Love Made Me Cry

Chapter 5:Her Dad Scared Me

Now both of us got used to see each other, talk with each other but suddenly after some days she started ignoring me. Whenever I look at her, she always turns his face. Now she didn't even come for eat with me. She also started to go home alone before me. I kept thinking all day long about what I did that she was ignoring me. She looked very sad in those days.

It was almost mid-night. We were in the car and the way ahead was 600 km long. I had never experienced such peace in the car before. I looked at her, she was so quiet and just keep looking outside. I put my hand on her head. She was still looking out. After driving all night, we arrived there. It was an early morning. She was sleeping with the pouted face. I woke her up and told her that we are at your home now. we knocked on the door and her mother opened the door for us. Her mother was so surprised and happy to see us. She took us inside. Her father was sitting on the couch and was watching news. I said hello to her father and he looked at me like he was scanning my full body with the eyes. Her father asked me "so you are Vishal". I was just going to answer but quickly Myra answered before me "yeah! Dad, he is Vishal". Uncle looked at her and she bowed her head quickly. Auntie supported us and said "you guys should be tired, come have some breakfast". All four of us were eating on the dinning table. Uncle asked me "How is your study going". Again, Myra replied before me "Dad he is one of the top students of our college". Again, her dad looked at her. Now I handled the matter and said "yeah its good and I already got an apprenticeship letter from London for next year". After the breakfast I picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen. I helped auntie in washing the dishes. After that, its like uncle started taking my test. He took me to a weekly market to buy vegetables. Uncle gave all the vegetables to me to hold them. He bought almost 20-25 kg of vegetables. I was thinking "is it really for one family". Uncle asked me "is it heavy". With fake smile I said "No no sir, it's nothing you should buy some more". Then I took that heavy bag of vegetables to home. Now its time for another test. Uncle told me that today I have to make a dish for dinner but I didn't even know about the "C" of cooking. I was in the and was wondering what I should do. Then I got a call from Myra. She said "follow the instructions". She was telling me on the phone what to do next and I was just following her. Finally, I did it.

Everyone was waiting for me on the dinning table. I served the dish. Uncle was tasting it. And all three of us were looking at him. I was thinking that it's all over now. Then uncle looked at me and said with smiling "your cooking skills are pretty good". I was so happy and said "Uncle, cooking is one of my hobby I started cooking from my childhood". Myra was looking me and I just smiled. The dinner was over. All went to sleep. I was sleeping on the sofa. That room was very cold. Myra came to me and blanketed me. She said in very slow voice "Are you really going to London next year". I was still in deep sleep. The night was over and we were leaving early in the morning. She said goodbye to Uncle Aunt and got in the car. I said to uncle "I will to take good care of your daughter there". Then we left from there…...

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