Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 98 - Missing

For the latest film (it was still shown in cinemas and it was supposed to be premiered on DVD only for Christmas), Dominik read the entire civil and criminal code, and during the shooting he even asked the screenwriter if he was sure that he wanted to use such a wording and not another one that would better fit the scene in court and to characterization of the hero.

The director laughed and commented: 'Dominik, he's your hero! Do what you want with him!' So Dominik did and the movie hit theaters all over Europe and even parts of Asia. Currently, he has traveled to America and Australia.

However, acting in films was not a passion for him, or, as other actors announce, "his whole life". It was a job he had talent for, which was not difficult, and he did it well. However, he was less able to bear the media hype associated with it. All he dreamed about was a quiet, peaceful life with someone he loved.

So with Andrzej.

Maybe if he had been offered to play in something really cool and exciting, Dominik would have enjoyed being an actor more. "In the Light of the Accusation" he even liked it, it was sensational, with a thrill, and his indomitable hero fell to his heart. However, previous productions were commercial for profit. Yes, they all earned nice money, but Śliwiński did not enjoy playing them. He really was waiting for something more interesting.

Therefore, the script of Maciej Werner was a pleasant surprise for him. It was a black comedy in which the main character - a hired killer - undertakes to kill the heiress of a fortune by simulating an accident. The girl is a total idiot, but she is incredibly lucky and evades death every time. In order to avoid unwanted descent of others, the killer has to save random people who fall into his traps and completely accidentally becomes the hero, the title "Samaritan from the Black Cloud".

The script was interesting and Werner somehow gathered real professionals for the project. Patrycja Maj, who partnered with him in the last film and was just finishing shooting for another production agreed to play the young millionaire. She was beautiful, talented and very popular. She grew into a real star. Dominik was glad that he would be able to work with her again. However, he made a decision that it would be his last production, unless someone impressed him with the script.

He knew, of course, the old truth that if an actor stopped acting he would cease to exist and it was almost impossible for him to return to the screen in style. While there were exceptions to this, they only confirmed the rule. At this point, however, he did not care at all.

It cooled off at the end of October, so he buttoned his jacket. The taxi had already been booked, but it hadn't arrived yet. He took out his cell phone to inform Andrzej about the course of the meeting. Just thinking about his reaction, he smiled. How about wait and tell him in person?

Dominik smiled to himself. It's amazing how little time has passed since his life changed so dramatically. Three months of acquaintance with Nowicki was enough for him to be able to go to a job interview and negotiate a contract himself. In a few, at most a dozen or so days, he will start shooting for the ad and in the meantime he should be learning the script for a new film.

Of course, he will still have to arrange with Werner when he is planning his shooting, which scenes he wants to shoot first, and of course when he plans to try on costumes, test shots and the rest. After all, making a movie is not only about getting an actor on the set and playing his part.

Instead of Andrzej, the actor called his director. If this was going to be the last movie of his career, he was going to do his best to make it successful.

They made an appointment in two days. For Śliwiński it was a perfect date, because it was then that Nowicki had his first photo session planned in his work. Since Andrzej was starting to deal seriously with professional matters, it would also be a good time for him. After all, he should somehow take time without a loved one.

The taxi hasn't arrived yet. As he waited for her in the cold wind, he wondered if he was changing his life so much that he should get a driver's license?


"I'm back!" Andrzej called from the entrance, expecting that in a moment Dominik would run into him with momentum, asking how his first session in his new job went. However, nothing of the sort happened. "Dominik ?!"

The silence that answered him surprised him. The actor certainly did not leave the house because there was light in the living room and kitchen. Maybe he's in the bathroom upstairs and he didn't hear me come back, he thought as he set aside his camera bag. It was a debut not only for him, but also for the equipment that Śliwiński gave him. The camera did really well and Nowicki couldn't wait to show it off to him. Dominik will surely be pleased that he really liked his gift.

The day was busy and intense, so Andrzej was hungry as a wolf. There were no smells coming from the kitchen, however.

It was strange, because Dominik had promised him a delicious dinner to celebrate his first day at work. The actor was so excited that he was planning the menu all morning. Nowicki entered the kitchen but saw no signs of preparations for dinner.

Maybe the meeting with Werner was extended and Dominik did not have time to start yet?

Maybe, but ...

The house was strangely quiet and empty. There was something disturbing in the air.

"Dominik!" He called again, moving towards the stairs.

The corresponding silence became more and more unpleasant. What if the actor's health has deteriorated again and the boy is lying unconscious somewhere?

Nowicki quickened his pace.

"Dominik! Answer, the hell!"

He opened the door to his bedroom. Darkness greeted him. He turned on the light and looked inside - no sign of Śliwiński. He ran to the bathroom - empty.

"What the hell is he ...?"

His anxiety grew exponentially as he checked every room in the house in turn. There was no trace of Dominik.

Where could he be? Where could he suddenly disappear?

He ran outside the house looking for any signs of the actor's presence. He ran the whole garden, peering between the bushes.

Easy, he told himself, maybe he's gone somewhere for a while. It is enough to call him on a cell phone ...

The familiar ton rang strangely close. Andrzej looked where the display light flashed. He bent down to the trunk of the young thuja by the gate and picked up the phone from there.

At this point, Andrzej had the worst possible feeling.


The two men, separated only by a rectangular table in the small interrogation room, looked at each other without speaking. One of them was dressed in a white sports sweatshirt from the highest shelves of brand stores. His long, blond hair fell over his forehead and almost covered his arrogant blue eyes. The man was in his late twenties, at most in his early thirties, athletic, and seemed completely laid back, which could not be said of the latter. Dressed in a cheap suit, shorter, with brown hair no more than a centimeter long, his eyebrows were knotted and he clearly looked tense. The blonde, who had just comfortably put his hands behind his head and lay down on the chair, looked with hatred.

"How many times do I have to say, Officer," asked a bored man in a sweatshirt, "that I have nothing to do with this case? All the girls I hire, no matter what part of the world they come from, are completely legal here. I get them a work permit and permanent residence card myself. I would never stoop to human trade in my life."

"But you know something about it," the other snarled.

"If I knew, I'd send these bastards to hell. Not only are their girls cheaper, but they also do whatever they are told. And that's unhealthy for my interests."

"You only have money in your head. What about these poor girls?"

"What about them? I guess that's what the police are for to worry about? They're not paying you for that, Inspector?"

"So be a good citizen and share information about it."

"I'd love to, if I had one, unfortunately ... " from his pocket came the sound of the 'Independence Etude'. "Sorry, I have to pick it up. Andrzej, how are you…?"

The man's face turned serious immediately. His mouth and eyes tightened.

"In half an hour I'll be there and... I'll bring in reinforcements. Don't touch anything."

He hung up and looked piercingly at the policeman sitting across from him.

"Officer, it looks like a certain citizen needs the help of a specialist. Perhaps… someone has been kidnapped. Help me find this person and I'll help you find those responsible for smuggling these girls. So how, do we have a deal?"

The policeman did not hesitate.

"We do."

"So let's go, because the trail is getting cold."

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