307 Change In Plans



On the other hand, the ladies made their way to the said meeting point and found Arctic and the others. Together, everyone drove towards the warehouses, sharing themselves to a different base.

According to how their plans were to be, Jenny and Macy were to go to one of the warehouses, while Minerva and Asia move t the next and Astoria and Jade were to grace the other.

Arctic and a few other dragons were to pair up with humans and attack the last ones.

With all arrangements properly settled, they arrived at their various destinations and began to infiltrate.

“Jade,” Astoria, called out to her, making her halt in front.”


“Something is odd.”


“What is?”

“There are much too few men guarding the entrance and surroundings, she noted, signalling to the others through their earphones that something weird was going on.

Due to her overly sensitive ears, she could pick sounds faster, even from someone’s careful breathing, or heartbeat, she could tell the number of people around a place and from what she had sensed, it was no good.

She gave signs to the men with them and everyone halted.

“Hey Storia,” Jenny called for her through their connected devices. “What is going on there?”

“I do not understand it either. They were supposed to have their usual shipment of goods tat this hour with lots of their men to stand guard, but now all I hear is the hollow sound of an empty warehouse.”
“What?” All five ladies asked at the same time.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Jades, eyes shone in rage.

“I am sorry your highness, but there aren’t one goods here. They have either all been taken away or in my expertise knowledge, it had not arrived.”

The forlorn look on their faces at their various destinations, almost made one give up but quickly, Jade shook her head and smiled.

“Even better.”

“What do you mean by that? Didn’t you just hear me say that this mission looks like...”

“You may see the negative aspect of things, I on the other hand see the positive aspect. If the shipments are delayed, meaning Xander and the others are facing something similar. Mishaps happen. How you adjust to such in any given situation is what matters.”

Astoria narrowed her eyes at her and shook her head. “What are you saying?”

“What should be said in a situation such as this.” She placed a finger on the communication device and lowered her gaze. “Girls, can you all hear me/”

“Yes, they answered, except Minerva of course and Astoria who nodded at her. “In any given situation, I believe you all must be facing the same thing, m I right?”

“Yes,” Jenny responded first. “There are very few men guarding here. And I just checked with my eyes, my vision is pretty sharp to see through things. This place is almost completely empty on the inside.”

“Good. Anyone else? Asia, what about you?”

“Give me a minute, I am almost inside. I left the others and snuck in. Got it. I am in,” she announced after a minute. “We have just barely ten men here, guarding such a large warehouse.”

“I was right,” Astoria reminded them.

“Yes,” they chorused, including Minerva.

“Now what is the Mafia Lady thinking of doing now that she has seen this is more like a wasted effort mission?” Minerva asked.

“Thanks for acknowledging that I am a mafia lord. I think we just got closer to being on the same page. As for the fact that this is a wasted effort, I cannot bear to not agree with you.”

“How? Then prove to me that this is not a wasted effort and then you shall earn half of my respect,” Minerva challenged.

“I would do what is right but not because I want to earn your respect. Whether you give it or not, it won’t change a thing and honestly, I do not care.”

Asia and Macy who were listening to their conversation had a hard time holding in their laughter but in the end, they managed that feat.

“Okay girls, listen up. With this new problem, I think we can use it to our advantage. Yes, we may not know the time for the next shipments and stuff and have to cause some disturbance and alert Anders.”

“True. I bet Xander is wreaking havoc as we speak,” Minerva added.

“Good. I am sure he would find the best possible solution irrespective. However, for us, before we alert them and have them call for backup, I need swiftness and precision.”

“Okay. So, what is the plan?” Astoria asked and squatted down.

“Here it is. Two ideas though. The first, we swoop in, kill and then assume their position and remain here. So whenever news comes in, we know and we attack.”

“Not bad. It sounds doable,” Jenny approved.

“And the second?” Minerva asked.

“We take them hostages and through the best torture, get information on things here and have that fed to our men who would be taking over their roles and then we still attack during the next shipment of goods.”

“In all, everything remains the same in the end. Only the means so what matters,” Astoria summarized.

“Yes. However, I am thinking, or do we take control of their minds. If only you guys know how to do that, then we would not need to go through torture as an alternative to draw out information. They would give to us willingly and then we can have half our men hidden in all the warehouses till they arrive.”

“Hmm,” both Jenny and Astoria hummed at the same time, piquing the interest of Asia, Macy and Jade.

“Still naively avoiding bloodshed, huh mafia lord? Your heart is still soft.”

Rather than responding to her complaints, Jade brushed them off and spoke to the others. “Tell me, is there something we should know?” Jade inquired.

“I am not sure if it is in our power to say,” Jenny began.

“It is. This war affects both dragons and humans. If we do not win this, then I am afraid to say what goo are we against Anders and now he would be coming for us all,” Jade countered.

“Fine then.”

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