Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 103 - The Call

The man sucking him began to get impatient.

"It won't do any good," said Dominik. "No matter how you try, it doesn't."

"Impossible! I know you're gay! You should come or at least harden. So why?"

"Because you are not Andrzej," he pronounced emphatically. "You know why I chose it? Because he would never do this to me! He wouldn't have tied me to bed against my will! He wouldn't make me have sex when I said no! Do you think that after you treat me this way, I will be able to feel more than disgust towards you?"

He got a sharp cheek slap, so strong his head tilted to the side.

"Here you are!" Dominik growled provocatively "Hit me again! Do what you want with me! But I can guarantee you one thing - I will never, ever consider you as my lover. All you will get from me is contempt."

Werner stepped back. He looked completely confused, as if he didn't understand what was happening. Has Dominik managed to find his way to his consciousness?

"I'll prove you wrong," the captor said confidently, and left.

Dominik had a bad feeling about this.

He was right. The director returned after about three minutes with his black suitcase.

"I will prove to you that only I can give you real pleasure."

He opened the suitcase and pulled out two more pairs of handcuffs.

Dominik gritted his teeth again. He knew what to expect.

He already had sado & maso experience. Marek had all sorts of needs and sometimes demanded this kind of play with his lover, but Dominik never liked them. Yes, they might be exciting at times, but they only fulfilled the body. His heart remained empty and Śliwiński always felt afterward not only disgust, but even betrayal. However, while Marek was then someone he loved and was able to find in his behavior at least a substitute of tenderness that would allow him to reach orgasm, Dominik was firmly convinced that in the case of Werner it was simply impossible.

"All you will give me is disgust at you. If you do it, if you treat me this way, I will never forgive you."

"Not true," Werner smiled. "After what I do with you, you will cry for more."

Werner grabbed Dominik's right ankle and snapped the handcuffs on it. The actor tried to defend himself, kick him, yank him out, but was unable to. The grip turned out to be too strong and after a while his leg was chained to a specially prepared railing. With an efficient movement, Werner did the same with the left one, brazenly opening all of Śliwiński's intimate spheres to the view.

"Think again about what you want to do," the actor asked icily. He knew he was throwing peas against the wall, but he couldn't just let things unfold. "I will not forgive you for this, I swear ..."

"Hushhhhh ..." Werner took a red gag with a ball from his bag and put it on Dominik, preventing him from speaking. "Only when you try will you find out how wonderful it is!"

Dominik squeezed his eyes shut. Tight as if it were his only way to defend himself. Because he actually didn't have any at the moment. Naked, tied up, completely enslaved, he had only two choices at this point - try to fight even though he had no chance, or sail away and pretend that he wasn't here.


The third day had passed since Dominik had disappeared and Andrzej felt as if his body was about to fall apart. He couldn't eat during this time, hardly slept, and he didn't care about the calls he got from his new job that he was failing to meet session dates. After the second call, where quite harsh words were said, he did not answer the third. The fifth was the last.

Dominik was gone three days and Nowicki was dying of anxiety about his fate. What if the abduction was commissioned by some sheikh or some other fabulous rich prince who, enchanted by the beautiful actor, decided to have him only for himself? In such a situation, Dominik could have been abroad for a long time and practically impossible to recover.

No, even if he was taken to the edge of the world, Andrzej will not rest until he finds him. Never, never give up the search.

What if Dominik is locked up by some psychopath in a dark and cold cell where his mind and body are tortured? Or how do traffickers do with reluctant girls, has he been stuffed with hard drugs and will be turned into a zombie without will at any moment?

"Calm down," he heard an irritatingly composed voice beside him. "We'll save him, no matter what."

The statement irritated him, but also calmed him in its own way. It did not bother him so much that he went everywhere with Marczak, because at least they were moving forward with the investigation. The manager had several advantages over the police, one of which was his money, which opened the mouths of those who could not be intimidated by law enforcement.

Dominik's search was divided into four groups: Adamski's group with legal connections, the Bambus group moving in the shadows, the one Marczak who relied mainly on bribes and his own, the smallest, but which was something like the headquarters to which all reports were sent.

Hospitals, morgues and air traffic throughout Poland were monitored on an ongoing basis. No plane, not even the smallest one, left without their knowledge. Nowicki felt a little overwhelmed by the scope of the search and terrified that so far they had not produced any result other than the exclusion of further leads, and this was some progress, albeit a hell of a small one. After all, Dominik could not dissolve into thin air, and everything indicated that.

"If you still don't sleep tonight," said Marczak, "you will die."

"What do you care?" Andrzej growled. This guy had the annoying habit of poking his nose into his affairs.

"You're very cute in your own way. It would be a pity if you went to waste."

"Don't start with it again," Nowicki groaned. Since the first day they started to investigate the leads together, Marczak from time to time threw comments at Andrzej about his beauty or how attractive he was. Nowicki had no idea if he was just doing it to upset him even more or if he was actually going to pick him up, but either way it wasn't the best time for this kind of banter. Didn't the idiot really realize that at this point Dominik might ...

"I wonder" Marczak sounded very serious "whether not to publish a message to the media. And the award announcements."

Andrzej lowered his eyes. They had talked about this before. He didn't even remember who came up with the idea. Adamski was opposed to this type of announcement before the forty-eight hours had passed, but now more than seventy-two hours had passed. Nowicki himself was neither for nor against the idea at that moment, and he suspected that it was due to the way he had treated his body recently. He really couldn't tell if the consequences would be more negative or positive. But at this point they probably didn't have much choice.

"I think we will have to do this ..."

"Is it just my imagination or is something in your pants ringing?"


"In your pocket. Telephone."

"Aaaah… oh yes."

Andrzej took out his cell phone. He didn't recognize the number. Picked up.

"Yes, I'm listening."

"Andrzej? Andrzej, it's me..."


The car jerked suddenly to the side of the road.

"Dominik, where are you?"

"I don't know, I ... This is a forest. I freed myself and started running, but… Andrzej, I'm so glad to hear you."

"Are you okay? How are you?"

Marczak tapped him on the shoulder, showing: "give me the number he is calling." He himself was already on the line with someone else.

"Goo… good. Do not worry. I love you, Andrzej ..."

"Dominik, someone will come for you soon. We will find you. Lots of people are looking for you and we're just tracking the phone you're calling from, so stay tuned, okay? Talk to me."

"Andrzej ... I love you ..."

Why does his voice sound so faint? Was he really hurt? Or is he already losing consciousness?

"I love you too, that's why... Stay with me, you idiot, don't hang up!"

The car started moving again. Andrzej noticed that they had changed direction. Now they were moving towards Wilanów. Marczak was giving some orders via the cell phone.

"Dominik, you have to hold on, you understand? We're on our way."

"He's in Warsaw. The patrol should be there in less than ten minutes" said Marczak.

"Dominik, ten more minutes and someone from us will be with you. Dominik?"

"I am here. I'm so glad you said that, even though..."

Was he crying? Was Śliwiński crying on the other side of the line?

"What did I say?"

"That ... that you love me..."

Andrzej's heart beat faster. Did I say that? Really? When…?

"I love you, damn it," he admitted. "So wait. I'm on my way to see you."

Failure to answer chilled his spine. He's not ...?


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