Love Lives In His Eyes
Chapter 107 - A Legend So Romantic It Needs To Be Protected
Janina Pasek, a woman who hired him as a photographer in her agency, looked at him with the eyes of a bird of prey. Andrzej Nowicki knew that this conversation would be unpleasant, after all, in the first week of work he had culpably neglected his duties, but at the moment when Dominik, the most special person in his life, went missing, he was unable to think about anything else but this, to find him. He completely ignored the job and - no need to cheat - if the same circumstances had arisen, he would have done exactly the same.
"How is he feeling?"
He hadn't expected this question. He started in surprise, unprepared for this turn of events.
His still-present boss did not take her eyes off him.
"I don't ask for details, I don't want to know them," she said matter-of-factly. "I just want to know if he will be able to appear in my advertising campaign."
Andrzej did not know if she was so insensitive or tactfully ignoring the delicate nature of the problem. However, she definitely knew about the problem, and Nowicki decided that maybe he would be able to get some information from her about how the whole situation affected this small, big world of cinema and the media.
"There is a lot of gossiping about it?" he asked.
"Not anymore," she said. "Marczak did a good job of cutting off the matter with the media before it started. People do not even want to whisper about it, so as not to face his revenge. This man can destroy or save anyone and it seems that he still has a weakness for Śliwiński. Pneumonia is a serious disease. She closed many mouths."
However difficult it was for him to do so, Nowicki had to admit she was right. Marczak was a master at manipulating the media and creating reality according to his preferences. This time, he used his talent to hide Dominik's several-day nightmare from undesirable eyes.
"This world knows many secrets" said getting up the old lady in exaggerated makeup. She went to the window and looked at the panorama of Mokotów unfolding from it. "It's always been like that. Many eminent people of theater, cinema and fashion hid even very ugly secrets. It gave them a kind of charm" she turned to Andrzej with a warm smile. "Your boy is charming too. You are a lovely couple, and voices are spreading that they would like to see you together. In addition, romantic legends began to circulate about you."
"I don't know what you're talking about" Andrew announced brilliantly hiding his guilt and pretending to be innocent as a newborn child.
"You idiot. About how you met, of course. About how you became his knight. And about recent events as well. These legends are so beautiful that they cannot be tainted by leakage to the media. Every second woman wonders how much truth is in them and dreams of being in the shoes of one of you. I'm curious about it myself, but I won't ask.
"So ... do you think all this will not hurt Dominik?"
"If he doesn't take any stupid steps, everything should be fine for him. Our environment will not make him a pariah, on the contrary, will surround him with a beautiful legend, you just have to watch out for gossip outside the environment, but thank God in Europe there is no fan-like absurdity as in some countries, so the actor is still perceived as a human not property and people, they don't really get into his life with dirty shoes, although that can change quickly." She sighed and added. "As long as recent events were not too difficult for him."
"He should be able to handle it" Andrzej assured, although personally he was not so sure. He could not stop worrying not only about Dominik's physical but also mental health. The actor tried to act normally, but who knows what were his thoughts when Andrzej was away from him?
The information that the art and film community would not reject Śliwiński, that Marczak provided him with relative security in the media was comforting, but if some unofficial media, some influencers unfavorable to Dominik, smell sensation and want to gain fame at his expense, the matter may get out of hand. Then even Marczak's long tentacles will not be able to save the young actor.
As if Dominik didn't have enough trouble dealing with what that brute had done to him.
"You see, physical beauty inspires the noblest reflexes in some types of people," Janina Pasek continued "but it also awakens the most primal and dirty instincts in others. Beautiful people have always been exposed to attacks of jealousy or physical assault. Their only fault is that they are beautiful."
Mrs. Pasek's gaze shifted to the wall where a number of old photographs hung. In one of them a woman was presenting a coat. She was just looking at this picture. Andrzej took a better look at the photo and found that it was young Mrs. Janina.
"I didn't know you were a model."
"Those were the old days. I don't remember them well. I saved the photo because of… the photographer who took it. He was my first and only love. When he photographed me, it felt like he was taking my soul. Your works remind me of his."
"I do not know what to say. I'm honored."
"You're embarrassed," she laughed, "and you'd rather not hear such comments from an old woman. The truth is, I was furious with you for ignoring your job, but the circumstances of the incident are perfectly justifiable. I will not fire you."
Andrzej was surprised, though only for a moment. After all, everything his boss had said so far led to this solution. All the conversation so far was the explanation of her decision.
"Thank you," he replied from his heart.
"You're welcome. After all, I'm the romantic type. In return, however, I have a request for you".
"What request?" He asked suspiciously.
