Loving The Devil

Chapter 26 - First

Brian worked hard for the rest of the day. He wanted nothing more than to get home and talk with Chloe. When Brian finished his work early, he instructed Ryan to bring the car around. He decided he was going to pick Chloe up from work. That way, if she wanted to go anywhere else, other than with him, he could oblige. He sent Chloe a message notifying her that he was picking her up and what time. On his way to the car, he was ambushed by a familiar woman. "Brian, why do you keep avoiding me? You know we were meant to be together." She wrapped Brian in an unwanted hug. "Get off me now. I don't want you. All we had was one single date. I didn't even sleep with you. Leave me alone, or you will regret it." "Come on baby, I know you just put up this wall to keep others out, but you don't need it for me. Why can't we be together?" "Why? You want an answer, then fine. One, you are too clingy. Two, you are too stupid. Three, you lather yourself in makeup to hide your ugly personality. Four, you don't care about me. I just happened to be the first guy to turn you down and not sleep with you. Five, I already have a girlfriend whom I love very much. Are these reasons enough for you?" Brian pried her off of him and hopped into his car. "Leave before she tries to get in." Ryan sped off.


Chloe and Sam were closing the cafe when Brian and Ryan showed up. "You look beautiful Chloe." Brian walked up to her kissing her passionately. Chloe returned the kiss. Their tongues entwined in a ŀustful kiss. "Get a room. Nobody wants to see that nasty stuff." Sam teased. Brian and Chloe both laughed. "Your only jealous because you have no one to kiss," Chloe told Sam mockingly. "Oh really, and who says I don't?" She went to Ryan, grabbed his head and planted a steamy kiss onto his lips. Ryan was caught off guard, but then he gave in. He was kissing her like the world was about to end. Sam became swept up in the moment and became aroused. "Ahem. Are you two going to screw on the cafe floor or get a room?" Brian and Chloe were proud that their friends finally got together. Chloe spoke to pull the two apart. "Hey, why don't you take her home, Ryan. You can use my car and just bring it back to the estate when you're done. Brian and I can manage without you. I won't kill him I swear." She nudged Brian to agree. "Yeah. Go ahead. We will be ok." "Are you ready Chloe?"

"Almost, we have to finish up here, and then we can leave. You guys can take a seat." Chloe and Sam finished cleaning and grabbed the register drawer of money. They took it into the office to count and do the books for the night. "Oh my heavens, Sam you just kissed Ryan." Sam squealed like a teenage girl. "I know, I didn't even think I could do something like that. But my God, that kiss. Holy shit! I've never had sparks like that in my life. It was electrifying." "It's amazing, isn't it? That's the same feeling I get it every time I kiss Brian, its epic." Chloe swooned over Brian while Sam swooned over Ryan. The boys grew impatient, waiting, "When are they gonna be done? I still need to talk with Chloe." Brian began pacing back and forth. "Calm down, dude. I don't think she's mad. I mean look at the kiss she gave you." " I understand your point but what if it was a goodbye kiss?" "Boss, calm down. What has this woman done to you?" "I fell in love, Ryan. That's it; I'm going to see what is taking them so long." Ryan jumped up, grabbing Brian. "No, you can't. Don't bother them. They are probably in there gossiping about us." Ryan tried to talk sense into Brian and keep him from interrupting the girls. He was holding on to Brian, who was more built than Ryan and just a few inches taller. Brian began dragging Ryan to the back. When they got to the back, they were play fighting and being loud. Chloe opened the office door and saw them being children. "What is going on here?" Brian and Ryan shot up and gave her a look like they were caught by the teacher. "Nothing." Chloe laughed at them. "Give us a minute, and we'll be finished." She closed the door and looked at Sam laughing. "They are grown children. Anyway, just put everything in the safe, and we'll deal with it tomorrow." "Okay boss, I really want to go home anyway." The girls left the office. "We're ready to go." The four of them left the cafe splitting ways into separate vehicles — Ryan and Sam into one car and Brian and Chloe in another.

