illusion of going back to the past. Although it was difficult, the moments were more than happy and precious.

It was then.

The teacher who approached me without hesitation raised his toes.

The man just lowered her upper body slightly to hug her petite lover. It was also the reason why her archwitch’s hand was barely able to cover the top of her man’s head.

“Good job.”

Her man’s breath was choking and choking.

It was a tone I hadn’t heard in a long time. A friendly high-low tone that was used only when a teacher praised a student.

It wasn’t imitation. It was an impossible voice without the affection accumulated over the years.

The man who was none other than him had no chin to know this.

Isn’t that the voice you chewed over the cud countless times?

My mouth does not open properly.

“You worked hard. You did so well… You, no matter what anyone says, are my proud disciple.”

Then the man thoughtlessly.


She denied her teacher’s words. Even after she spoke, she felt sorry for her, but her man’s insistence was unstoppable.

“I couldn’t fulfill Master’s will. How many times have you lost important people, failed, regretted… If I could have done better…… !”

“Do you believe in the teacher?”

I am speechless again.

The man pursed her lips, but in the end she couldn’t put her retort in her mouth. She just slightly averted her gaze.

“…… Yes.”

“Then don’t spit out. Won, even though you gave me your precious time, I still have to listen to your disciple’s lament…….”

And then the High Witch bit her pipe.

“Yes,” Said your master.

The girl responded next.

Elsie immediately raised her voice and threw her half-hearted question. The blue pupil was trembling slightly.

“Well then, Master…… !”

“No more.”

Whoops, he replied, spitting out cigarette smoke.

Short and plain language does not allow even the slightest doubt. While the girl put on a look of bewilderment, the high witch again put the cruel truth into her mouth.

“It was a will that was not lacking even if it was called ‘Destruction’ in the first place. What I have accepted, unlike you, is not all of my soul or memories. There is only something left that I desperately wished for while dying… Even this would have been impossible if my ugly older sister hadn’t confused the ‘boundary’ with a barrier.”

And silence.

After hesitating for a while, the arch witch finally let out a deep sigh and confessed her true reason for restraining the two of them.

“…… You are not irrelevant.”

Unlike her, it was a euphemism.

It didn’t take long to understand her meaning. If the case in which the ‘great witch’ of the world where the ‘man’ lived was exceptional, then the other person called would be the same.

Unexpectedly, the person who responded the most immediately to that fact was the man.

“How much is left.”

It was a heavy voice.

It was the ending I had already expected. The man paid a huge price to pass on to this world. It was to the extent that I had never dared to ask for something to bring back my memories for free.

Reuniting with your first love now?

It was an unbelievable miracle. Of course, the end is too early. That’s why I didn’t want to admit my heart even more.

The fact that I couldn’t forget the girl.

It’s painful even if I don’t do that, but I’ll keep thinking about today’s meeting.

The question mixed with all sorts of emotions brought about a short answer.

“Very little.”

Fear returned to the girl’s face. Not even despair, but pure fear that she was about to part with the man she loved.

I don’t want to break up.

A legitimate desire turned into tears and clung to the corners of the girl’s eyes. Perhaps this feeling was the same for her man.

It was only then that the girl suddenly realized.

Why did her man look at her girl so much and still look away from her? Even though she hasn’t said goodbye yet, she is so scared of her, how was her man’s heart when she actually had to go through a breakup.

Just like that, the girl trembled and held her man’s clothes in her hands.

“Thank God.”

With a tone even firmer than her memory, her man stroked her girl’s hair affectionately.

“To meet again… I haven’t forgotten about it.”

Saying that, the man managed to twist the corner of her mouth up.

At first glance, it was more like a convulsion than a smile, but the girl knew it.

From noble mtl dot com

That’s the kindest expression a man can show.

“…… Fortunately, the.”

The woman cried. She didn’t cry the man, but that might be because he’d forgotten how to cry.

However, the time for tears was short.

Because the remaining time was too precious for that.

In the end, the girl pretended to be unconcerned and asked.

“Hey, what do you do because you like me so much?”

The man gave no answer. It was the same response as before.

I don’t dare to say anything embarrassing to say.

That fact fueled Elsie’s playfulness.

“Didn’t I just whine after I died? I can’t forget senior Elsie… Yep? How about it, you haven’t been alone since I did, have you?”

A purely joke question.

The girl seemed already convinced of her answer to her question. However, she did not return her answer even after a long time.

Because her man kept her silence, sneaking away from his gaze.

It was then that cracks began to appear in Elsie’s smile.

“Ah, ahahahaha… that, yes! There might have been one or two after I died. Are you the man Elsie Rainella fell in love with? So… how many, huh? One? Two?”

Still no answer came back.

Her man’s gaze was even more directed to the side. Maybe it was because of his mood, but he felt like beads of sweat were forming on his forehead.

Then the girl’s smile collapses.

“So, three? Four… five… Hey, hey!”

When her answer did not come back until the end, the girl who reached the limit of her patience eventually raised her voice.

All the while, her man did nothing but extend her fingers and repeat her folds without a word from her.

Five, six, seven… No more?

The girl who had her first love taken away by a woman whose name she did not even know had no choice but to cry out with bloodshot eyes.

“Hey, this… You playboy bastard!!!”

Pakpak, doing it.

Her man’s shin was kicked several times by the girl. It really couldn’t have been an unfortunate ending.


The next day.

“Ouch… ….”

Ian, who opened her eyes with her hangover, moaned at the mysterious pain she felt in her shin. Before long, a deep crease formed between the brows of the man who had undone her trousers.

“What is this… ….”

There was a bruise on her shin.

Ian was a strong man who reached the high expert level. Of course, it was not easy to injure the body, and it was even more difficult to leave it for more than a day.

Unless repetitive shocks are applied in an unreasonable way.

What the hell did you do?

While grunting like that, it was when Ian inadvertently lifted her bedside bucket.

Slices of paper fluttering and falling.

Ian tilted her head and picked it up. There, a short phrase was visible in scrawled handwriting.

‘Thank you.’

Familiar writing, unfamiliar content.

Ian blankly stared at the text for a while. How much for that

She burst into laughter and her man’s hand daringly tilted her water bottle. It was only then that I felt like I came to my senses as the cold water went down my esophagus.

Then let’s start the day again.

Along with this, her man was just getting up.

With a flutter, a small piece of paper lying on her bedside falls.

It was the same with a short phrase written there.

‘Tonight, let’s meet at the back of the observatory.’

It’s just that the owner of the handwriting didn’t guess.

It seemed that the man’s fall had not yet ended.

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