651 – 8. Testament (25)

“You dirty old man!”

The person who took advantage of the gap and carried out the surprise attack was a middle-aged man.

When Lia first arrived here, she was a swordsman lying face down as if she were dead. He swung a sword the size of his body with astonishing swiftness and shouted to his back.

“Get out of here! Aren’t you Ian’s sister?!”

Leah was dumbfounded by the help of a person she had never seen before. But even for a short time, her brain, which had been familiar with celebrities inside the academy as a merchant, soon came up with a name.

Derek the skull collector.

Ian was a professor at the Faculty of Swordsmanship, and a legendary beast hunter. However, even such a famous swordsman was a group of people who could withstand ‘greed’ alone, and the fact that he had collapsed before Lia arrived was proof of this.

No, there was no need to revisit the past. That fact was proven again not long after.

“Who cares?”

Cold mockery.

That was the signal. Crack, the bloody whip gripped Derek’s greatsword tightly, and the restraint showed no signs of loosening even as Derek’s muscles swelled like balloons.

It was only a fleeting confrontation.

Once again, the bloody whip was released, and Derek’s body, which had been giving it strength, collapsed while the woman’s body spun like a dancer.

But even the result won’t be elegant.


It was hard to believe that it was the result of protruding from the smooth movement, and it didn’t take even a few shots until the heavy-bodied middle-aged man flew through the air coughing up blood.

Of course, that couldn’t be the end.

Thack, the bloody whip wraps around the middle-aged man’s body like tentacles. Her arms, legs, and even her neck.

“Did you really think you could fight me? This is why I hate you humans… Acting like a noble sacrifice for a weak subject.”

I can’t do anything, right after the woman added.


As the whip tightens the middle-aged man’s body, the sound of bones shifting reverberates. Still, Derek let out a soft moan.

“If you want that, yes. I’ll kill you. Without finding anything… End of that miserable life…… !”

The next moment.

With a thud, Greed’s body leans slightly. The wide eyes revealed her astonishment.

The reason was simple.

It was because the existence that attacked the woman just now was the ‘faceless monster’ that brought Lia here.

“What is this…… !”


The monster that attacked didn’t even care about the woman’s astonishment. She opened her hideous mouth and let out a scream.

‘Greed”s golden eyes scanned the surroundings like an instinct. Embarrassed by the loss of his family, he immediately set his sights on the most influential person after finding the suspect.

Ria Percus.

She, who had been dripping her blood from her forearm until just before, was now raising her body and pointing her palm to the woman. Anyone could see that it was the figure of a master giving orders to her followers.

But how?

The contract with the ‘faceless monster’ was by no means flimsy. The sorcery handled by the Dark Church is guaranteed by the evil god, Omerus, and that is why it has enjoyed a vicious reputation.

Even the soul was stolen.

It was a situation that I couldn’t even imagine. Rarely, the spirit of ‘greed’ that lost its composure affected the magic as it was, and Derek managed to escape from restraint by taking advantage of that gap.

The middle-aged man, panting and backtracking, looked like he was about to run away with the girl.

Of course, there was no way for ‘greed’ to see this.

‘Dare…… !’

Are you taking something away from me again? On the subject of ‘fake’, dare!

The will of a woman who lost her sanity for a moment immediately caused a change in the whole area.

Ugh, the blood-colored moon let out a cry, and at the very moment when countless blood-colored tentacles blocked the way for Lia and Derek, who were about to run back and forth.

A strange sense squeezed the heart of ‘greed’.

Everything was slowly coming to a standstill. The world, which had been shining in all natural colors, was dyed in achromatic colors, and her blood froze from her fingertips, making her unable to move. This unpleasant feeling.

It’s dangerous.

Her instinct for survival immediately bent her body at a right angle. She was just raising her magic power, so her bloodline was randomly entangled with her, but her damage was not even taken into account.

Compare that to the Milky Way storm that landed on her land.

