Loving The Devil

Chapter 21 - Hero

Several weeks passed, and Chloe still hadn't taken Phillip as a threat. Brian on the other hand immediately had his men tail her and watch over her. She knew this. It was obvious. They were not discreet by no means. Chloe went back to work, afraid of losing her business if she stayed closed for too long.

It was just after the lunch rush. Only a few customers were still in the cafe when a creepy looking guy came in. "Excuse me, are you the owner? I heard she was beautiful and easy. You are the only beautiful, easy looking girl I see." He shoved Chloe down and held her in place with all his might, not letting her move. He tried to kiss Chloe; she fought him the best she could not wanting his gross lips to touch her. "GET OFF ME!" Chloe screamed for help, getting nauseous every time his lips made contact with her skin. Sam rushed over trying to pull him off to no prevail. Sam grabbed the phone, "Get off her or I'm going to call the police." Suddenly the guy was abruptly pulled off of Chloe. Someone hit the guy and yelled, "If your face shows up around here again, I'll put you six feet under!" Sam and Chloe recognized the voice. Both looked in the direction the voice came from and saw...Phillip.

"What are you doing here?" Sam looked at him disapprovingly. "What no thank you for saving Chloe?" "Thank you for saving me, Phillip. Now get out." "Seriously? I just happened to cross by the cafe. I heard you scream and came as quick as I could. I saw that disgusting pig all over you and got worried for your safety." Chloe was trying to keep from throwing up. First, this guy is all over her then Phillip of all people saved her. She just wanted to go home and shower. " I said thank you now leave. Sam let's go. Just lock the door we will count everything tomorrow. I'll have Nathaniel drive you home. I don't feel well and need to go home." Phillip didn't look too happy with Chloe's choice. "I'll drive her home, Sam. Nothing funny I swear. I'll drop you off where ever you wish." "What makes you think I need a ride from you? My boyfriend will be here any second he can take me back home, with him." She felt the need to make him aware that she now lived with Brian.

Chloe told him this trying to get rid of Phillip. She no longer felt safe around him and didn't want him near. However, Thanks to the detail Brian had followed her, he had already been notified about Phillip showing up at the cafe. So Brian, in fact, was on his way. Lucky her, his company is a short five-minute drive down the road. She still hadn't been to his work yet, so she didn't know his company was her family's old company.

"Chloe please, let me take you home. I don't trust that boyfriend of yours to keep you safe. I can keep you safe, like just now." Just as Chloe was growing tired of being around Phillip the front door opened. A deep masculine voice boomed through the cafe. "Really, how do you plan to keep her safe? You think you can do a better job than I? See the difference between you and me is I've never hit a woman, and I actually love Chloe." Brian quickly grew embarrassed for he just realized he told Chloe he loved her. He had been dying to tell her for a while now, but he had hoped for a more romantic setting, not like this.

Chloe blushed, Brian loves me? Oh wow, Brian really loves me. I should say it back, right? "....." Chloe opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was puke.

Phillip took his chance. "See your love turns her stomach. She can't stand to be around you. You literally make her sick." Brian shoves past Phillip scooping Chloe up in his arms. "It's not me that sickens her it's you. Besides, didn't I tell you to stay away from her or else?" "Again if it were not for me that guy would have had his way with her." "That is the only reason I'm not beating your face in right now" Brian leaves with Chloe in his arms realizing she never did tell him she loved him.

Brian sat her in the backseat of his car and drove her home. The whole ride she didn't say anything. He watched her, feeling sickened about what happened. He was beating himself up about how he should have gotten to her sooner. He wished she would just close the cafe and stay home forever. He knew that was an unreasonable request and would never think to ask it of her. They eventually reached their home, Chloe still hadn't said a word and in fact, fallen asleep. Brian gently scooped her up and carried her to her bed. Assuming she must still be in shock, he laid her down, kissed her lips and covered her up. He went downstairs to talk to Ryan. "How did the meeting go after I left?" " It went. They didn't like the proposal. The board said it was a waste of their time and that if you couldn't be there, they didn't want to hear it." "Why do we have a board? Senseless bunch of old coots. Ugh. I'll deal with them. I do need you to see if you can find out who ȧssaulted Chloe today. Also, find out why the security detail was useless in stopping it." "Yes sir, I hope she is okay." "I hope she will be okay as well and pay a visit to her subordinate Sam. Make sure she is alright, she was scared out of her mind today." "Yes sir, I will pay her a visit." Ryan bowed his head and left. How come things like this keep happening? It was as if the universe didn't want them together.

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