316 Prepare the Arms for Battle ************

CHAPTER 316 – Prepare the Arms for Battle 2

Everyone fell silent. It felt like he was separating some of their loved ones but it was for a reason.

“I cannot afford the twins going away too far because, from the report I got, Anders might be coming. I need their sight and ears. I also need Minerva’s hypnotic powers in this battle.”

They all nodded, understanding where he was coming from.

As much as they had planned their attacks together, he did not share them yet and told them to wait. Now he was, they were keen, recalling all the responsibilities.

“And we know it would be wrong having a human on that port. Should in case something happens, she won’t be able to fly out. I cannot risk that.”

“I understand,” Marlon nodded in agreement.

Secondly, Jenny, you are a water dragon, your powers at sea would be uncanny plus the wind dragon, Jay is with you. Marlon, I trust your sense of leadership as well.”


“Don’t you trust mine?” Jay asked out of the blue, with his arms crossed in front of his chest, wearing his trade mark smile.

“I do. Which is why you are all perfect for this job,” Xander explained.

“Better.” Everyone had their fair share of laughter to take them around and soon their faces returned to normal.

“This is what we have been waiting for. We shall succeed this time. Let’s not forget that,” Xander pep talked them into victory.

He gave Sky the chance to briefly spell out the plans for everyone again before the preparations with the troops were complete.

And when they were done, no one had the time for their usually kisses and everyone took off.


While they made their plans in preparation for their timely attack, Anders had plans of their own.

Walking along the hallway of his house, Zale Anders was chased about by two men giving him a report of the plans made and how much they have started carrying out their plans.

“Yes, sir. The first teams took off from the port this morning at 3 am. They should be arriving at 6 am maximum, sir,” the first man on his right, stated.

“Okay. And you, what about those on land heading to the warehouses?”
“Sir, we received word, everything is set and prepared. They left at 3:40 am sir. The men you required have been sent along with them,” the other man at his left, informed him briefly.

“Good. And the roads?”

“Properly secured, sir. The men have been stationed just the way you wanted it.”

“Good. Where is my father?” This time around, he tilted his head to the right to look at the first man, stopping dead in his tracks.

“The master is still at Moon Crest, sir.”

“Okay. At what time is he slated to arrive? You know we would be meeting with some other big investors and partners during this shipment of goods. It would be good for them to see how capable we are.”

“Yes sir. I was informed he would take the flight and arrive at 5:30 am, give or take.”

“Alright. Since everything is in place, all that is left for me is to visit the main branch. Place a call across to the teams for me, I need all eyes on deck and someone fetch me, Van.”

“Yes sir,” they both saluted and turned around to do his bidding.

He reach up with his real hand and caressed the crease on his forehead as he once again, resumed his walk.

Several thoughts rained on his mind just to think of what more he could do.

He wasn’t stupid to just think that Jade or Xander would not look for ways to get back at him for what he had done to them, no.

He knew what he was playing at and he was ready for them, should in case they tried to play anything funny.

‘This time, Jade Frost, I would be your doom And Xander, watch as I take over not just Moon Crest but Star Cross city as well.’


Time seemed to skip for them and before long, they were getting closer to the city.

As much as Xander wished for them all to fly over, he did not want to tire anyone out before the battle.

Seated in the back seat of one of the vehicles leading them, Xander, held Jade’s hand in his, locking their fingers as he brought them up, to kiss the back of her palm.

“My love.”

“Yes, honey?” She looked up at him, mirroring the smile in his eyes as he leaned down to kiss her lips.

“Are you ready?”

“I am. I am born ready for this battle.”

“Okay. Remember, you do not have to do anything much.”

“I have to. My troops are being led today as well. Whatever was left of Frost’s mafia clan is waiting, watching to see how well I would lead them and the path of a mafia that involves killing. So please, Xander, do not stop me from doing what I was born to do.”

“Have you ever wondered why up till now your father didn’t let you kill?”

“Well, he wanted to teach me other ways of handling life without blood even though he was in the way of the mafia.”

“Good. And what would this be?”

“But this is different. You are ready to fight and kill, so why can’t I?”

This wasn’t good. He could see her defiance starting to build up. When it came down to it, she was headstrong in proving her point.

“I have fought battles, before Jade and I mean, cruel battles. You haven’t. I bet it scared your father how you would feel having terrible, taking a life in your hands. Cause once you do, there is no going back.”

“Hmm,” her smile broadened as she watched him through her lashes. “When you care, I find it hit.”

“Jade, I am serious,” Xander pushed. “Let me kill him, instead.”

“Okay, I have one question for you.” He nodded his reply, giving her his absolute attention as he pulled her body up, bringing her to straddle his thighs.

“Ask away, love.” His hands moved on their accord, going up and down her back in a soothing manner.

Both of them released a soft sigh while she prepared herself for the question.

“If you were given the chance, Xander, to go back in time and change things, would you choose to kill and follow this oath or would you not take a life?”

He kept quiet for most of it.

Her question was fair, thoughtful and right and from what he has been saying, she could already anticipate his answer but things weren’t simple and Xander understood that all too well.


He took in a deep breath, calming his nerves, and bringing his eyelids to a close before speaking.


“No?” Jade asked, a bit alarmed, earning her, his sincere look as he pried his eyes open

“Yes, No, I would not choose a different part and stop killing. If given the chance, I would do so again.”


“Because it was what I was born to do. I was born to lead the dragon race.”

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