Loving The Devil

Chapter 33 - Nightmare

As time went by, Chloe and Sally grew in friendship. Chloe began to feel like the world was coming together again. Like everything was falling into place. When Chloe fell asleep, it was a quick, peaceful sleep...until her dream hit.

-A small child stood in the road, crying. Rain fell, and a bright light followed by a loud horn blaring. She thought her world was over. Her life was over. Until a boy pushed her out of the way, getting hit in her place. She still cried, thinking the boy had died. When the driver rushed over, blood and rain had mixed into the concrete. She just knew he was gone. She didn't even get to thank the boy. The ambulance pulled up with sirens blaring, and the police walked her to the car to take her home. "Little girl, what is your name?" "Chloe.....Chloe Wilson." " What are you doing here? Where are your parents?" "I ran away from home. Mom and Dad said they had to go away for a while." "Ok. We will take you home." She tried to inquire about information about the boy, but no one would speak of it. Did the boy die because of me?-

Chloe awoke in a cold sweat and tears running down her face. How could she forget that boy? How could she forget that because of her a mother is childless? Chloe looked at the time at 4:32 am. "Damn, It's still too early." She wanted to go back to sleep but was afraid of the nightmare returning. Why now must she be reminded? She looked over at a sleeping Brian. Chloe decided not to disturb him and climbed out of bed. She left the room after washing her face...trying to wash away the nightmare. She recalled the event. She tried to forget the memory. To push it away, she didn't want to remember the horrors of that night. She was 10. He was older. Probably about 14 or 15 at the time. She remembered the sound of the car hitting him. This memory haunted her, the sound, the iron smell mixed with rain. The darkness of the night lit up by rescue lights. She cried again. Sitting in the chair by the kitchen table, holding a freshly brewed cup of coffee. "Baby, are you ok?" Brian walked in and seeing her like this, broke him. He grabbed her to hug her tight. She pushed him away. For the first time since they have been together, she refused his embrace. "Baby, please talk to me. I can't help you if I don't know what's going on."

Chloe looked at him with tears pouring down her pale skin. She was terrified. How can she tell this man, the man she loved, that she was a killer? She couldn't. So she told him instead. "I had a nightmare. I'm sorry, nothing to worry about. Sorry, I woke you." "You didn't wake me up, sweetie. My alarm woke me up." "Alarm? What time is it?" "7:42 am. I have to be in the office soon. Are you going to be ok? Can I call Sam or Sally? Maybe both?" "No, they are taking care of the store today. I was going to take off because I still haven't felt well and wanted to go to the doctor." "Do I need to go with you?" "No. It should be ok. If anything happens, I'll let you know. You have a good day. I have to go soon." "Okay baby. Please don't ever push me away again. You have no idea how much you mean to me."

After their conversation, Brian left for work, and Chloe prepared for her appointment. She was a little worried. Only because she had been sick for a while now, it started about a month ago after Sally got released from the hospital. Maybe it's just nerves. I will found out today.

Brian arrived at work, and after collecting his mail from his secretary, he sat in his office going through the pile of letters. The usual bills, stalker letters, and offers from other companies to either join or buy out. He stopped when he came across an envelope with no return address. He opened it cautiously. His jaw dropped when he read the contents of the letter. 'I know what you did to Phillip. I know the real truth. I know how long you stalked her before talking to her. Does she?' Furious, Brian yelled for his secretary. "Katie!? Get in here now."

Seconds later, a timid blonde woman stepped into his office. "Yes, Mr. Hughes?" She spoke softly, not wanting to anger him farther. She had only been his secretary for about three months. She heard the rumors about how cold and ruthless he can be. Until now, she didn't believe them. Now she stood in front of a man who was boiling with rage and looked as though he could kill someone. Every word he spoke caused fear to shiver down her spine. "Who dropped of this letter? How did it get here?" He held up the envelope so she could see what he was talking about. "I'm not sure, Sir. I picked up the mail from reception like I always do. It was mixed in the mail." "Fine. You're dismissed." "Yes, Sir." She left closing the door behind her.

Brian picked up his office phone and dialed the security extension. "This is Mr. Hughes. I received a letter today from an unknown source. Please review the tapes and see who dropped it off. Double security and make sure this doesn't happen again." He slammed the receiver down. He picked up the phone and called Chloe. "Hello?" "Hey Angel, I just wanted to see how you were doing and make sure you're ok." "Yes, I'm fine. I'm at the doctor's waiting to be seen." "Ok. Please be careful on your way home. Let me know when you make it home. I love you." "I love you too, and I will." Brian hung up the phone and called Ryan. "Ryan, come to the office as soon as possible. Something happened, and I need you. Don't ask, just come." Brian then hung up the phone again. "What did I do? Whoever sent this will pay." Still furious, Brian tried to do some work while waiting on Ryan.

"Ms. Wilson? Follow me, please." Chloe followed the nurse and was led to a small room. "Take a seat the doctor will be right with you." "Thank you." Chloe looked around the room, her nerves set in and anxiety shot up. It has been crazy lately. She has been working at the cafe non-stop. The business has been at its highest lately from open to close. Brian has been busy with his work. Thinking about it, she has never been to his office. She never asked him exactly where he worked.

A peppy voice shattered her thoughts. "Ms. Wilson, How have you been feeling lately?" "Hello, Dr. Ashton. I have been sick lately. I am feeling nauseous and tired all the time. Please give me some good news. Maybe some medicine to take care of the problem." "Ms. Wilson, there isn't anything I can give you to make you feel better. However, in nine months, you will feel as right as rain." Chloe looked at the doctor in confusion. "Ms. Wilson, what I mean is, you are pregnant. About a month along if I'm reading this correctly." Chloe sat in utter shock. What...How...Brian!?

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