Loving The Devil

Chapter 32 - Safe

After arriving home, Chloe was greeted by the staff and a warm hug from Brian. "Long day?" "Yes, the longest. You?" "It was rough, but so much better now. How did it go with Sally?" "Well, I'm not sure, actually. It seemed to go well from an outsider's point of view. However, I feel like she has something up her sleeve. I do want to forgive her and forget everything that has happened. It is just hard to put that much faith in Sally. Am I stupid?" Brian wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "You could never be stupid. Stupid choices yes, but you couldn't be farther from anything stupid. You are the smartest person I know and the most beautiful woman I know."

Brian placed a kiss on Chloe's head. She looked up and kissed his lips. A sudden wave of nausea washed over Chloe. As she ran to the bathroom, holding her hand to her mouth, Brian stood confused. "Baby, are you ok?" He yelled while chasing after her. When he arrived in the bathroom, he found Chloe bent over the toilet trying to keep her hair from falling in, while puking. Brian walked over and held her hair while rubbing her back. He made her feel safe. No matter what his touch always felt like home. When she finally stopped puking, she rinsed her mouth out and sat on the toilet.

"Sorry about that. It must be my nerves." "Are you sure, baby? Maybe you should see a doctor. It could be something worse." Chloe looked at Brian and clearly saw the concern on his face. She knew he was worried. She was deeply and utterly in love with this man. "I will be fine, baby. If it continues I'll see a doctor, I promise." "Okay, I will trust you. I'm just worried, that's all." "Don't worry, love. Everything will be ok. As long as you are by my side, there isn't anything I can't get through."

Brian and Chloe fell asleep late that night not because of her being sick, or because of intimacy, but because Brian was worried for Chloe and Chloe was concerned about Sally.

While Chloe, Brian, Sam, and Ryan slept, Sally was up plotting her revenge against Chloe. Sally had a plan, and the first step was to gain Chloe's trust. Sally was being released in the morning and was planning a day for her and Chloe. She wanted to take Chloe shopping and to lunch. She had the whole day planned. Sally hoped to insert herself into Chloe's life. Her ultimate goal was to keep her away from Brian. She wanted to hurt him. First, she needs to see how much Brian cares for Chloe. If her plan is successful, his world will crash and BURN!

Morning came. Chloe woke up with a feeling of warmth. She laid her hand on Brian's muscular arm, which was wrapped around her keeping her close as if he were afraid to let her go. She smiled at the thought. She turned to face him. Admiring his resting face. "Has anybody ever told you it's rude to stare?" "I see you're awake. I was just looking at how handsome you are and in disbelief that this is real. I still think I'm dreaming." Brian leaned over and kissed her. "Still think your dreaming?" She smiled. "Yes. As long as I have you, life will always be a dream." When she kissed him, her body reacted and lit on fire.

"I have to head to work, Babe. Please behave while I'm gone and don't get into trouble." Chloe let out a loud chuckle. She knew he was half kidding and half serious. She felt life couldn't be much better than this.


Sally waited in her room for the doctor to come and release her. Today was the day, the beginning of the end. Today she would set her plan into motion and without complications. Once the doctor came and set Sally free, she walked out, calling Chloe. It was essential, for her plan to work, that Chloe agreed to go out, or she had to let Sally come to her. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out and have fun today? Either shopping, movies, beach, or just get a bite to eat and hang out. I missed you." When Chloe answered, she didn't expect Sally on the other end and was cautious of going out without Brian. "I don't know Sally. Brian isn't home, and I don't want to leave without him." "Oh. Well, I understand. Is it ok if I come over then? I promise we will have fun." Chloe thought for a little bit. 'What harm could come if she came over?' "Ok. I'll send you the address. You can come over for a little bit."

While waiting for Sally to show up, Chloe sent Brian a message saying that She would have company and explained the situation to him so he wouldn't be mad when he got home. She was getting things ready when she heard a knock on the door. "That must be her." She opened the door to find Sally standing there. "Come in. I don't have too much for us to do, but we can pour a glass of wine and sit and chat for a while." "Sounds perfect. So this is your house, wow, it's huge. What did you do, marry a rich old man?" "HaHa, no, I didn't marry anyone. This is my boyfriend's home, and he isn't old." "He must really care about you." "I feel as though he does. He would do anything for me and I for him. Life has been wonderful with him. I couldn't ask for anything more." "Have you guys discussed children?" "No, we haven't had that talk yet. I eventually want children but I don't think now is the time. I'd want to be married and settled down before that happened. What about you? would you try again?" Sally thought about the question. 'How dare she asked me that knowing it was her fault I lost my child. 'Calm down, Sally, don't show her how upset you are. Make her feel safe.' "I guess when I find the right guy, I would settle down and have kids again." Chloe remembered how Sally lost her first child because of Phillip. "I'm sorry Sal, I didn't think. I can be really dense sometimes." "Its ok Chloe. I have had months to get past it. I shouldn't have blamed you. I should have left when I found out. No, I had to stay. I was in love with a man who didn't love me." "He loved you in his own twisted way." "Enough of the doom and gloom talk, let's get drunk and have some fun. Show me around the mansion." Chloe laughed and showed Sally the home. They sat and caught up with each other's life. Chloe was feeling more relaxed and felt she had her friend back. As time does when one is having fun, it flew by quickly. Before the girls knew it, Brian had arrived home from work. He walked into the living room, hearing laughter and joy coming from in there. "Seems like you girls are having fun." Chloe jumped off the furniture and wobbled to Brian. "Soooo much funny. Ims glads you're homes." Brian laughed. "I think you have had enough. You're slurring your words." "But baby, I knew when I enough. You not soss me." Brian let out a hearty chuckle. "I love you, baby. Here, tell you what, I'll sit with you for a few then we can head to bed ok?" "What's bout, sssssallllyyy?" he looked past her to see Sally sitting and watching them interact. "Sally, I have more than enough guest rooms. Why don't you stay the night?" "Umm. Are you sure? I don't want to impose." "I'm sure. Besides, if I allowed you to drive home, not only would Chloe kill me, but I think my mom and dad might come back from the grave and kill me too." Brian let out a smile. "If you don't mind, I'm going to put her to bed. See you later. It's good to see you're doing better." "Ok. So I just pick a room?" "Yeah. Just grab any room. You...let's go." Brian scooped a reluctant Chloe up in his arms. "I don't wanna go to bed. I'm not tired." "What are we, four?" "No, you're handsome and a sėxy God." Brian's face flushed. Her words turned him on, but he knew with how drunk she is he would never try anything. After taking her to the room, he laid her down and tucked her into bed. "Goodnight angel." He kissed her forehead and prepared for bed. Sally searched the house, trying to find evidence to use. She stopped when she came to his private office. She thought about not going in. 'Well if I get caught I can always say I was looking for a room to sleep.' She headed in and searched. she found a few helpful documents. Documents that would make their lives fall apart. She just needed to wait for the right moment to use them. As she left the room, she ran into a maid. "I'm so sorry. I'm a bit lost. Brian said I could stay the night and to just pick a room, but I can't seem to find any." "That's ok ma'am. you can follow me." She was led to a room with a beautiful bed. "Ahh. What a life you have made here, Chloe. It is going to be so much worse for you when everything is taken." Sally laid in bed and fell asleep.

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