"You and Śliwiński will come to my party."
"Does it make sense to take two cars? I invite both of you, regardless of whether Śliwiński will be able to take part in my campaign. Don't you know by any chance what is happening to the young Werner? I'd like to invite him too, but it looks like he's gone."
"I have no idea. I'm not his nanny."
"I thought maybe because of Śliwiński ... Anyway, never mind. The party is on the twenty-third. Take your time."
"Something's wrong?"
"Actually ..." Janina Pasek was a decent boss and she shouldn't have given him a second chance, and yet she did. But there were things more important than work. One of them was Dominik, the other - Martynka. "My goddaughter has her birthday then and Dominik takes her to ponies. Later, there'll be a little party at her mom's restaurant."
"How old?"
"Eight. She will be nine."
"So the party will end no later than eight. You'll have plenty of time to change and come over."
"Yes but…"
The whole day on the run and the evening at a party that Dominik didn't like so much can be difficult for him. It's a miracle that after his last ordeal he didn't catch pneumonia, even though he was officially in hospital for it. The doctor who led him said that he was unimaginable luck and that he should spare himself.
"It is also my birthday, Mr. Nowicki. I do not accept any gifts, but on this day I require one thing from people - to celebrate with me."
"In that case, I cannot speak for Dominik, but I will come for sure. Thank you for the invitation."
"If you're late, I'll save you a piece of the cake. For both of you."
Dominik was watching TV.
At this sight, Andrzej frowned. Śliwiński in front of the TV was a rare, even surprising picture. He was definitely the book type. At a time when Nowicki was commissioned by the newspaper where he was working at that time to take interesting pictures of a young, popular actor, Śliwiński was active all day - exercising, preparing for a role, cooking something or cleaning up. In the evenings he picked up a book - an indifferent genres - and hid in bed with it. In those days, the TV only turned on when he was bothered by loneliness and silence.
Was it the same now?
"I returned!" Andrzej called from the door.
It was only a moment. Dominik in the blink of an eye turned off the TV and ran to meet him.
"And what?" He asked anxiously.
Only now did Nowicki see how upset the boy was. Was he so worried about the fact that Andrzej could lose his job because of his kidnapping? It was so… sweet. Anyway, all Dominik was like that. Shorter and smaller he always had to raise his head to meet Nowicki's eyes. His face, invariably beautiful, had always been so emotional, so much so that it was doubtful how did this boy become an actor? His unbelievably aquamarine eyes shone so brightly as if they wanted to engulf him with the gravity of the twin suns. Dominik was the most beautiful man Andrzej had seen and had been the fullest of his life for some time.
"How is he feeling?"
He hadn't expected this question. He started in surprise, unprepared for this turn of events.
His still-present boss did not take her eyes off him.
"I don't ask for details, I don't want to know them," she said matter-of-factly. "I just want to know if he will be able to appear in my advertising campaign."
Andrzej did not know if she was so insensitive or tactfully ignoring the delicate nature of the problem. However, she definitely knew about the problem, and Nowicki decided that maybe he would be able to get some information from her about how the whole situation affected this small, big world of cinema and the media.
"There is a lot of gossiping about it?" he asked.
"Not anymore," she said. "Marczak did a good job of cutting off the matter with the media before it started. People do not even want to whisper about it, so as not to face his revenge. This man can destroy or save anyone and it seems that he still has a weakness for Śliwiński. Pneumonia is a serious disease. She closed many mouths."
However difficult it was for him to do so, Nowicki had to admit she was right. Marczak was a master at manipulating the media and creating reality according to his preferences. This time, he used his talent to hide Dominik's several-day nightmare from undesirable eyes.
"This world knows many secrets" said getting up the old lady in exaggerated makeup. She went to the window and looked at the panorama of Mokotów unfolding from it. "It's always been like that. Many eminent people of theater, cinema and fashion hid even very ugly secrets. It gave them a kind of charm" she turned to Andrzej with a warm smile. "Your boy is charming too. You are a lovely couple, and voices are spreading that they would like to see you together. In addition, romantic legends began to circulate about you."
"I don't know what you're talking about" Andrew announced brilliantly hiding his guilt and pretending to be innocent as a newborn child.
"You idiot. About how you met, of course. About how you became his knight. And about recent events as well. These legends are so beautiful that they cannot be tainted by leakage to the media. Every second woman wonders how much truth is in them and dreams of being in the shoes of one of you. I'm curious about it myself, but I won't ask.
"So ... do you think all this will not hurt Dominik?"
