621 – 7.5 The season is autumn (10)

The sky in autumn is high and clear.

The night of the season when the horses fatten and the farmers celebrate a good harvest was embarrassingly quiet. Maybe it’s because the sound of grass insects that have been ringing in our ears all summer has calmed down.

Or maybe it was because the place I came to was so unpopulated.


It was a building closely related to magic, alchemy, and astrology. Since a long time ago, the movement of the stars used to be recognized in relation to the sky and will.

However, some conditions were required to properly observe celestial bodies.

For example, the field of view or the amount of light. I don’t know the details because I’m a swordsman, but I heard the other day that the observatory was built after considering other difficult location conditions.

As a result, the observatory was located in a very remote location.

If you think about it for a bit, it was a natural story. Where there is civilization, light is bound to be born, so observatories that must avoid light as much as possible are forced to be driven out into the wild.

It was the inside story of the academy’s astronomical observatory being built in an embarrassing location.

In fact, it wasn’t even an ‘academy’. The observatory was located outside the academy, halfway up the hill where the sage lived in seclusion a long time ago.

If it hadn’t been for the teleportation magic circle, I wouldn’t have ever stepped foot in my life.

I never thought someone would designate a place this far away as a meeting place.

Of course, it was not a bad choice to have a confidential conversation. That’s because there were very few students who visited the observatory, and even if they did, they had to get permission in advance.

Anyone with enough power to ignore this would be able to choose this place.

In other words, the person who summoned me today was someone who could at least ignore the academy’s administrative procedures.

“…… Did you come?”

Whoa, the pure white cigarette smoke draws the tail.

Maybe it’s because the weather has gotten colder. The white steam that flowed between the girl’s lips looked like breath. Perhaps it felt more so because of the appearance of a woman holding a smoking pipe.

Are you just passing puberty?

Her petite frame and delicate skin further confuse her woman’s age. Her aura and behavior are like an adult, but her appearance is the same as when she was a child.

She was a familiar figure by now.

He has no choice but to do that.

How can a disciple not recognize his master’s face?

I immediately bowed my head slightly to show my respect.


“The moon is very bright today.”

Is it praise or lamentation?

The emotions contained in the woman’s words, like a sigh, were deep and strong. I hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to do, then carefully narrowed the distance with my teacher.

The archwitch’s gaze is slightly directed at me and then aimed at the sky. Stars were immersed in her eyes, like the tropical sea.

“Did I ever tell you before? ‘Masters’ are not free beings.”

“I think I heard from a swordsman before… ….”

It was a very old story.

Perhaps it was because he had been through so many incidents, he had forgotten such a trivial mention for a long time. Even so, I searched in my head to live up to my teacher’s expectations as much as possible.

Did a swordsman ever say something similar?

I wasn’t sure. It didn’t seem like the Archwitch was asking a question she was expecting an answer to.

So he must be breathing smoke without pretending to hear.

“Isn’t that funny? The fact that beings who are said to have transcended human beings are tied to the past and cannot even move.”

“Can’t even move?”

“The Celestials of the Holy Land are saints.”

Saint Ciendel.

I flinched at the name I hadn’t heard in a long time. It was because the body did not forget the fierce struggle that took place at the court on the mountain that day.

The saint was strong.

If a monster that handles life and death freely isn’t strong, then who dares call it ‘strong’? But even the saint, who was so strong, couldn’t step out on his own.

I just kept the old tradition and the law.

“Imperial Sword Maniac is the Imperial Family.”

It was the same with the swordsman.

At one time, he was a person who toured the entire continent and wrote numerous legends. Didn’t he still show that he couldn’t control his blood?

Nevertheless, he returned to the imperial family.

“And, I am Great Forest.”

“Aren’t you frustrated?”

It was a question that suddenly came to mind.

A saint, a swordsman, and a great witch.

It was like living a life tied to a leash for at least several decades. Even though it’s so strong, why?

Then the Archwitch let out a faint laugh.

“I asked what he was talking about… Of course it’s frustrating. In fact, all three of us may be deep down longing to be freed from this long bondage. It’s just that the burden is too heavy to throw away lightly.”

“You mean all three?”

“Yes, all three of us… No, two now.”

The Archwitch’s mischievous smile sneaks up on me.

It was the first time I saw it. In the meantime, I’ve always been tired, or I’ve only seen solemn faces.

To be able to look so innocent like this.

Perhaps it was because of my surprise, my heart beat once.

“Haven’t I become free now…?” Thanks to none other than you.”

“This is an over-praise.”

“For hundreds of years I have abused myself.”

As if not paying attention to my words of humility, the Archwitch resumed her conversation.

“I thought it was all my fault. In my heart, I wondered if there might be a better option… It was like that until the last moment when I killed her ugly sister with my own hands.”

“You can’t always make the right choice.”

“That is what I mean… But the guilt didn’t go away, so I pushed myself into pain every day. Even deliberately using the core of the barrier as my body.”

What can I say about the expression on the face of the Great Witch as she tells the story of her past.