Brian was getting anxious over how to start the conversation. Chloe could see this, so she took the lead and spoke. "What happened to Phillip?" Brian almost slammed on the breaks trying to stop the car. "Right to the point, I see. Are you sure you want to know?" Chloe grabbed his hand and held it in her hands. "Brian. I just need the answers to two questions. Honesty is all I'm asking for. First question: Did you and Ryan kill Phillip and make it look like a suicide?" Brian took a deep breath and answered. "Yes, we did. However, we did it with good reason." "Second question: Did you do it because he hurt me and you love me enough to kill him?" "Yes. I couldn't stand knowing that trash like that hired someone to ȧssault you. I will not apologize for loving you and wanting to protect you. No matter what happens between us at least I know you'll be safe from him." Chloe leaned over and gave Brian a deep kiss. "You misunderstand me. I'm not angry. I have never had someone love me so much before. I'm kinda glad Phillip is dead. One less prick the world has to put up with. He was a terrible person who did terrible things. I love you Brian, and I'm not going anywhere." Brian smiled. He was ecstatic, Chloe finally admitted how she felt. "You said you love me." "Yes Brian Hughes, I love you. Now take me home. I want to give you another surprise. You haven't lied to me. You have protected me and shown your love for me in many ways. I feel it is time I do the same." Brian drove the car, headed for the estate.


Along the way to Sam's house, Ryan couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. "Sam, that kiss. What did it mean to you? I mean did you kiss me to prove a point or because you wanted to?" "Ryan, first, I don't do anything if I don't want to. Besides, why would I need to prove a point? I kissed you because I like you, dodo head." Ryan pulled into Sam's driveway and parked the car. "Well, I like you too. I really liked the kiss we shared." Ryan leans in to get another kiss only to meet Sam's hand. "Whoah there, big boy. Just because I like you doesn't give you permission to get fresh with me. I'm a lady." Sam opened the door, leaned to Ryan and gave him a quick kiss. "However, I did enjoy kissing you too. Thanks for the ride and goodnight." Ryan sat there a bit dumbfounded. "What just happened? I'm not sure if I got turned down or invited." Ryan left Sam's and headed back to Brian's to drop off the car. Sam was inside her house reexamining the events that unfolded. "Ugh. I should have just invited him in. Why do I have to be so stubborn? I should have said 'I felt it too. and I want to continue where we left off.' No...I just had to be stubborn and refuse him. All because I knew that was what he wanted. I'll be kicking myself in the ȧss all night now."


Brian and Chloe arrived home. Chloe jumped out of the car. "Meet me upstairs in your room in five minutes." She dashed off upstairs, running to the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror after showering and changing into a black knee-high, lace negligee. "Come on Chloe. You can do this. Don't be afraid. This man has given you everything. You want to give him everything. You got this." Chloe was giving herself a pep talk when Brian opened the bedroom door. "Chloe are you in here?" "Just a second. I'll be right out." "Okay girl it's now or never." Chloe opened the bathroom door standing in the doorway like a shy school girl. Brian stared at her, blushing. He had never in his life seen such beauty before. He walked to where she stood, scooped her up into his arms, and made his way to the bed. He gently laid her down on the bed, as though she would break with one wrong move. He spoke in a low husky voice.

"Silly girl, you have no idea what you are asking for. Are you 100% sure you want to do this?" "Brian, I'm never 100% sure about anything except my love for you. Besides, if it doesn't work out between us, I have nowhere to go." "What do you mean? You have your place." "No, I gave it to Nathaniel. It's in his name now. I never planned on going anywhere. I have only planned on staying in your arms." Brian was overjoyed hearing this, and he began kissing her passionately. Their kisses grew deeper and began to spread. "Please be careful with me. I've never had sėx before." Brian slowed down. "I haven't either." Chloe's heart quickened. They were about to become each other's first.

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