Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 104 - Not Quite Safe Yet

The car sped up, hammering Andrzej into the seat. He did not have time to think about what Marczak was doing. Nowicki snuggled into the phone as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

"Dominik, I know that you are tired, but please do not go to sleep. Not yet," he begged as if he were whispering the most powerful spells. "There should be someone with you in a few minutes. They can call you, you can see the flashlight lights, so it's important that you let them know where you are. Please focus for a few more minutes. Don't be such a selfish stubborn..."

The city lights flashed before his eyes. They were going fast, too fast by law, and still too slow. Marczak was talking to someone through a headset. Andrzej got the impression that they had just passed the red light. All the time, all the precious minutes he was talking into the receiver praying that Dominik would be safe and sound.

"Dominik, please, can you hear me? Please…"

"Hello?" Suddenly Andrzej heard a strange, matter-of-fact voice.

"Who are you? Where is Dominik?"

„Constable Piotrowski. Mr. Śliwiński is safe now. We're taking him to the hospital."

"Thank God! Is he all right?"

"I'm not a doctor, but ... I guess so."

Andrzej had never felt such relief in his life, yet his heart was beating so fast and hard that he could hardly breathe..

"Thank you," he said softly.

"It's our job," the policeman replied, and hung up.

Dominik was alive and safe. Thank God! He spoke to him a while ago, and the policeman who found him said that he was not too bad. Of course, Andrzej will not be completely calm until he sees Dominik with his own eyes, but that will happen soon.

"They're taking him to the hospital," he said quietly. Suddenly he realized something. "I did not ask which..."

"I know. I talked with Adamski. He's on the way too. We'll be there in less than a quarter of an hour."

"Quarter an hour" Nowicki was unable to hide his disappointment. He wanted so much to see his Dominik, whom he so much… loved?

"And you? How are you feeling?" Marczak asked with very calm voice.


"Did you realize you just confessed?"

"I? For what?"

"For the fact that you are in love with a man."

Andrzej felt a blush envelop him.

"It's not your problem!"

"Maybe not, but I rode with you for three solid days. I got to know you a bit during this time."

"Yes? And what?"

"Maybe nothing, but all this will have an effect on Dominik. Will you be able to support him always? Even if the whole situation becomes public?"

"As if you had no trouble disclosing," he mocked.

"I did not have. Dominik was right, it wouldn't spoil my reputation, on the contrary, it was something to brag about. It was he who did not want disclosure. Now, he may not have a choice. Do you think you'll be able to stick to him then?"

"Let's leave this topic. For now, I just want to think about him."


He only wanted to think of Dominik, but couldn't. Marczak's words fell under his skin. Besides, not only they, but the very fact that they were said. It was as if Marczak was worried not only about Śliwiński, but also about him. No it is not possible.

"Andrzej" Marczak said, suddenly stopping in the hospital parking lot without looking at the photographer.

"What? I am in a hurry."

"You probably won't believe me, but I really liked you. I hope you and Dominik will be happy together."

Nowicki had no answer for him. He was too tired and stressed to wonder if Marczak was serious or mocking.

"Thanks," he growled, looking at him for a brief moment. Then he jumped behind the cars and ran towards the entrance.

Did he saw Marczak's sad smile in passing?


The patrol who found Dominik in the woods immediately drove him to the nearest hospital. The actor was cold, on the verge of hypothermia, he had scratches all over his body and traces of handcuffs on his wrists and ankles. He was able to move on his own and flatly refused to take any medications until he saw Andrzej. With difficulty, but he was persuaded by the doctor on duty to conduct the tests.

Śliwiński saw a seep confusion in her eyes. After all, he was not just casual man off the street, but one of the most famous actors in the country. The marks he wore on his body were unmistakable. He felt sorry for the woman who had to deal with this situation, whether she wanted it or not.

"Sorry about my condition," he said sincerely looking at her calmly with his aquamarine eyes.

"You are apologizing? No, why? Actually it is I who should apologize, I'm just wondering what could have caused these injuries ...?"

"You don't know?"

"Uhm ... I can guess, a little ..."

"If you are uncomfortable, maybe another doctor could ..."

"Please don't tell me nonsense. I am a doctor. It's my job!" she assured him firmly.

A thousand questions rattled in her head, he could see it in her gaze, although she herself, like a pro, asked none.

Yes, she was a professional, although she looked not much older than Andrzej. And that was her job.

"Will ... if I tell you something, will you have to tell the police?" he asked.

"Not if it comes under medical secrecy."


She blinked her eyes.

"And not if I think it might be harmful to my patient's health."

He smiled at her faintly but warmly.

"I won't tell anyone else but you. Please, do not tell anyone about what I will say… I will say it once and try to forget it. Because this ..." the memory was painful, his emotions raged, but he couldn't show himself like this to Andrzej, that's why he has to tell it to someone before he will look into Andrzej's eyes. Andrzej will be worried, and Dominik did not want to cause him anxiety. He had to shake it off before he could see him. That's why Dominik said: "He… wanted me to love him. How lonely he must have been, how unhappy to do something like this… I… actually don't remember much. I squeezed my eyes shut and… let him do anything."

But he remembered enough - slimy kisses that made him want to vomit, a touch that made his body disgusted, caresses that, although tender, could not bring him pleasure because they were not from those hands that should ...

His eyes moistened. He didn't want this. He shouldn't show his weakness to anyone, but the events were too fresh and the emotions too intense. He just couldn't stop his tears.

What happened a moment later surprised him. Her arms were so strong and her embrace was so warm that he felt as if he didn't have to hold back his emotions. It was unprofessional of her, but he was grateful.

"It's okay," he said, stepping away from her. Why did she also have tears in her eyes? "I will be okay now. Thank you."

"As a doctor I encounter similar situations. They are more common than we would like to know, although men ... I mean ... "

"I know," he assured her gently. "For this I am a public figure. Therefore, I do not need to say how important discretion is to me. Even the police can't know about it, and best of all ... I shouldn't have asked for it, anyway please, so you can guess how desperate I am. Don't write anything on the card. Indiscreet nurse, orderly or cleaning lady ... I'm sorry, but if something gets into the media ... "

Dominik tried to be calm and tough, but the mere thought of what rumors would do to him as soon as someone caught the sensation was unbearable for him. He didn't do anything wrong, he just experienced something ... unspeakable, but people, if they find out ... Slander and insinuations that he provoked this situation, that it is even manipulation on his part to attract attention or arouse pity... pity itself, which will constantly remind him of these terrible moments. People will reassure him of love and support and keep tearing that painful wound open and not allowing it to heal. They will be noble compassion for the innocent victim, and he will have to relive the nightmare every day. No, it will be too cruel for him, he can't take it!

And Andrzej ... When people look at them, they will also see Andrzej and ask questions about their relationship. They will discover the truth and distort what is between them, make it something hideous as much as what Werner did to him ...

God, no, no, Dominik's heart can't stand it if Andrzej is involved in all this!

He looked at the doctor so pleadingly that he would have to soften even the hardest boulder.

"Okay," she promised, "but I need to examine you. I need to check for more serious injuries. You understand, don't you? Sorry... I'll try to be gentle…"

He sighed. He didn't want anyone to see him there right now. He just wanted to see Andrzej.

But the policeman found him in the woods - half-naked, with traces of restraint, half-conscious - and brought him here so that the nice doctor could, like him, do her job.

Because it was just a job. Nothing personal. Only her duty.

"All right," he smiled at her, reassuring her and himself. "I trust you and… thank you."

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