Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 108 - But It Is A Man, Not A Legend, Who Needs Protection More

"The boss asks if you will be the face of her advertising campaign?" Andrzej asked with a smile.

"You are staying?" Śliwiński's face beamed.

"I'm staying," he admitted smiling even more.

Dominik immediately hung around his neck. Nowicki was surprised again at how fragile he had become. When a few months ago Andrzej, then still paparazzi, began to observe the most popular actor of the young generation, Dominik Śliwiński, he was a beautiful twenty-four-year-old man. Yes, he was short and slim, but his arms were strong, and his chest and belly were beautifully sculpted. Śliwiński ate healthy and exercised regularly, making his body look like a young god. However, the subsequent brutal events in his life made the actor lose his appetite and energy, and his health deteriorated. Everything was starting to return to normal when the traumatic event happened to him again. It's only been a day since he left the hospital after a madman abducted him, held him, and did with him God knows what. A total of eight days away from home, spent not on a pleasant trip but in a dark basement and in the hospital smelling like disinfectants.

Every time Andrzej realized how much pain Dominik had endured recently, he was flooded with fury. Śliwiński was gentle and shy, he never hurt anyone, and meanwhile fate did not spare him. Not in private life and not so much in professional.

In a sense, Dominik's very innocence provoked such situations. It was cruel, it was mean and it was sad, but true. A man with such a nice personality became an easy target for predators. Too easy. In addition, his attractive exterior evoked the worst instincts in many - as Mrs. Janka[1] aptly noticed. For Andrzej, however, his Dominik's innocence and delicate beauty were beautiful and he could not remain indifferent to the harm of this man. He had to protect him. Unfortunately he failed. Dominik fell into the dirty hands of some garbage, which turned the three days of the actor's life into a nightmare. Nowicki sincerely hoped that the ordeal had ended when Śliwiński returned home.

"My boss asked about you."

Dominik lowered his head.

"This campaign ... I don't know if I'm fit for it. The idea is funny enough, but I don't think I will stay a good choice for long."

"Do not talk nonsense."

"I don't want to hide anymore..."

"But you don't need to brag. I asked Mrs. Janka a bit, and we can play it to your advantage."

"How? Dominik moved away from him to get a good look at his face."

"No statements, no denials. We'll stop hiding in corners, and when someone asks, we'll say it's none of their business. We're just going to smile mysteriously."

"In that case, no one will be able to say whether we are really dating or just making fun of?"

"Exactly. Journalists are not allowed to infringe your privacy. Sure, you're a public figure, but that doesn't mean they can do whatever they want with you. If someone catches us doing something romantic, we'll make him stuff himself with hay. If someone is throwing mud on you online and writing erotic rumors about you, we will sue them for tarnishing your image and violating your private space. We will not hide or show off. We will behave normally. What do you think?

Dominik nodded enthusiastically.

"But… even the rumors on the internet? I've read about other film environments and people can be really cruel ... "

"Don't worry too much. Like I said, if somebody throws mud on you, we'll take them to court. You are a public figure, but not public property, and if someone teases you, we'll deal with him. "

Andrzej tried to be calm and self-confident so that Dominik felt safe thanks to his assurances. The young actor probably needed nothing more than stability and a sense of security, so even if Nowicki himself did not feel most confident, he could not show it. He probably succeeded because Dominik looked reassured.

It was a good time to change the subject to a slightly lighter one.

"What were you doing all day?" Andrzej became interested, moving deeper into the apartment. "Did you watch TV?"

"Just a little. I called my parents and siblings. Olek sniffed out some rumors about me on the Internet and he was terribly irritated that I didn't tell him anything, but he didn't tell my parents either. I thanked Paulina for the chocolates and ate almost the entire box. In general, I made some calls to people thanking them for their care and help. But… I don't have numbers for all of them. Marek said some friends of yours also helped with the search."

"Well, that friend who lent us a cabin."

"I would like to thank him for contributing to my search."

Andrzej felt a bit insecure. Bringing his Dominik into contact with someone like Bambus, the head of the Warsaw underground world on the right bank of the Vistula - was definitely not a good idea.

"It won't be necessary," he smirked. "I already did."

"Don't act as if you don't want us to get to know each other" Śliwiński laughed. "It's infantile."

Damn it! The point is, he doesn't want them to get to know each other. But if he tells Dominik about it, he will start to inquire.

"I'll pass it to him," he promised without enthusiasm, "but he's busy now. He's helping this policeman with something."

"So your friend is a detective? Thought he had a hostess agency."

"He's not a detective. He only knows the environment where the case takes place. So what, will you play in the ad?" Andrzej again decided to change the subject.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. I'd like to speak to your boss again. I still have reservations about whether I am suitable for promoting any product after all."

Andrzej gritted his teeth. This abduction severely damaged Dominik's self-esteem. The actor didn't talk much about what happened. He said that the person who kidnapped him did it out of misunderstood love, and he didn't blame her for it. He even sympathizes with her, because, probably, he already understands what it means to love sickly and obsessively, which is why he did not report to the police. However, it was the case of second person who, in the name of misunderstood love, treated Dominik so objectively and heartlessly. Śliwiński, gentle and sensitive, could forgive this person, but never forget. Andrzej could not do either of that.

"It'll be okay," he said. "My boss likes you and she really wants you in this campaign. She won't make you do anything, but she'll be very glad if you agree. She even invited us to her birthday party."

"Us? As a couple?"

"Kind of. She wants us to come together, in the end it would be stupid to take two cars since we live together anyway - these are her words, not mine - and you still can't drive ..."

Dominik blushed to his ears.

"So people know about us. More and more of them."

"You know, I don't think we can really hide what we feel about each other. You're a hopeless actor in these things. Or am I wrong?"

"No. You're absolutely right," he admitted without hesitating.

"I'm hungry."

"Sorry, I was in no mood to cook. We'll eat the jars from Paulina."

"She provided us with so much that it will last for a year."

"Not with your appetite. Thank you for not telling her or my family about my disappearance. They would be so worried."

"In fact," Nowicki admitted embarrassed, "I didn't have time to think about them. I was so worried."

"I'm sorry" Dominik blushed to the tips of his ears and looked down.

"Hey, you would give it up" Andrzej with a gentle smile took his chin and looked into the most beautiful eyes in the world. Two aquamarine suns looked at him with the sincerest love Nowicki had ever seen. Even the unusually long and dark eyelashes did not manage to cover this glow. "I love you."

Śliwiński smiled radiantly, but Andrzej had the impression that there was something flickering in his eyes, like tears. However, he could not check it, because the actor drowned in his torso.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes, just ... I don't deserve the happiness that you are."

"Who taught you to talk such nonsense?" Nowicki felt confused. He slowly got used to the thought that he might have a romantic feeling for someone, especially a guy, but he was making progress in this matter. "I'm the lucky one. You know you taught me to love."

Dominik looked up shyly at him.


"I've never lied to you in my life. I'll even prove it to you. I really want to play with you in the bedroom."

Usually, such words evoked an erotic reaction in Dominik - he would start teasing Andrzej or go straight to action - but now his body went numb. He smiled, but not as provocative as usual. Without a word, he took Nowicki's hand and they headed towards the actor's room.

Andrzej narrowed his eyes.

No, it certainly seemed to him. His lover has not yet been inclined to have sex. At least not when he was with him. The only thing Nowicki should consider now is where they will start today.

[1] Janka, pet name for Janina.

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