Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 97 - Interesting Challenge

Dominik sucked in a breath and with his fingernails digged into the white linen, drawing it to his mouth.

"Remember," he groaned painfully, "if I go mad with pleasure, it's only because of you."

Nowicki laughed and entered, immediately deep and strong. Dominik was slippery and wet with excitement and semen, so every movement made a smacking noise. Andrzej's testicles were hitting his buttocks and each movement tore from Śliwiński's mouth a louder scream of ecstasy. In the end, the actor's lips bit on the sheet - exactly at the same time that Andrzej came.

The exhausted Dominik could barely catch his breath. There was no question of moving. With the last of his strength he only gasped:

"I hope ... you've had ... enough."

Andrzej fell next to him. They lay facing each other.

"So far, yes," he admitted.

"That's… good…" Śliwiński closed his eyes. It was evident that he was exhausted.

Nowicki's hand was heavy, as if it had turned into lead. He picked it up with difficulty and laid it on his lover's wet, light brown hair.

"But only for now," he added, and fell asleep himself.


Janina Pasek was exactly as Andrzej told - after her numerous rejuvenating plastic surgeries and with heavy make-up on her face, she looked a bit scary, but it was enough that she spoke to blur that impression. She had a warm, pleasant alto that made Dominik feel comfortable talking to her - and that was rare.

He was also not disturbed by the presence of her assistant, who, despite the fact that he looked at him haughtily from behind his glasses, also made a nice impression.

Or maybe it's only me that the world is so beautiful and nice, thought Śliwiński smiling in his mind at the memories of tonight with Andrzej. Especially until the morning.

Right after he got up, Nowicki called his boss with the information that Śliwiński was able to listen to her offer. The owner of the agency did not hide her surprise and only asked when.

"This afternoon" announced Andrzej playfully looking at the pale, barely alive Dominik. The actor was truly horrified at the thought that after the night and morning marathon he would have to meet on business matters. The photographer, however, smiled at him so beautifully that there was really nothing to delay. Śliwiński shook his head resignedly, but did not object. Janina Pasek agreed immediately.

The actor had been in her office for about a minute and had already noticed that, despite the modern decor, Mrs Pasek kept mementoes of bygone eras. They were mainly old, black and white pictures hanging on the wall, showing gray models against a gray background. Dominik liked all the photos. They had a special charm about them and the same warmth that radiated from the old lady.

"I am glad that you have decided to listen to our proposal," she said. "Mr. Nowicki has a strong gift of persuasion."

"In this case, he didn't have to use it," Dominik replied. "I've never acted in an advertisement and admits that I was interested in this idea. It is true that I have plans for this winter ..."

"Oh yes, we know," she smiled. "That's why I promise that the photos will not interfere with the production of the film. They usually take one day for filming and one day for a photo shoot."

Dominik said it was really not much. Working on an advertisement could turn out to be a really interesting experience.

"What would I advertise?"

The woman didn't answer immediately, which made Dominik curious. Could the product be so… embarrassing?

"It cannot be denied that you are the most popular among the female audience, therefore the campaign will also be targeted at women. We want you to advertise yoghurts."

She said it without blinking an eye, as seriously as if she were talking about a nuclear crisis. Dominik tilted his head, put his hand on his chin in a thoughtful pose and smiled mysteriously. The information amused him and he barely suppressed the outburst of laughter, but it was not for nothing that he was called the most talented actor of the young generation - he was able to hide his true emotions perfectly. Something told him that the photo Andrzej took quietly some time ago during breakfast did not go unnoticed here.

It was the first day that Nowicki started walking around the house with a camera. It was still late summer, when they did not have such close relationships. Dominik was eating his breakfast in peace and quiet when Andrzej burst into the kitchen taking pictures. Śliwiński, who was rather shy outside of work, felt strange because of such a brutal breach of his privacy, but since Andrzej was taking the pictures of him, it was not that embarrassing. Now he loved being photographed by this man.

"A product is a product," he said, still smiling. "Although I find a rather interesting fact that my face would increase its popularity."

"Trust me. I am a professional."

"Then I keep listening."

"As I said, we anticipate two days of your work. Here is our offer" Mrs. Pasek nodded to her assistant, who put a fee card on the desk in front of Śliwiński.

Dominik was slightly shocked. Heard that popular people can get a good salary from advertising, but want that much?

"Of course," Pasek added quickly, "it's a payoff for one shooting day."

In one shooting day, he thought. He knew that most Poles would not earn as much in a few years. In fact, even he himself has only recently begun to win more money for the roles.

"Suppose I agree," he said in a completely calm voice. "You might call it a whim, but I only work with one photographer."

"It shouldn't be a problem. Mr. Nowicki is already on our payroll and we will make sure that he is available on time. I saw some of your photos that he attached to his portfolio and it actually looks like you work well together. My client would like to introduce new, fall and winter flavors to the market. We would like to start shooting in November. What do you say?"

"November, hmmm ..."

He had almost all of November completely free and he really liked the offer. He was about to agree when he remembered one.

"Before I say yes, I want to get acquainted with the script and the outline of the campaign. Forgive me, but I don't want to appear in something that will arouse... disgust in me."

"Of course," she nodded instantly. "Tomaszek!"

The assistant was already prepared. He took out and placed two storyboards in front of Śliwiński and a few photos of the new product. Dominik carefully looked through the two picture stories and read the texts. He found them pretty good. The first one showed the time of breakfast and was very similar to the photo taken by Andrzej.

"I wonder if I should copyright your agency," he observed jokingly.

"You were our inspiration, I admit. Would you like to replace the second number with a five?"

Dominik was surprised again how easy it was for people to push him money just to spend two days of his life for them, for nothing but work.

"Agreed," he held out his hand to her. He had the impression that if he delayed his decision even more, Pasek would offer him even more salary and he already thought that it was too high.


It was really funny to appear in an advertisement, for example, of yogurt. First of all, he could make a lot of money with little effort, and secondly, it could have been a one-time opportunity for him. Dominik began to think about quitting the acting profession.

He started acting in movies by accident. Castings were rare in his area, so when his mother heard about one from Dominik's tutor, who was also the head of the school's theater club, she immediately persuaded him to go to the audition. The boy was cute and talented, so he immediately attracted attention. Before he knew it, he was already on his way to Warsaw for his first set.

Everyone was surprised how easily he handled the camera. He had almost no stage fright at all and he changed the mood of the character he played like a chameleon. It came so easily and naturally to him that he didn't understand why someone who was acting was doing something special. Yes, he was rather surprised why everyone suddenly began to praise and admire him. He wasn't doing anything special.

It was Marek Marczak who made him realize that what came so naturally to him would cost others years of study and work. Dominik had a real talent and that made him special. Therefore, he should seize the opportunity and star in the next movie.

And then another.

And another ...

This is how seven years have passed.

It's not like Dominik didn't like acting in movies. On the contrary, thanks to them, he could experience adventures that he did not have in his own life. The roles also allowed him to learn skills that he would not otherwise have mastered. He learned horse riding, fencing, fluent English, and very good Russian and French. 

There was nothing he could not learn to be good at his role.

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