308 Minerva’s Respect



“I think if anyone should say it, I should be the one,” Minerva cut in.

“I’m listening, Minerva. Please make it snappy.”

“Calm down. I am getting there. You asked for a way to control them. Well, I am the only dragon with the hypnotic powers.”

“And there poses a problem,” Astoria added. From the contorted expression on Jade’s face when she mentioned that, Astoria smiled to ease her worry. “The problem is that there are five warehouses. How does she spread?”

“True, she cannot see them,” Macy reasoned.

“This shouldn’t come from you Astoria. You know my capabilities well,” Mineva scolded.

“I’m sorry. It is just...”


“Don’t worry. I am doing this for the dragon race. This is little compared to my true potential. Jade, if you all can get me to their control room. I bet they should have a speaker of some sort. From there, just listening to my voice, I can control them.”

“It is settled then. We attack but do not kill them and while we are at it, one person races to the control room and finds that speaker. Place our earbuds on it and let her do her thing.”

“Alright. You head the lady. Time to move in.”

With that, everyone got back into position and their attack began.

Unlike the battle plan they had first anticipated, this was different and way easier.
In the same vein, all that they had spoken to each other in the course of strategy, Arctic heard it all since he shared the same communicator with them but refrained from butting into ladies’ squabbles.

The fight had gone swiftly on both ends and in due time had every man present subdued and brought under the hypnotic powers of Minerva.

For the first time since they had known, Jade witnessed how terrifying it would be to have Minerva as an enemy without first knowing how to block out her powers.

Also, as preventive measures, they had all their men block their ears and the girls, remove their communication devices from their ears first, to prevent themselves from falling prey to her hypnosis.

Once all of that was done, Jade appointed some men as did the others, and they stayed behind in hiding, to best monitor all the plans and schedules of Anders.

“We are done at my end,” Asia announced as she wore back her earbuds.

“Same here,” Macy added.

“All cleared,” Arctic chipped in.

“You did a good job coordinating, Jade. Your methods may be different from ours but you achieved the result at yeh end of the day and did not make all hope seem lost. With this, the others can hide nearby and we await news of their next attack.”

“True. They would never see it coming as everyone present would not be able to report it. Be there a delay or not, Anders would fall into the trap,” Minerva affirmed.

“Hmm, in all, I can say, though your methods may be cheekily evasive of the man attack, I cannot say it would work on all opponents,” Minerva added.

“I never said this was a plan for all opponents,” Jade countered her squarely.

“The ability to be able to change come what may even when your enemy changes his or her approach and yet you still form a strong strategic plan and lead your troops to victory while putting the lives of those you lead in mind is what makes a good leader,” Arctic voiced out.

The girls were shocked that he was actually listening but Jade and Asia smiled at his words. He was always silent except when the need arose.

“Jade, you showed more than that today,” Arctic continued. “Even in the face of difficulty, you have always had that zeal and goal of never giving up. You pushed forward and thought out a solution. Any troop would be proud to have you as a leader and these ones sure are. Well done.”

“Thank you, Arctic.”

“No. Your father would have been proud.”

“Well, I guess he has said it all, mafia lord. In accordance with what I said, I Minerva shall keep my word. As of now, you have my full respect.”

‘Minerva,” Jade gasped in shock.

If there was something she felt would come out of her mouth, it most definitely was not going to be words of praise.

“But,” she continued, making the others raise their brows in silent questioning. She always had a way of ruining things.


“I would still fawn over Xander and be close to him.”

“Minerva! They are mates!” All the girls yelled into the mic, forgetting Jade and Arctic’s ears were included.

To their surprise, rather than feel bad about her words, Jade let out a peal of responding laughter and shook her head.

“Hahaha... If you do not fawn over him, then I would wonder if my lover is losing his touch, don’t you think? His charms cannot go down. Not on my watch. So yeah, fan over my mate. In the end, he is still mine and you and I know, that not even your hypnosis can work on him.”

They were shocked that Jade did not act evasive and hide about her and Xander. Even from her convo, it was sure that she was going to try, which was a big hope for her and Minerva might be the push she needed.

“I can still try.”

“Might I remind you, Minerva, what he would do to you and your dragon once you fail?” Astoria voiced out with an eerie voice to make it more dramatic.

“Haha, she doesn’t want to know,” Jenny chipped in.

“Girls,” Arctic commented and nodded his head. They were and should be the strongest, yet seductively slippery and deceptive creatures alive.

“Time to head back, ladies. We can only hope the dragon lord handles his well,” Arctic added and beckoned to the few men left with him. “I shall stay with the others, to train and coordinate our next attack should we receive an emergency news.”

“Okay. Thank you, Arctic. Inform us once you hear anything. The dragons shall regroup and make more plans.”

With that, Jade faced the men with her and gave a slight nod of approval. “You heard the plan. You shall be watchful. This is a minor victory, our major one would arrive soon. Keep an open mind also, there may be drastic change this time around.”

“Yes, boss!”

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