650 – 8. Last Will (24)

A clear fear freezes the spinal cord like frost and reaches the top of the head. In the moment of hesitation, the skin-covered eyes were staring at Lia.

“Ugh, ah… ….”

One step, two steps.

While taking a backward step, he hit his butt. He knew he had to run away at once, but his frightened body couldn’t obey his brain’s commands.

In the first place, Lia still couldn’t understand the current situation.

Why did she walk herself here? Why did he come to such a dangerous place, and what is that monster?

Come to think of it, I remembered seeing her somewhere. At some point, she seems to have been seen in the Holy Kingdom…….

Just then.


The faceless monster made a terrible noise and squirmed to its feet. And slowly approaching steps.

Lea’s teeth started to chatter. She should run away, yes. I have to run away.

The monster had already come close. Contrary to its shabby appearance, the body of the monster standing firmly on the ground was covered with strong muscles.

Lia was enough to be torn apart in one go.

Right after Lia closed her eyes, feeling such an ominous fate.

Kieek! Kiek?! Kiyi profit?

I seem to feel the unpleasantly damp breathing, and then the noise of the monster recedes. When Lia opened her eyes in bewilderment, there was a monster tilting her head in front of her.

The monster also looked very puzzled. She screamed endlessly, just looking at her restless look.

Kikiiik… Ok Kiek?

Lea lost her mind again. For a moment, she had an impression of what the hell this was all about.


The faceless monster forcibly picked up Leah and started running with her on her back. After the scenery stretched in a straight line with the wind, Lia struggled with her several times.

Her body was tossed and tossed. Over a clearing with pits everywhere.

A red moon floating in the sky, a middle-aged man with fallen red hair, and a proud girl with scratches on her clothes and body.

The scenery cuts into the field of vision one after another and then stops. Lia’s eyes were fixed on one spot without knowing it.

In the form of a beautiful girl with black hair.

With golden eyes shining, the woman who looked so much like Lia smiled softly.

“Hi, fake.”

She had seen it sometime. A person who carved a terrible nightmare in the underworld of the Holy Kingdom.

No, monsters.

It was ‘greed’.

Leah’s body trembled as she welcomed her biological twin after a long absence. Biologically, she was closer than anyone else, but to be honest, Leah hated that existence.

Isn’t it obvious?

It was as if a monster with no humanity was wearing its own skin. They ridicule life, ridicule morality, and use other people’s earnestness as a toy to increase their puppets.

He was a sinner who deserved to die. So Leah couldn’t help but hate the devil who looked like me.

Because it was like an existence that maximized the darkness that was hidden in my heart.

Whether or not, ‘greed’ was nothing more than tucking my blood-soaked bangs back with a thin smile.

“Eh, what happened… I thought you had already evacuated. You know, brother loves her sister so much, doesn’t she? Of course, you’re fake… Although the person Ian loves is me.”

“Crazy b*tch.”

At the sudden accusation, the monster showed a twisted smile.

As if it were really fun.

“Ahahahahaha! That chattering tongue is still intact, huh? By the way… ….”

The woman’s breathing subsided with a clear laugh. Her enchanting golden eyes were shining with a mysterious light.

As soon as Lia met that gaze, she had a hunch.

The name of the feeling that shines like a jewel.


It was right after that that blood-colored solid lines burst out.

“Kyaauh, uh? Ugh…… !”

A beam of light.

It didn’t even look right. Only the sensation of something tearing through my skin remains. A sharp pain came up belatedly, and Lia, like her instinct, tried to stop the bleeding by groping her forearm.

Blood was gushing out of the forearm where the flesh had been ripped off. Feeling even the soft touch of her owner as torture, her exposed body screamed with her pain cells.

Leah could only bite her lip.

“Ugh… Aww, turn it off…… !”

“You still don’t know? The fact that there is no one here to protect you… Whoops, no. Why did you come here in the first place? You want to die by my hand?”

Why are you here?

