317 Surprise Attack


CHAPTER 317 – Surprise Attack

“Because it was what I was born to do. I was born to lead the dragon race. No matter how I may wish for a different path, there is always war around us and I would not sit back and watch my people face that alone. I would protect them and my mate.”

“Good. Then do not make me choose because I would do the same.”

“Such a defiant little tigress,” Xander poked the bridge of her nose and shook his head. “I want what is best for you Jade and know that I would never hinder you.”

“Thanks, but Zale Anders, that backstabbing he-goat, deserves it. Let me avenge my family.”

“As you wish then. As you wish.”

Seeing him agree to her demands, Jade was more than happy and eager, she pressed her lips against his, wrapping her hands around his neck as he too, parted his lips for her eager tongue, sealing his resolve with a kiss.

While she thought he was agreeing though, Xander had other plans for her.


It did not take them time for them to arrive at their respective drop points and everyone got into positions as their second official attack was about to kick start.

“Astoria, what do you hear? Are they here?” Xander inquired.

On their way earlier, they got word from Arctic that Zale was going to be visiting the biggest warehouse for some business deal.

Due to that, Xander had them move there while the other dragons and humans raided the several other warehouses.

“He is around, Xander. I can hear him,” Astoria confirmed.

“Okay. Aramis, check to see if everyone is in position,” Xander dished out his orders firmly.

While he waited, he activated his X-ray eyes and looked inside the building.

By now, everyone had gotten into position, waiting for his signal for their attack.


“Xander, they are moving in to make the deal. Zale is present currently,” Astoria informed him once more.

“Great. Everyone, on my count. One, two... Attack!”
Bodies moved, as everyone rushed to their position, fighting and knocking out anyone on their part that was not their own.

Arctic had long gotten wind of this and rushed away from their positions to join the others.

Zale Anders remained rooted to the spot where he was, completely oblivious to the raid that was going on.

“Okay, Mr Choice. Thank you so much for linking myself and these men together,” he dipped in his head at the said man, who kept both hands tucked into his pocket.

“What can I say, Zale. I know how beneficially it would be to work for you. Not just that, but someone who can lead us well,” Mr Choice chipped in. with words of praise.

“Sure, sure. Anyways, Mr Vandal,” he turned to one of the three men at his side and smiled proudly. “Now that you have seen everything. I think it is safe to say that we are on the same page, right?”

“Yes,” the bulky looking man nodded his head in affirmation. “Okay. I bet Kaycee here and Kris would do me the honours of making the first signing of the document.”

He gestured towards the pother two men. Nodding their heads, they walked closer to the table with the documents to be signed.

“Oh, by the way, what of the goods coming from sea?” Kris inquired briefly as he picked uo the pen ready to append his signature.

“Well what do you think? Safely arriving port now as we speak,” Zale encouraged.

“Okay then. I would trust what I have seen here today and sign the documents for further approval to be...”

He did not get to finish his statement when they heard a loud crumble from up above, falling right in front of them.

Quickly, Kris took several steps back, leaving the documents on the table as the pothers too, took some steps back for safety.

No sooner had the rumble collapsed, two men dressed in an all-black outfit, flee to the ground in a loud plop, with blood flowing out the ground.

The next thing they knew, several sounds of gunshot were being released at a great speed, causing most pf the men around to be at alert.

All they saw was something like a black shadow jumping down as both feet stood apart and his towering form erupted dread from within as he glared daggers at the men present.

Zale’s eyes darkened, when his eyes locked on the one being he had dreaded for possessing so much power.

At the same time, several winged beings flew right down, coming to a stop behind Xander as they too took their stance, ready to go on the offensive.

“What...” Mr Choice found his words being

“What the hell!” Kris yelled out.

“Are they actually what I think they are?” Mr Vandal gasped out in sheer dread.

He had heard magical creatures existed but seeing one in front of his eyes, he was shocked stupid.

Xander cracked his neck, tilting his head from side to side and before anyone could react, he stretched his hand at the table, sending flames from it as it burned the table and the documents to the ground.

Zale clenched his hands at his side as he watched all he worked for go to nothing. “Damn you,” he breathed out naturally, unfazed by the fear the others had.

A cheeky smile flashed before Xander’s eyes, the cold gaze in his eyes, seeping out in full force as his eyes landed on every man present.

“I am afraid,” he chuckled evilly. “Not that I am, but there would be no deal today.”

“Hhahaaaa.” Everyone turned their head in the direction to see Zale laughing his heart away. After a brief second of laughing consistently, he suddenly stopped and narrowed his eyes on Xander.

“Why don’t I see the naughty little mice you keep around you, Dragon Lord?”

Xander creased his brows a little bit. He was least bothered by the annoying way Zale referred to Jade.

After all, he was digging his own doom because wherever she was, she heard every bit of it.

“I think you would meet her someday soon and then, give her my regards because she is every bit of the man you will never be.”

“Hhaha I mean, I would so love for all these men present today to see the true power of a human.”

As he said that, he lifted his hand into the air and broke the pen in his hand.

The second he did that, a rumble followed and something flew in their direction, bursting for the, creating a light smoke screen.

Xander’s eyes immediately went wide as he alerted the dragons with him.

“Block every atom of your senses. Do not inhale. Astoria, Minerva, Aramis, protect yourselves the most.”

“Got... urgh!”


“I cannot breathe.”

“My ears!”

Xander’s bloodied eyes shot back up as he flapped his wings, dissipating everything concerning the smoke in the first place.

Sadly, it was too late. The damage had been done.


“I’m still here. Do not worry. We won’t fall short.”

“But I need them.”

“Hahhaaa, how do you like my surprise attack?” Zale announced. “Prepare for more.”

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