Love Made Me Cry

Chapter 4:Blessings By Mom

We were in car on the way to home. My phone started ringing. It was my mom's call. it was my new phone so, I didn't save the number. My phone was on the dashboard. I asked her to pick up for me. She picked phone and said "hello". My mom said "who are you". She said "You have phoned you tell me who you are". My mom said "I am the mother of the owner of this phone". She got shocked and said "ohh!!!!s..s.s.sorry, I will give it to Vishal". She quickly put the phone on my ear. She closed her eyes and hid the face with her hair. Mom asked me that who was that girl. I said "she is my girlfriend". She got another shock and the phone slipped out of her hands. I picked the phone. She covered her face with her both hands and watching me from the gap in the fingers. Mom told me to give phone to her. I gave her the phone. She was looking so funny at that moment. Myra said in a quavering voice "I am really sorry for the earlier, I didn't know that you are his mother". Mom said "okay! First you tell me what your name is". Myra told her name. Then mom said "such a good name and does he care for you properly". She said "yes, but Auntie! Sometimes he teases me". Mom said "ohh!! Next time if he teases you then you tell me I will scold him hard". They were talking like besties. They talked for a long time and I was thinking what did mom call for. And finally, on my 19th birthday I got a girlfriend.

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