"If he doesn't take any stupid steps, everything should be fine for him. Our environment will not make him a pariah, on the contrary, will surround him with a beautiful legend, you just have to watch out for gossip outside the environment, but thank God in Europe there is no fan-like absurdity as in some countries, so the actor is still perceived as a human not property and people, they don't really get into his life with dirty shoes, although that can change quickly." She sighed and added. "As long as recent events were not too difficult for him."
"He should be able to handle it" Andrzej assured, although personally he was not so sure. He could not stop worrying not only about Dominik's physical but also mental health. The actor tried to act normally, but who knows what were his thoughts when Andrzej was away from him?
The information that the art and film community would not reject Śliwiński, that Marczak provided him with relative security in the media was comforting, but if some unofficial media, some influencers unfavorable to Dominik, smell sensation and want to gain fame at his expense, the matter may get out of hand. Then even Marczak's long tentacles will not be able to save the young actor.
As if Dominik didn't have enough trouble dealing with what that brute had done to him.
"You see, physical beauty inspires the noblest reflexes in some types of people," Janina Pasek continued "but it also awakens the most primal and dirty instincts in others. Beautiful people have always been exposed to attacks of jealousy or physical assault. Their only fault is that they are beautiful."
Mrs. Pasek's gaze shifted to the wall where a number of old photographs hung. In one of them a woman was presenting a coat. She was just looking at this picture. Andrzej took a better look at the photo and found that it was young Mrs. Janina.
"I didn't know you were a model."
"Those were the old days. I don't remember them well. I saved the photo because of… the photographer who took it. He was my first and only love. When he photographed me, it felt like he was taking my soul. Your works remind me of his."
"I do not know what to say. I'm honored."
"You're embarrassed," she laughed, "and you'd rather not hear such comments from an old woman. The truth is, I was furious with you for ignoring your job, but the circumstances of the incident are perfectly justifiable. I will not fire you."
Andrzej was surprised, though only for a moment. After all, everything his boss had said so far led to this solution. All the conversation so far was the explanation of her decision.
"Thank you," he replied from his heart.
"You're welcome. After all, I'm the romantic type. In return, however, I have a request for you".
"What request?" He asked suspiciously.
"You and Śliwiński will come to my party."
"Does it make sense to take two cars? I invite both of you, regardless of whether Śliwiński will be able to take part in my campaign. Don't you know by any chance what is happening to the young Werner? I'd like to invite him too, but it looks like he's gone."
"I have no idea. I'm not his nanny."
"I thought maybe because of Śliwiński ... Anyway, never mind. The party is on the twenty-third. Take your time."
"Something's wrong?"
"Actually ..." Janina Pasek was a decent boss and she shouldn't have given him a second chance, and yet she did. But there were things more important than work. One of them was Dominik, the other - Martynka. "My goddaughter has her birthday then and Dominik takes her to ponies. Later, there'll be a little party at her mom's restaurant."
"How old?"
"Eight. She will be nine."
"So the party will end no later than eight. You'll have plenty of time to change and come over."
"Yes but…"
The whole day on the run and the evening at a party that Dominik didn't like so much can be difficult for him. It's a miracle that after his last ordeal he didn't catch pneumonia, even though he was officially in hospital for it. The doctor who led him said that he was unimaginable luck and that he should spare himself.
"It is also my birthday, Mr. Nowicki. I do not accept any gifts, but on this day I require one thing from people - to celebrate with me."
"In that case, I cannot speak for Dominik, but I will come for sure. Thank you for the invitation."
"If you're late, I'll save you a piece of the cake. For both of you."
Dominik was watching TV.
At this sight, Andrzej frowned. Śliwiński in front of the TV was a rare, even surprising picture. He was definitely the book type. At a time when Nowicki was commissioned by the newspaper where he was working at that time to take interesting pictures of a young, popular actor, Śliwiński was active all day - exercising, preparing for a role, cooking something or cleaning up. In the evenings he picked up a book - an indifferent genres - and hid in bed with it. In those days, the TV only turned on when he was bothered by loneliness and silence.
Was it the same now?
"I returned!" Andrzej called from the door.
It was only a moment. Dominik in the blink of an eye turned off the TV and ran to meet him.
"And what?" He asked anxiously.
Only now did Nowicki see how upset the boy was. Was he so worried about the fact that Andrzej could lose his job because of his kidnapping? It was so… sweet. Anyway, all Dominik was like that. Shorter and smaller he always had to raise his head to meet Nowicki's eyes. His face, invariably beautiful, had always been so emotional, so much so that it was doubtful how did this boy become an actor? His unbelievably aquamarine eyes shone so brightly as if they wanted to engulf him with the gravity of the twin suns. Dominik was the most beautiful man Andrzej had seen and had been the fullest of his life for some time.
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