Loving The Devil

Chapter 23 - Ryan and Sam?

Sally didn't know what to do. She struggled over how much she despised Chloe, but that despise wasn't Chloe's fault. In fact, Chloe didn't know why and Sally knew this. Still, Sally didn't want to contact her. She didn't want to hear, 'I told you so.' So she opted to call Sam instead. "Sam, I have something I need to tell you. Please come by and see me soon." "I don't know if I can Sally. You have been over the top bitchy lately, and Chloe hasn't been to work, so I have to cover for her and you. It's been crazy here at work. I just can't." "Sam it's about Chloe. Please come." "Fine, I'll come over tonight after I close. Bye." Sally began to feel bad for her behavior towards everyone. Maybe she had been a bitch.


Sam was getting ready to close when the bell rang. Confused about who could be coming this late, she poked her head around the corner and yelled, "We are closed." She spotted a handsome man standing by the door. "May I help you, sir?" She was cautious because of what happened to Chloe. "Are you Sam?" She nodded to confirm. "Hey, I'm Ryan. I'm Mr. Hughes', right-hand man. He wanted me to check on you and escort you. Miss Chloe was worried after what happened." Sam took a long look at this man. He was trying to determine if she could believe him or not. "Okay, you saw me. I'm fine; you may leave now." Ryan was taken aback by her attitude; he was also intrigued. This woman didn't hesitate to snap at him. This has never happened before. Usually, women are nice to him just to get close to Brian. "You're right I came, I saw, but I'm not leaving. I promised that I would make sure you made it home safely and I intend to do just that. Be a good girl and don't make me toss you over my shoulder and carry you home." Sam was perplexed by his words. She was trying to decide if he was telling the truth. Better not chance it, she thought. "Fine, you may escort me home. However, I have to make a stop along the way. You can join me if you wish." Sam finished closing up and sat in the passenger seat of Ryan's car. "Where to?" "The hospital, Sally called said she needed to talk to me." " Do you know what it is about?" " Yeah, didn't I tell you I'm a mind reader. I know what everyone is thinking all the time. I can never shut it off." She rolled her eyes with her remark. The more attitude she gave, the more attractive Ryan found her to be. "Really? Mind reader huh? How did you learn to be so sarcastic?" Sam rolled her eyes again. She was unimpressed with his station...even more so with him. They reached the hospital to see Sally. Sam tried to get rid of Ryan, but he just escorted her inside. "You don't have to walk with me. People will get the wrong idea and think we are together. " "Would that be such a bad thing." "Yes, it would. I don't want them to think I'm dating an annoying man-child." Ryan stopped in his tracks. Surprised she called him that. "That's a great idea, Sir. You walk ten paces behind me, so they don't think we are together." Sam kept walking forward. Ryan didn't know what to think of this woman. She acted as though he rubbed her wrong somewhere before. However, he did not recall ever meeting her. "Did I do something wrong to you?" Sam turned and gave him a distasteful look. Without responding to his question, she opened a room door and stepped inside. "Okay Sally, I'm here. What was so important?" "Phillip came by here and what he said was concerning. He said..." At that point, Ryan walked into the room. "Can I help you, sir?" Sam turned and saw who it was rolled her eyes again. "He is with me. Go ahead and finish. I don't have all night." Ryan watched her feisty attitude. The more he watched her, the more attractive she became. He liked the fire in her soul. "Phillip showed up yesterday. He was bragging about how he set Chloe up to be ȧssaulted so that he could be her hero. He wanted her to doubt everything she believed in. He is trying to get her back and obviously by any means necessary. You have to tell her. She needs to know the tricks he is playing on her. Please, also tell her I know it won't mean much, but I am sorry for everything." Sam and Ryan stood quietly for a few minutes before Sam responded. " I'll make sure she knows, and I'll make Phillip pay for this. He will never hurt you, Chloe, or anyone else I swear on my life." Ryan pulled out his phone and sent Brian a message to make him aware he will be dropping Sam off at her house and headed back to him. He needed to tell Brian what happened. He knew as soon as he told Brian, he would kill Phillip. But, if he didn't, and Brian found out, he would kill Ryan.

"Well, I need to go, Sally. I have to get up early and open the store. Bye." With that, they left. Sally sat wondering if she did all she could to warn Chloe. Sam and Ryan headed out of the hospital. This time both of them processing the information they received. "Sam, don't worry about it, when I go back to the Hughes Estate, I'll inform Miss Chloe about what we were told here today. I'll take you home." The ride home Sam was quiet. How could Phillip do that to Chloe? Ryan reached over and grabbed her hand. "It will be ok. I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens to any of you ladies ever again." Sam just sat there thinking and holding his hand. She noticed his touch seemed to ground her so that she wouldn't float away into her thoughts. When they reached Sam's place. It was a humble, single floor, brick home. It wasn't much, but it was enough for her. "Thank you, Ryan. I trust you and your boss to take care of Chloe. I think of her as my sister, and if anything happens to her on you guys' watch, I will hunt you down personally." "Yes ma'am, we will do everything in our power to take care of her." When Sam heard this, she left without a goodbye and went inside her home. Ryan stood there wondering why she didn't at least say goodbye. Then he smiled knowing he will see her again. On the other side of the door, Sam leaned against it. She realized that she was so nervous around him. She found him deeply attractive but didn't want him to know that. He must have women fawn all over him every day. She sighed, knowing if she hadn't left when she did she would have kissed him. She felt like it wasn't her place to do that. After all, he was a much higher station than her. She was low, middle class and he was a middle-upper class. Their worlds were too far apart. She felt she needed to keep it that way.


When Ryan showed up at Brian's estate, the first thing he did was pull both Chloe and Brian into the living area for a meeting. "Miss Chloe, Miss Sam wanted me to let you know that Phillip was behind the guy who attacked you. He hired him to ȧssault you so he could rescue you. He wanted to make sure you questioned everything you knew." Chloe sat appalled. She actually fell for it. She locked her self up for days because she felt scared. Not knowing why that guy acted that way. Then she grew angry. "I can't believe this. You know what? I do believe it. It's just like Phillip. With him, it was and always will be about his wants and his needs." Brian took her hands into his. "Angel why don't you go shower. I need to talk some things over with Ryan. Business and all." "Okay sweetie, I need to cool off anyway." After the guys were sure she left and was out of earshot, "Find him. Leave a suicide note at his place asking for forgiveness from everyone. Explain that he realized what he did was wrong and he couldn't live with himself. Then kill him. I want photo proof that he is dead." "Yes sir, I'm already on it." Ryan nodded to Brian. He became thrilled smiling from ear to ear. Glad he was about to get rid of Phillip forever.

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