Loving The Devil

Chapter 37 - Kidnapped

Three days ago...

...When Chloe left with Sally, they had a relaxed atmosphere and blaring music. "So where are we headed? By any chance, on our way back, could we swing by Brian's so I can talk to him? He must be worried." "Chloe, if he were worried he would have called you. You are so hung up on him and having his child, and yet, you have no clue who he really is." "I know what I need too." "Ok, so you're just stupid?" "Really, Sally? I thought we were going to have fun?" "I never said it would be fun for you!" That's when Sally shoved Chloe's head into the door, causing her to become dizzy. "That hurt, what are you doing, Sally?" "I am ruining you. I'm going to take everything from you." Sally pulled off the main road onto an abandoned path. At the end of the road was a small house. Sally parked the car and drug Chloe kicking and screaming into the house. She threw her into an unoccupied room with a small bed and a bucket. A tiny ray of light found its way in through the window. "Let me go. Sally, I thought we were friends, let me out of here. When Brian finds me, you will be sorry." "Why, because he will kill me like he did Phillip? I loved him, and Brian took him away. You don't know everything about him. Are you aware that he bought your parents company?" "He wouldn't have. Even if he did, it's just business." Chloe beat on the door. Sally shoved a large envelope underneath. "Look at what I found out. Phillip wasn't the first person he has killed. Brian Hughes has killed five people in the past. He had also been stalking you from several years ago." Chloe threw the papers across the room. None of which she wanted to hear. "Your lying. Why are you lying?" "Oh and Chloe, he won't be coming for you. You just made it way too easy." Just then Chloe heard a door open and shut and a male voice in the next room. Chloe began to scream for her release. "Shut up in there. No one even knows you're here. I sent your precious Brian a letter saying that you left him. He won't be coming for you. Oh, I also forged the release of your cafe to Sam. No one will miss you." Chloe cried at what the unknown male told her. "Lucas! That is not what we discussed. We were going to lure him here and kill them all." "See Sally, that's too simple of a plan. I want payback. He killed my brother. I want him to suffer. I made it seem like she left everything. In reality, I'm going to take care of her until she delivers, then I'm going to take the child and send her head to Brian. I'll raise the child to hate his father. So when they meet, the child's heart will be so full of hatred that he will kill his own father." Chloe heard this from the other side of the door. She broke down believing them, with how she left Brian, who wouldn't believe it. Chloe felt her world getting smaller. 'If it's my child they want then I'll make sure they never have it.' Chloe's plan? She was going to starve herself until it caused a miscarriage or death to both. Just because Brian didn't want it, doesn't mean they get to have it. She would do everything in her power to keep if from Sally and that man. She sat on the bed, praying Brian didn't fall for their tricks. The light became dark, and she knew it was night time. Sally came back with food and more papers. "Here eat and read. It's not poisoned. These are a few documents I took from Brian's office. Apparently, you saved him. Well, he actually saved you but that's not the way he tells it." Chloe looked at Sally with disgust. "I will get out of here, and when I do I'll make you pay!" She lashed out to Sally, and Sally took a step back. "Now now, don't get hostile. I just wanted to show you the pictures that I found of you. They were taken secretly and for a long while now." Sally threw the folder to the floor, causing the pictures to scatter. There were photos of her and her parents, her and Phillip, her at work. Creepy, stalkerish photos. "What are these? Where did you get them?" "The man you so freely gave yourself to and love so wholeheartedly, I found them in his office. Along with these documents. He bought your parents company. He played you and you're just too stupid to see it." "If I was being played, then why didn't you allow me to stay? Why kidnap me? Wouldn't I have suffered more by being there?" "No. He never planned to tell you. Why would he? You have given him everything. For me to make you suffer, I found out that telling you the truth about your one true love would hurt you more than anything I could ever have thought up would. Now I have some business to attend. You sit here and think about what I told you." Chloe sat, crying. "Why me? Why are you doing this to me? Your an evil bitch!"

Half of Chloe hoped Brian would find her and the other half, wished he wouldn't because she wasn't sure how she felt about him. Knowing that he had been stalking her and knowing who he used to be, she became scared of Brian. She cried herself to sleep, hoping it was all a bad dream.

Chloe awoke to Sally, pouring water on her. "Wake up, bitch! Your nightmare isn't over yet. I have wonderful news; no one has questioned you being gone. Also, I quit my job." Sally laughed. Chloe began to cry, wondering why? She had begun to lose track of the days. Not sure if Brian would ever save her. "He will find me, and when he does, you will pay!" Chloe slapped Sally. "Damn. I've been wanting to do that for a while now." Suddenly Chloe felt a sting across her face. Chloe hit her back. Then Sally hit her again and again. She was almost releasing years of pent-up jealousy and rage. She kept hitting Chloe, causing blood to splatter along the floor. Chloe tried to fight back, but she was weaker in this state. "Hey! Hey Sally! Get off her! You're going to kill her! Remember the baby!"

When Chloe saw the mystery man, it hit her of who he was. "Lucas?" Chloe spoke weakly. Her body was about ready to give. She has starved herself since coming here. "Sally, we need the baby alive. If you kill her too soon, everything will be for nothing." "She killed Phillip, your brother, because of her, he is dead. She deserves the same fate." "She will get hers, and he will pay. For now, I need you to stay calm and exit so I can fix her up." Sally left Lucas alone with Chloe. As she exited, she cursed Lucas for not letting her put Chloe in a coma. When Lucas reached for Chloe, she jumped. "Calm down, Chloe, I won't hurt you. I need you alive." "Lucas? Why are you doing this to me? I treated you like a brother." "Why? Because Brian killed Phillip for you. He was a douchebag, but he was still family. He didn't deserve to die." "Didn't deserve? He killed an unborn child. He beat Sally and left her to die. He abused me and attempted to **** me more than once. He was cruel, and I'm glad he's dead!" Chloe tried to provoke Lucas; she wanted to die. Chloe was depressed and pissed. She drew what strength she could find and punched Lucas in the face. "You bitch! You will pay for that. I'll make you suffer more than ever now." He stormed out and locked the door behind him. She could see Sally sitting on the counter, drinking some kind of liquid. "That bitch. She will pay for that." "Oh. so it's only ok for you to hurt her but not me." "I didn't lay a hand on her yet. But she will suffer. There will be no food for her tonight. Make her starve. we'll weaken her so she won't pull shit like that again." "Have you heard anything from any one of her friends?" "They don't suspect anything yet, and Brian has been locked in his office, too depressed to confront any possibility of the truth." "That's good. I want him to suffer."

The third day passed quickly for Chloe. They starved her again. She was growing weaker by the second and felt that if she weren't found soon, she would actually die here. She fell into a deep sleep and woke up to someone hooking her to some machines and an I.V. line. She had become disoriented and not aware of time or people. After some time she passed out and slipped into a coma from malnutrition.

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