Loving The Devil

Chapter 31 - Chloe

Chloe kept letting her mind wander to the other night when she confessed to Brian. She couldn't help but think about their shared time after their conversation. He was amazing, and she knew that. She also knew his dark secrets. Those secrets that could land him in prison if someone else found out. She wondered if this life was worth it. Was being with him worth this trouble? If someone wanted to get to him all they would need to do is get to her. She knew this, and it worried her. She was his weakness, and he was hers. She couldn't help but wonder how long her happiness would last. She was absolutely in love with Brian and nothing could change that...or so she thought. She began to remember Sally, her best friend since childhood, and everything they went through together.

The words Sally shouted to her sat at the top of her mind. "He was murdered, and I will find out by who and make them pay." Chloe was worried but unsure for whom. Was she concerned that Sally would discover the truth? That Brian would harm Sally? That Sally would lock up Brian? Why did it have to be like this, boyfriend against friend? She knew she had to pick a side and wasn't sure how to decide. Yes, Sally had messed up and done so much wrong in the past and present. Brian had only killed Phillip to protect her. Yes, it was terrible, but it was for her. What kind of person did that make her, that she just accepted the fact that he actually killed someone? Chloe knew what she was getting into. She just chose to push it to the darkest places of her mind and never think about it. This was a man that she was falling in love with. Why couldn't she have met Brian first? If that would have been the case, then she wouldn't have been with Phillip, she wouldn't have ever been cheated on. Phillip would be alive, and Sally would still be pregnant. Maybe Phillip and Sally would have a happy life. Chloe knew that what if's and wishes didn't mean a thing. This was the real world where things are messy, and people hurt one another. Feelings didn't matter in right and wrong. In fact, she knew it was wrong of Brian to kill Phillip. She also knew Sally was right, and one day Brian would need to pay for his crime. She just hoped that day wouldn't come anytime soon. She had hoped Sally would forget about everything and let her be and also hoped that Brian wouldn't hurt her. She Felt compelled to see Sally. She just didn't know if Sally would even see her after the last time. She needed to know how much Sally knew and what she had found out.

After deliberating with herself for what seemed like hours, Chloe decided to visit Sally, all against her better judgment. Hopefully, some time alone allowed Sally to move past everything, and things could go back to normal.

Chloe arrived at the hospital. This time she sent Brian a message before getting out of the car. "Brian, I have left to go visit Sally. I have to know what she knows, and hopefully, I can help her put her suspicions to rest so things can go back to normal. I have to do this. I miss my best friend. I love you, and we'll talk after I get out." She turned off her phone and went inside to see Sally. Arriving at the front desk, she asked the receptionist for Sally's room number. Chloe didn't want to go up to see Sally first, just in case she had changed rooms. "Room 456. Take the second elevator to the 4th floor and turn right. At the second intersection, turn left, and it's the 3rd room on your left." "Thank you, ma'am." Following the directions, Chloe made her way to Sally's room.

A feeling of dread hit Chloe's stomach, making her feel nauseous. 'I shouldn't do this. I miss her, but she has done so much wrong to me. Maybe I should just go home. Ugh... Who am I kidding? I need to find out what she knows and how much she knows.' After convincing herself to get it over with, Chloe pushed open the door. "Sally... It's me, Chloe. I wanted to talk to you." Sally heard Chloe and became startled. Sally was worried she would never get this chance. "Chloe! I'm so sorry with how I acted last time. I was upset and took it out on you." Sally greeted Chloe with a hug. Chloe was confused and unsure of what to think. "Did they give you new meds?" Sally shook her head. "No."

She was smiling so widely that her lips were almost touching her ears. She was trying her best to hide the deceit behind her smile. Chloe looked at Sally trying to determine if her smile was genuine. Realizing the only way she would find out is to play her game. "Ok. I'm glad you're doing better, and I forgive you. Can we be friends again?" Sally got out of bed and wrapped her arms around Chloe. "Of course we can be friends again, silly. So what is going on with you?" "Same. Brian is wonderful as always. He treats me so well." The girls spent the rest of the evening gossiping and catching up — neither showing suspicion towards the other and both having ulterior motives.

"So when are they letting you out of this place?" "The doctor said next week, maybe. He said I am healing well and should be able to go home soon." "That's great. You need to take it easy when you get home and don't go crazy." Sally chuckled at Chloe's comment and thought; I won't go crazy I'm just going to prove your boyfriend ruined my life and ruin his any way possible. "I won't, promise." "Well, I had better be going now. I don't want to make Brian worry. Since the other night, he likes me to keep him updated, so I don't run off without saying goodbye." "Ok. See you later, and we should hang out after I get out of here. Brian, you, and me, I mean." "Yes, that would be great Sally." Chloe left the room sending a text message to Brian about her departure. Not sure about what just took place or even how to feel about her newly recovered friendship. But, what she did know was she needed to proceed with caution and be very careful about what she allows Sally to know.

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