Loving The Devil

Chapter 38 - Rescued

Brian and Ryan headed to the office. Once there, Brian made some phone calls while Ryan straightened up the office. "Found him. He's on his way, maybe this way we'll get answers. He's expensive, but Chloe is worth everything I own." "How long?" "Should be coming any second now. He wasn't far. Although he wasn't happy either, he was already on another job when I summoned him. But he is the best of the best at finding people." There was a knock at the door. "Sir, there is a man here to see you." "Let him in." A man stepped in; he was shorter than both Brian and Ryan. He had a medium build. "Hi Mr. Hughes, you needed my services?" "Jacob. It's good to see you again. I need to find someone who has kidnapped my girlfriend. If we can find her, then we can find Chloe." "Is this the same Chloe you had me locate years ago?" "Yes, but the person we need to find is her ex-best friend Sally. We believe that she kidnapped Chloe." "Ok. So how do you want me to proceed?" "Any method possible. If you come across red tape let me know and I'll fix it." "Alright, sir. I understand fully." Jacob's job is to use unorthodox methods in finding people. If needed, he can hack any system in any database to get what he needs. He has bribed many officials and even has tortured a few people for information. He works freelance, and this makes him expensive. "The price of this hurried information is 7.6 million. If there are no problems, I'll proceed here and just jump into it." Without hesitation, Brian spoke. "Money is no issue. I need her found two days ago. Find her at all cost." "Ok. Lend me your desk." Brian cleaned off his desk and set up his ŀȧptop. Brian paced back and forth, feeling impatient. "Brian, sit down he will be done soon enough." "I found Sally. She has been in the same spot for over 2 hours now. I ȧssume this is where she is keeping Chloe." Brian rushed to Jacob's computer to view the location. "Let's go, Ryan. Gather the Elites and let's head there. Tell them we will meet them there and not to enter until I arrive." As they headed out the door, Ryan called The Elites.

The elites are a unique security detail that Brian hired. The group was specially trained in hand to hand combat and the art of every weapon. Not one man could stand against them while heading to the location Ryan received a phone call. "Yes. Ok. Alright. I'll tell him thanks for the update." "Who was that?" "The Elites. They have arrived on location. They are staying hidden and observing. They see a male and female but no others. They are waiting for us to arrive." "Ok. we are almost there."

They arrived on the scene. Tom, the Elites leader, met with Brian and learned the details of what is going on. They made a plan to charge in with no mercy and take Chloe back. Ready to head into the house, Brian became worried, a sickening feeling washed over him, feeling of dread. It overtook his emotions, and he charged in alone. "Where is she? Where is Chloe? What have you done to her?" He saw a man sitting in the living room, and without further questions, rage took over, and he began to beat the man senseless. "She is in the back room. Stop hitting me!"

Lucas was bloody and bȧrėly holding on when he spit out Chloe's location. Ryan pulled Brian off Lucas while the Elites surrounded him with guns pointed. "Brian, go get your girl. We have these two." Brian walked to Sally. "She was your friend. How could you do this to her? All she ever wanted was your happiness. Did you know that's why she left Phillip? She left him because she found out you were sleeping with him. She didn't want to stand in your way. If it had been any other female, she would have fought. But because it was you, she gave you what you wanted. This is how you repay her?" Sally felt a sting on her cheek. Tears welled up in her eyes. She knew, at this moment, she was screwed. Brian went to the back room and kicked in the locked door. He froze when he saw Chloe lying there, seemingly lifeless. She was breathing, but bȧrėly. Brian scooped her into his arms, ripping the IV line from her arm. He carried her out of the room; tears could be seen dropping from his face. Brian's emotions were everywhere. "If she doesn't make it, or the baby doesn't, you are both dead." He spoke through his tears.

"It's not our fault. She tried to starve herself to death." "Shut up. Take them away from here. Brian let's get her to the hospital." Ryan stepped in to gain control as Brian felt he was losing control by the second. In a trance, he walked to the car and placed Chloe's limp body into the back seat. "It will be okay baby. I'm here, and they won't ever be able to hurt you again. Ryan, I'll kill them both. They put their hands on Chloe, and she has been beaten. She still hasn't woke up." "It's ok. We're almost to the hospital. She will get the best treatment."

Arriving at the hospital, Brian rushed Chloe inside, telling the staff her condition and the situation. Without further questions, the staff rushed her into a room where they examined her from head to toe. They checked on the status of the baby, and they tried to wake her using several methods. When they finished, the doctor came and spoke to a very impatient boyfriend. "What's going on in there? How is she? How is my baby? Please, doctor, I need her." "Calm down, Mr. Hughes. The patient is in, what we hope is a temporary coma. She passed out due to trauma to the head and malnutrition. We are doing everything we can to help her. When she wakes up, you need to be there."

"I have every plan to stay by her side. But what about our child? Is it ok?" "No. I'm sorry, but she was only a month pregnant. With the stress she endured, there was no way for the baby to survive. I'll be back later to check on her condition; you may go see her now." Brian tried to process what the doctor had said. He went into the room and saw Chloe hooked to several machines. He sat beside her and cried while holding her hand. How was he to tell her that the baby she wanted so much is gone? The baby he wanted is gone. How does one come back from this? To Brian, it was weird. He didn't want the baby to begin with, but knowing that it was part of her, of their love, he began to think, how could he not want it? Life is cruel because now he can never have it. "Chloe baby, I'm here. I just need you to open your eyes. Please, baby, just wake up." Brian kept weeping for the loss of his child and the pain for his girlfriend. He felt helpless.

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