The silvery sword light slightly cutting through the front island of ‘greed’ was terrifying. The bloody tentacles that were growing in size were already being cut off, and Derek, who didn’t miss the gap, was holding Leah by her side and running with all her might.

As if they were sharing sympathy in the frozen time.

There was no need to put on a puzzled expression.

The tentacles turned into a handful of blood and rained heavily on the ground. ‘Greed’ heard the sound and slowly began to raise the upper body.

With a genuinely happy smile.

“…… Oh my goodness.”

A man of hers was walking across the stream of bloody water.

Black hair, golden eyes.

The woman inadvertently touched her eye area. How could she have such an ecstatic hue?

There is something called her destiny that was determined from her birth. Since man and woman are separated from one, they must become one again.

“How did you come, brother? I heard that you can’t move at all?”

“We should have a more reliable source.”

Ian Perkus.

It was covered in blood, but the flames burning in its golden pupils were not extinguished in the slightest. The woman burst into laughter as she giggled at her brother’s flirtatiousness.

“It can’t be, oppa and I are connected by a string of fate, right? I know your brother’s condition better than anyone. What the hell have you done? By any chance, are you not moving too hard? Ay, no matter what, fate won’t change…….”

“Where is Celine?”

It was a straightforward question.

The voice that asked such a question was heated with subtle heat, and a mischievous smile appeared on the corner of the woman’s mouth, who had her eyes wide open for a moment.

“Aha, you mean ‘anger’. Well? Where would she have gone?”

A subtle provocation.

Not only did she spin her words around, but she even called her ‘Fury’ instead of ‘Celine’. It meant that she was able to penetrate the heart of her man who was worn out to the point of childishness.

Make a hasty move, so make a mistake.

Time drags on. It was a very rational strategy. Anyway, Ian’s physical condition was not normal, and even if he was as careful as possible, it was not enough.

‘Greed’ was the reason why she was able to show the composure of twisting her hair with her index finger.

“It’s me, it doesn’t matter if you tell me… Wouldn’t it be fun just to tell you? I’d rather try our ‘deal’…….?”

But the next moment.

The woman’s vision floated with the sound of kwajik. Oh oh oh She muttered to herself several times, but it took a little longer to understand the situation.

Until the pain radiated from the shattered nasal bone along with the blood that burst out.

I didn’t even have time to scream. The blow, delivered in her still world, was not enough to dent her woman’s face, and toss her body to the ground.

Kung, Kwaduk, Pak, Boom!

‘Greed’, which bounced on the ground several times like a water swallow, caused a wave and had to slide down a distance of several meters even after sinking into her ground.

The hand of the woman who vomited blood and hurriedly touched my face. Her bones and muscles, rapidly regenerating with a groan, were the last line of defense for a woman.

After that, it was astonishing to cover her woman’s face.

It can’t be like this?

Ian’s body wasn’t normal, and moreover, he wasn’t strong enough to deal with her ‘greed’ with her single body.

But now, how, why?

Questions that cannot form her sentences run through her head like fragments. From far away, until a shadow rises through the dust raised by the woman as she hits the ground.

The man was not normal no matter who saw it. Look at his tired face, his unsteady gait, as if it would break at any moment, and his breathing, which became rough after only a few seconds of movement.

Aren’t they closer to the end of their life waiting for death on a hospital bed?

Still, only one.

There was one thing that shined the farthest from death. While looking terribly tired, her golden eyes burned with terribly deep fighting spirit.

A series of emotions flashed across her face as she faced this. At first, horror. Then joy, and finally the corner of her mouth that flinched and soared.

Then he said cool, and vomited blood once more.

The saintess of the evil spirit couldn’t bear the laughter that came up from her throat.

“Ah, hahahaha… Ahahahaha, hahahahaha… Ahahahaha!”

The madness for no reason echoed endlessly. Continue, continue.


Until Ian’s kicking kicked me, until her face was crushed once more.

Once again the woman’s body rolled terribly across the ground.

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