Loving The Devil

Chapter 22 - Truth

A few days have passed since the attack on Chloe. She still hasn't come out of her room and Brian has grown impatient waiting on her. He wished there was something he could do. He knocked at her door. "Angel, are you coming out or do I need to come in?" He waited, no one answered, so he spoke louder. "Ready or not I'm coming in." He used his master key to unlock her door. "I didn't want to use this, but you have left me no choice." He said as he opened her door. Chloe was curled up in her bed. He knew she was eating because the servants would bring her food. He tried to give her space since that night but enough was enough. He wanted his angel back. That guy will pay for ȧssaulting her. He sat on the edge of her bed and stroked a piece of hair off her face. "Beautiful, are you going to come out soon?" Chloe looked up at him. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to do. I have always felt safe at the cafe but now..." Brian's heart broke. He scooped her up and hugged her tight. "I will do whatever it takes to make you feel safe again. I just need you to come out of the room. Please." Chloe knew it was time. She couldn't let her fear run her life. Brian was here to keep her safe for now. "Alright, I'll go downstairs, but you can't leave my side. Not yet, please." Seeing her like this was painful to him. He thought about it. He knew he could send Ryan to fill in but that would only be a temporary fix. He needed a solution that didn't put her in danger like last time. His security detail was supposed to watch her and keep her safe from Phillip. They did that, however they just sat outside her shop. So when she was ȧssaulted they didn't know. "I'll stay with you for as long as you need me to. I just need to go back to work after a few days. Is that okay? I promise you I will always do what I can to keep you safe." Brian gave her a another hug. 'I love you' he thought to himself. Remembering she still hadn't said it back not wanting to pressure her to say it. After all she had been through a lot these past few days.


Brian instructed Ryan to take over for a few days at the company. He also instructed his security to watch over her, but this time they were not to leave her side. If she went somewhere, they were to be by her side. He wanted her to have bodyguards. He believed Phillip had something to do with that guy ȧssaulting her, but they were having a hard time finding this guy to prove anything.


"Sally, I did it. She is beginning to doubt everything." Phillip burst into Sally's room excited about what happened. "What did you do? Is she okay?" Sally grew worried since she knew the kind of person Phillip was. "Yeah, she will be fine. I told the guy not to take it to far. Besides, I was able to jump in and save her. No harm done." "Phillip, you're scaring me. What exactly did you do?" With a crooked smile plastered on his face. The air grew thick and cold. Sally shivered thinking of how creepy Phillip looks now and how desperate he has grown. In almost a whisper Phillip leaned in. "I hired a random guy to ȧssault Chloe so I could jump in and save her. She will forever remember me as her hero." Sally was appalled by his actions. She wanted him gone. How could she honestly feel like she had ever loved him? "You only want her because you can't have her. How could I ever love you? To think I was going to have your child. I want you to leave. Leave now and never come back." Phillip became aggressive toward Sally. Shoving her into the hospital bed, he stared into her eyes. "You think you can get rid of me that easily? You will never be rid of me. If I fail, I will name you as an accomplice, and you will go down with me. I will make sure she never forgives you, and you will be alone for the rest of your life. I'll leave for now, but I will be back." Sally laid there in fear of what he might do to her and what might happen to Chloe. Regret filled her heart and her thoughts. She needed to talk to Chloe. She had to know what's going on and now, Sally wanted to help stop it.


At the house, Brian brought Chloe downstairs, he wanted to cheer her up but wasn't too sure of how. "Chloe please talk to me. What happened?" Chloe finally told Brian what the guy did to her. Furious, Brian leaned in to kiss her. "I'll make that man's touch disappear. " He kissed her lips tenderly. Chloe enjoyed his mȯȧning slightly. Brian moved his kisses to her neck growing more intense. "Brian, I don't think we should go too far here. It's not appropriate." She felt the need to stop him before they became intimate. Brian stopped immediately.

Hearing her words disappointed him, but he knew that she spoke the truth. " Silly girl, you are mine and only mine. I will gouge out the eyes of any man who covets you. I will always find you no matter what." Chloe felt his passion for her growing and became moved by his words. "You are the only man I want to give my self to. I'm no longer afraid. I want you to have me." Brian knew what she meant. He couldn't be any happier than at this moment, but before he could have her, he needed to fix some issues first. "I'm glad you want me sėxuȧŀly. It's just not the right time. Please hold onto it for me just a little while longer. Then I will take everything that is mine." Brian pressed his forehead to hers wanting her to feel what he was feeling. Chloe wasn't disappointed by his words. In fact, she was happy. This meant he truly had feelings for her and respected her as a person. This was the moment she had realized something huge. "Brian, I....I.."

Brian gave her a confused look. "Is everything ok?" "Yes, it's perfect." She wanted to tell him then. She wanted him to know how she felt, but to say those words. Once said, can never be taken back. She decided to wait, wait until everything blew over. She refused to tell him in this chaos.

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