Sometimes he looked lighthearted, sometimes he looked empty, and sometimes he looked sad.

Perhaps it is something I can’t even imagine.

What are your impressions after sorting out the bad relationship that lasted for hundreds of years?

From noble mtl dot com

The Archwitch hesitated for a long time, unable to open her mouth. It’s because she doesn’t know how to define her own feelings.

However, there was one word that was eventually squeezed out.

“…… Thanks.”

It was a word filled with deep emotions.

The archwitch blushed slightly, and she averted my gaze. As she did today, she seemed to be a frequent witness to her mentor’s rare expression.

A shy archwitch.

Who would have imagined.

“Thank you for saving me… Actually, I was eagerly waiting. May this day come… It’s just that I couldn’t do that on my own.”

I stayed silent for a while.

I inadvertently took a step. Then, the distance between me and the woman instantly reduced to less than half.

When my knees were bent in silence, and the light green eyes filled my vision.

Only then did my lips hold a line. Seeing this, the great witch’s breath caught in her jaw, and a choking sound was heard.

My image forms on the round eyes. Even the moonlight that shines down on me like rain.

“…… It is an honour.”

That was all I wanted to say.

The archwitch pursed her lips for a moment, then turned her head away. Her softly heated cheeks embrace an enchanting light.

“Because I can save you after hundreds of years.”

“Hey, whoever sees me will think I’m a princess in a fairy tale.”

“Why not? In the past, it seems like I heard that she was the daughter of a noble family… Evil!”

In the end, the great witch’s kick, unable to overcome her shame, kicked my knee.

No matter how mage you are, a master is a master.

There was no way her physical abilities were mediocre. At least it was enough for a warrior who had reached an expert level to scream.

As I raised her body with a scream, the archwitch began fanning her hands and grunting at her.

“It’s been a while since a young guy messed around… Misplaced her pupil, tsk tsk. Just making fun of the master.”

“Is it obvious?”

And then again the evil, the sound.

It was the result of the Archwitch’s tiny feet striking my knee again.

“Yes, man. Everyone!”

Perhaps it was a pity that she had been offended by my joke, the great witch did not ease her spirits for a long time with her spirits. I finally felt relieved and burst into laughter.

Yes, that’s how it should be.

It seemed that the face he had seen in the memories of the man from the future had finally returned. The expression of those days when I shook off the shadows and cried and laughed without any worries.

I decided to take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere and ask questions.

“By the way, Master.”

“What is it?”

Putting out her lips, the tone of the woman with the smoking pipe was even sullen.

Is it still not resolved?

I thought so, but I didn’t stop asking questions.

“Why are you still like that?”

Then, the great witch flinched and slightly stiffened her body.

Again the woman’s eyes turned to her side. I couldn’t help but tilt my head even more at the obviously suspicious sign.

“Isn’t the vampire dead anyway? There must be no reason for her to maintain her childhood body shape…….”


The tone suddenly became serious.

I was embarrassed and had no choice but to keep my mouth shut. The archwitch’s eyes looking at me looked especially serious.

“Do you love the second child?”

“No, what… That’s natural. Would you marry a woman you don’t even love?”

Even on the plate with her wife.

Of course, I didn’t make the mistake of talking behind my back. No matter how you think about it, it was morally reprehensible.

Then the High Witch cleared her throat with Hmm Hmm, clearing her voice.

“Around you, that… There are a lot of mature women.”

“…… ?”

What are you talking about?

I didn’t understand her intentions for a moment, but when I thought about it again, the archwitch was right.

Not only the saintess, but Liana Delphine also had a great body. It was the same for Emma and Seria.

Looking back, I thought that a body like Elsie’s was rather rare.

I still couldn’t find a satisfactory answer, so I had to ask again while stroking my chin.

“So what?”

“What… It’s just, that’s it.”

“What the hell does that have to do with Master’s body shape… ….”

“I know that if the teacher is like that!”

I was blown away by the words that blushed and shouted back.

It was truly a terrifying technique.

‘Where do you talk back to your teacher bluntly?!’

Invincible logic that cannot be refuted because the moment you object to it, it becomes a ‘talk back’ again.

In the end, I had no choice but to remain silent again and secretly watch the Archwitch. Only then did the High Witch regain her sanity, and she cleared her throat again, calming her mind.

How long to do that.

The archwitch let out a deep sigh and shook her head.

“No, no… In fact, there was a different reason for calling today.”

“The main topic remains?”


To me with a puzzled face, the Archwitch spoke in a slightly bitter tone.

“You mean junior… ….”

Seria must leave me.

As soon as I heard that, I started running like crazy.

To the room where my junior is staying. Praying that it’s not too late.

But with a bang, she slammed the door with her foot and reached Seria’s room.

‘Writing to Senior Lee An’

There was only one letter left.

I picked up the letter with trembling hands.

The elegant handwriting was sunk in black on the pure white paper. Perhaps it was written with sincerity.

That’s the first line.

[I had a lot of sins because I loved you.]

I had to read the letter as if I was being punished.

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