Loving The Devil

Chapter 24 - Worried

Phillip found himself at Chloe's old house. He told Nathaniel that he was there to pick up a few things that Chloe had set aside. Nathaniel let him in and had him sit in the study. He called Chloe to notify her of what happened. "Miss Chloe, Sir Phillip has arrived here looking for some items he had left behind." Chloe was confused; sure he had collected everything when they broke up. Brian saw her confused look and asked: "What's wrong, angel?" "Phillip showed up at my place. Nathaniel called me to notify me. He put him in the study for now. I have to go find out what's going on." "No. Tell Nathaniel I'll be right over with Ryan. We will handle this for you. I don't want you anywhere near him." Chloe nodded and got back on the phone. "Nathaniel, leave him there. I'll send Brian and his ȧssistant Ryan over to handle this. Thank You. While I have you, I need you to meet me tomorrow at the Cafe." "Yes ma'am I'll wait for them to get here and I will see you tomorrow." When they hung up the phone, Nathaniel went into the study and saw Phillip rummaging through the office. He cleared his throat. "Ahem...Sir, she is on her way to meet with you. She sends her apologies for not being here already." "Thank you, Nathan." "It's Nathaniel, sir." He bowed and left.

Brian collected Ryan, and they headed to Chloe's house. "When we arrive we are going to get him out of her house and into the car. I'll drive him to his place, and you drive his car. We will set him in his office and finish him off there. Remember, no one is to figure out the truth. No evidence what so ever."

"Got it, boss. Quick and painless is a little more than this pig deserves. I'd love to rough him up a little."

"I know, I would like that as well. But we can't put the girls into any danger or into any situation that would cause them to lie for us."

"Understood. We are here."

Ryan and Brian exited the car and knocked on the front door. "Nathaniel, Chloe sent us to get Ryan."

"This way, sirs. He's in the study still" Lead to the study, Ryan and Brian exchange looks confirming their plan. Brian spoke up, "We can take it from here. We're just going to take him home. You can go to bed now." Nathaniel nodded and left. He wasn't sure what they wanted or why but he knew a good servant always did as they were told. When Brian and Ryan entered the study, Phillip looked confused. "Who are you guys and why are you here in my girlfriend's house? Get out now, or I'll call the police." Ryan and Brian exchange looks of disgust. "Are you serious right now? Your girlfriend? Who might that be the family dog? Because Chloe is my girlfriend. One day soon she will be my wife, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect her from you." "Your lying she would never get with a guy like you. She still loves me; we are just on a break." "You are delusional. She stopped caring about you when you cheated on her. I was there to pick up her pieces and show her what real love is. I showed her that it is ok to be taken care of and not left to fend for herself. I showed her how strong she can be and how great it is to be loved by someone. What did you ever do for her?" Phillip stared at Brian dumbfounded of what to say. He knew Brian was right. He became hostile toward Brian and tried to hit him. Ryan came up from behind Phillip and hit him in the head with a paperweight from the desk. Phillip fell to the ground. "Was that necessary?" "Yes, I didn't feel like breaking Chloe's house. I don't want to make her mad. She's your girlfriend, not mine. I can't just make her happy as you can." "Yeah, your right. Now grab him and let's go finish this." Ryan picked Phillip up and threw him over his shoulder, and they both left the house. Ryan placed him in the back seat of Brian's car as instructed and shut the door.

"Okay, I'll see you at his house. Do you have it?" Ryan nodded and pulled out a Beretta 92. "It's unregistered and untraceable. " "Perfect." Brian got into his car and drove off.


Chloe was pacing back and forth in the living room. "Miss Chloe, please have a seat. It will be okay." Chloe was worried about Brian. She was worried Phillip would hurt Brian. She felt helpless. Brian and Ryan pulled up into the driveway. Seeing this Chloe ran out to check Brian's health. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? He didn't hurt you did he?" She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. Brian couldn't contain his smile. "Silly girl, even if he tried to hurt me he wouldn't be able to. The only weakness I have is you. Since you are safe, I am not hurt." He smiled warmly giving her a kiss. "Yeah, I'm safe too. Man, I wish someone cared for me like that." Ryan said sarcastically. Brian shot him a look. "You would have someone like her if not for your attitude and lack of interest." "I'm sorry if I don't want those gold digging women. They only ever got close to me to get with you. I'll have you know I have actually found a woman who piques my interest. She's not like the others; she doesn't want you or money." "Really? Are you sure she even wants you?" "That's cold Brian." Chloe chuckled at their banter. It was unusual to see. Brian only acted this way with Ryan. If anyone else dared to act this friendly with him, they were met with an icy gaze and two words either "Get lost." or "You're fired." This much has become clear to Chloe. After they entered the house, Brian dismissed the staff and took Chloe to his room. "Why did you bring me here?" "Don't worry we won't do anything you don't want to do. I only have one expectation. I want to sleep with you." Chloe was shocked, and her face gave away her feelings and thoughts. She blushed. "Brian, we can't do that yet, I'm not ready." Brian let out a hearty laugh. "Silly girl, what is going on in that head of yours. I meant actual sleep. I just want you by my side so I can keep you safe. You are such a pervert for such a virtuous woman." Brian continued laughing. Chloe playfully hit his arm. "You are so mean. What am I supposed to think when you word it like that? You so did that on purpose." "Yes, I did. Your reaction made it perfect." He kissed her gently. "Let's go to bed. It's been a long day." Brian went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, while Chloe climbed into bed and covered up, nervous about being in the same bed with him. When Brian came out, he was wearing no shirt and a pair of long johns. Chloe blushed again admiring how sėxy he was and how 'big' he was. He climbed into bed laying on his back. Grabbed Chloe and moved her closer laying her head on his ċhėst. "It's okay to sleep closer. I won't bite you unless you want me to." Chloe's face was red as a tomato. She laid there trying not to make sudden moves. Brian noticed how tense she was and began to run his fingers through her long hair. Before long, with the sound of his heartbeat and the feel of his hand going through her hair, she had fallen asleep. He kissed her head. "Goodnight love, I hope when you find out what I did you can forgive me." Brian closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He was hoping that when she woke up, she would still care for him.

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