Loving The Devil

Chapter 25 - His Death

Chloe woke up to an empty bed. She blushed to remember how they slept in the same bed last night. "He must have gone to work," Chloe spoke aloud. When the bathroom door opened, she jumped and let out a squeal. "Eeeek. Oh my goodness you scared me." Brian walked out of the bathroom wearing a blue business suit. He looked great in anything and nothing. Chloe couldn't take her eyes off him. She suddenly had the urge to rip his clothes off him. She blushed, scolding herself for thinking that way. "Chloe, your burning holes into my suit." She came to her senses. "Sorry. Are you headed to work?" "Yes, there is an important matter I have to take care of. The board requested my presence." He gave Chloe a kiss on her lips. She deepened the kiss wanting just a little more. "Angel, when you kiss me like that I don't want to leave. You are an evil woman. Temptation at its best." Chloe smiled. "I don't want you to leave. I want you here with me." "Silly girl, you're being very tactless. You know I have to work; therefore you tempt me in such a way." Brian kisses her again pulling back quickly. He smiled knowing he had made her flustered. "I've got to go to work. I love you, Chloe. You be careful today please." "Yes sir, I'll be careful." Chloe knew she loved him, but she was still hesitant to say it to him. She just felt like it wasn't the right time especially not in passing. Chloe got up getting ready for work. Today is the day she puts everything past her and moves forward.


Chloe arrived at the cafe to find Nathaniel waiting on her. "Ma'am, you asked to see me?" "Yes, please come in." She unlocked the door and allowed Nathaniel to enter before locking it back. Usually, she would not do this, but previous events taught her different. "Have a seat." They took a seat at one of the tables. Chloe pulled an envelope full of documents out and handed them to Nathaniel. He stared at her confused. "Miss Chloe, what is this?" "These are the documents that you have to sign. I'm giving you the house, and I will provide monthly payments for you as a retirement bonus. I want you to live your life. You have been with me since I was a little girl. You have protected me and took care of me. It is time I repay the favor. Since I'm now living with Brian, I don't want the house just to sit there. It is now yours." Nathaniel started to tear up. After years of taking care of people, someone is offering to take care of him. With tears in his eyes, he signed the papers. "I will always be there if you ever need me, Miss Chloe. You are like my own daughter." Chloe gave Nathaniel a hug and sent him on his way. She opened the cafe, ready for a long day of work. When Sam showed up, she was frantic. "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe did you see? Have you seen the news? I can't believe it happened. How are you? Are you ok?" "Sam calm down and breathe. Use small words. What are you talking about?" "Phillip, he's all over the news." She turned the new on. "See."


An announcer came over the television. "Phillip Dawson was found dead at his home this morning. The authorities have gone on record stating it was a suicide. He left an apology letter confessing to a few crimes that were not mentioned. He was fighting with the guilt and depression of hurting people close to him. The authorities said it was a gruesome scene. He apparently shot himself in the head in the study of his home. No witnesses were present. The authorities said his girlfriend is the one who found him." Chloe switched the television off. "Still making messes for others to clean even after death. Let's get to work." Sam looked at Chloe sympathetically. She knew Chloe had feelings for Phillip. She was with him for almost three years. "Chloe, are you going to be okay?" "Hahaha, yes, I'll be great. Now I don't have to look over my shoulder wondering who the next person to ȧssault me will be. I don't have to worry about Phillip coming into my life to mess things up. This is great news. I think I'll attend the funeral just to make sure the bastard is dead." Chloe was, in fact, ecstatic. She couldn't be happier right now. Karma got her justice. She sent a text message to Brian. "I didn't want to do it this way, but we need to talk asap. I saw on the news that Phillip committed suicide. I want the truth. We can talk later at the house if you wish. But I want you to be honest with me."


Brian was in the middle of his meeting when his phone went off. "Excuse me for a moment." Brian read the message and went pale in the face. "Ryan step into my office with me now. Everyone take a 10 min break. We will meet back here to continue the meeting." Brian left with Ryan on his heels. "Boss, what happened?" "Not here." Brian reached his office and entered. "Close the door behind you." He handed his phone to Ryan. " Read the last message Chloe sent." Ryan read the message and grew pale in complexion.

"Does she know? How did she figure it out? Is she upset? Will she turn us in?" "Slow down. First, I would not be with her if she were stupid and naive. I expect nothing less from this woman. However, I have to tell her the truth. I promised I wouldn't lie to her. I don't think she will turn us in. However, I don't know what she is feeling either. All I can do is hope she cares about me enough to understand why it was done. I just wanted you to know what happened so you can prepare adequately." "Yes sir, I'll make sure everything is in order. I know the cops found no evidence of foul play. So I'm not sure who would believe her if she did say something." "Whatever the consequences are I'll take full responsibility. I'll talk to her later and see what happens. Let's go back to this meeting and wrap things up." Brian continued his meeting with worry about how Chloe is going to react to the news. He wanted more than anything to hide it from her, but he knew it was too late for that.

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