Lea also wanted to know why. Being dragged without any warning, and facing a monster that looked just like me, I was laughing at myself.

She felt like swearing. However, all she could do was bite her teeth tight to keep her screams from leaking out.

Leah was not a person who was accustomed to pain. It was only natural that she had someone who had suffered the pain instead of her.

“Aha, did you come to visit my brother by any chance?”

The heated gaze is directed towards ‘greed’.

She didn’t know if it was because she had faint expectations, or if it was because of the explosion of hostility towards the monster who dared to call her precious being ‘brother’. However, the monster only made fun of the girl’s intent to kill.

“Ahahahahaha! Really? Pretty admirable for a fake, but… Give up Ian oppa is not in a situation where he will come to rescue you.”

“That, crab… Whoa, what a sound…… !”

“What are you talking about? Ah, poor fake… Are you invisible to your eyes? Finally, the star of fate that shines on Ian oppa.”

It was a very excited tone.

She put her hands together as if the cruel smile she had been wearing just now was a fake wheat, making her woman’s eyes twinkle. In her sky-going eyes, an overwhelming hope fell like starlight.

It’s not just an optical illusion.

Even though it was early in the morning, the stars were studded with stars in the area where the bloody moon rose. The girl who looked like Lia had a modest attitude, like a child praying to her star.

The attitude of not even paying attention to Leah.

Unsatisfied with that fact, the girl had to tighten her jaw joint even more. But why?

As she conceived her murderous intent, it seemed that a strange whisper came back. When I felt Ian’s body, that mysterious voice whispered softly.

‘Be more vigilant.’

“I still don’t know, fake? Finally, the destiny that has been decided has begun to approach… The false time that separated me and my brother is over, and the future where I will become your brother’s companion, just as Homeros has prepared!”

“Laughing, creeping… turn off the sound…… !”

“Of course, of course… Yes, we still need more. Neither time nor sacrifice.”

As if impatiently, she wet her lips with her tongue.

‘Greed’ was making a sound of excited breathing. The twinkling starlight in her eyes had turned into mania.

“But, it’s not long now. Really! Unlike the celestial, the ungrateful favoritism, Omerus does not lie.”

A blue crescent moon hangs on the lips of the woman who had uttered such a clear voice, and her golden eyes gazed at her again.

The eyes were drenched with joy. Like a beast facing a bloody prey.

“Now, look at it now… Didn’t you prepare the perfect sacrifice?”

Lea smiled at me.

“If you touch me… ….”

Maybe it was because I didn’t know that the bloody prey would open its mouth.

The woman widened her eyes slightly in surprise. That brief gap was enough time for Leah to provoke her opponent.

“My brother won’t stay still, will he? Because I’m my brother’s younger sister… Not you.”

At the same time, the girl bursting with laughter was her lovely sister herself.

That’s the reason why a woman who resembles a girl can’t hold back her anger.

The smile of ‘greed’ froze in an instant.

“Is that all there is to keep you alive?”

“So you couldn’t kill me last time either? Isn’t that enough?”

“Yes, it was then. But now…….”

A bloody whip appears with the sound of splashing blood.

The rays of crimson light that appeared on the woman’s hands exploded the mound as soon as they touched her earth. She didn’t even give me much power, but this much physical power.

If Lia’s body, which is only an ordinary person, collided with her, she would surely not be safe.

The lips of the devil, who must have known that fact better than anyone else, held a lustrous line.

“Even your death will make my brother complete… Because it’s decided that way!”

And at that moment, wriggling and soaring like a snake aiming for the prey of the bloody whip.


With a bang, the red trajectory continues like brush strokes.

The muscular body that leaped off the ground at once possessed momentum comparable to that of an artillery shell. No matter how ‘greed’ it was, it was impossible to completely ignore it, and naturally, the bloody whips were entangled like vines to form a net.

Even so, the power was so strong that it could not be completely drained.

The woman took about half a step back and heard the sound of grinding her teeth.

From noble mtl dot com

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