Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 122: Memory of He Xia Nuan

Fu Haochen's car was not slow, and he arrived at Lin Yu's house not long after.

Fu Haochen parked the car at the door of Lin Yu's house, turned off the engine, but did not rush to get out of the car. Instead, he held the steering wheel and quietly looked at the night sky outside the car window.

Fu Haochen felt a deep exhaustion.

He knew he couldn't escape, but at least there was time for him to smoke a cigarette and some time for his own silence.

Fu Haochen went to take out his clothes pocket, but couldn't touch anything. Only then did I remember, because the doctor had said that smoke would be bad for the child, Fu Haochen never touched a cigarette again.

In fact, Fu Haochen was not an old smoker, he picked up the smoke after Luo Enxi left the fire that year. It's just that when he has a particularly headache, he will quietly light up a cigarette. In the smoky atmosphere, seek a moment of tranquility and relief.

For example, the matter of He Xia Nuan is causing Fu Haochen a very headache.

But he has no smoke now.

Fu Haochen couldn't help sighing.

He knew that he and Luo Enxi were sorry for He Xia Nuan, and they should take the responsibility, but if Fu Haochen wants to go with Luo Enxi for a lifetime, then He Xia Nuan's current situation will obviously affect them. Between feelings.

Fu Haochen clenched the steering wheel tightly. He knew that his thoughts were very selfish.

But Fu Haochen really didn't want to continue like this anymore. He just wanted to be with Luo Enxi quietly and spend his life peacefully.

But he knew that such an idea was too difficult and too difficult to realize, and Fu Haochen didn't know what kind of He Xia Nuan he would face in a while.

You can only take one step and see one step.

Fu Haochen took a deep breath and got out of the car.


Fu Haochen knocked on the door of Lin Yu's house. Lin Yu just opened the door for him. Before the two of them could say hello, a petite figure sprang out of the house and rushed into Fu Haochen's arms.

"Haochen, you are finally here..." He Xia Nuan buried her face in Fu Haochen's arms.

Fu Haochen was forced to catch He Xia Nuan, and was stunned.

"Hao Chen, I miss you so much, why are you here now?" He Xia Nuan's tone felt a little complaining.

He Xia Nuan's tone was obviously different from when he was crazy and was hospitalized, full of vitality and vitality, which made Fu Haochen feel very incredible.

Is He Xia Nuan really completely healed?

This made Fu Haochen both surprised and happy. Does that mean that he can have a complete showdown with He Xia Nuan, but Luo Enxi is what he likes?

This thought arose in Fu Haochen's mind, but was quickly suppressed by him.

No, now He Xia Nuan's situation still doesn't know what it really looks like, so I still wait for her to complete the inspection before making plans.

Fu Haochen made up his mind.

Although he still had to wait for He Xia Nuan's inspection, which made Fu Haochen a little disappointed, Fu Haochen was still full of hope.

He Xia Nuan's situation is obviously better now, and it seems likely that it will be completely better.

So when Fu Haochen spoke, he unconsciously brought a hint of joy in his tone, "Well, I'm sorry Xia Nuan, I have some delays today."

"Oh, what is more important than me?" He Xia Nuan pouted, pretending to be angry.

"No, no, I was wrong, Xia Nuan." Fu Haochen said following He Xia Nuan's meaning.

He Xia Nuan had a smile on his face, holding Fu Haochen's waist, and even more did not let go.

Lin Yu on the side was almost astonished when he saw this scene.

So what is going on now? He Xia Nuan has recovered, is Fu Haochen going to rekindle her old relationship with her?

What about Luo Enxi?

Looking at Lin Yu's shocked expression, Fu Haochen shook his head slightly.

Lin Yu looked at Fu Haochen's expression stunned, and it took a long time to recover, and then sighed.

Lin Yu knew, Fu Haochen was just a slow-down strategy.

He Xia Nuan's situation is uncertain now, and Fu Haochen of course still dare not do anything to stimulate her immediately.

But He Xia Nuan is now like this, it is estimated that there is no problem at all. Lin Yu thought, what will Fu Haochen do after the inspection is completed?

Lin Yu was slightly worried for Fu Haochen.

"Haochen, I am really pitiful. When I woke up yesterday morning, I saw myself lying in a white room. Then I opened the door and found that the door was locked." He Xia Nuan said, wrinkling. Eyebrows.

"I was very scared, so I yelled loudly, but as a result, a few people came to restrain me, and they said I was sick again. What's wrong with me? Am I sick?" He Xia Nuan frowned at Fu Haochen Come, my face is full of questions.

"Xia Nuan, you..." Fu Haochen was very surprised when he heard He Xia Nuan's words, "Don't you remember anything?"

"Huh? What should I remember?" He Xia Nuan tilted her head, looking very curious.

Fu Haochen was quite surprised. Does He Xia Nuan really remember nothing?

"Those nurses are fierce!"

He Xia Nuan continued, “They didn’t listen to what I said and shut me up. I borrowed someone’s cell phone to call you when I opened the door at noon, but I didn’t expect you to change your phone number. I contacted Luo Beichen and came out of the hospital."

"Hao Chen, I looked back when I went out. The hospital is a mental hospital, am I...Is there something wrong with me?" He Xia Nuan said nervously.

It seemed that she really didn't remember it. Fu Haochen thought, and immediately he dared not mention her condition, "Xia Nuan, let me ask you, what can you remember now?" Fu Haochen said cautiously.

"What's the matter?" He Xia Nuan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I remember we are getting married!"

He Xia Nuan's words seemed like a thunderstorm, knocking Fu Haochen and Lin Yu into a faint on the spot.

He Xia Nuan's memory actually came to this place?

"Haochen, how are our wedding preparations? When can we get married?" He Xia Nuan said to Fu Haochen with a smile.

"Uh, this..." Fu Haochen didn't know how to answer for a while.

Lin Yu on the side couldn't listen anymore. He said impatiently at the beginning, "What are you talking about! Haochen is already married to En Xi!"

Lin Yu couldn't stand it anymore.

It is because of this woman that Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi have tortured each other for so many years, and now the relationship between the two is about to improve, He Xia Nuan suddenly appeared again, and now he even stood in front of Fu Haochen and asked him when he could marry her ?

After she woke up, she didn't even remember what happened when she went crazy? This is too dramatic!

So Lin Yu almost blurted out the truth, and Fu Haochen didn't even have time to stop it.

"What?" He Xia Nuan opened his eyes wide when he heard what Lin Yu said, and took two steps back in disbelief, "What...what? You and En Xi are married? How could this be, how could this be! "

He Xia Nuan hugged her head, the expression on her face changed.

Fu Haochen knew it was bad at first glance, He Xia Nuan was about to get sick again! Immediately rushed forward and grabbed He Xia Nuan and said, "No, no, how could it be!"

He Xia Nuan has been mad for more than four years. Fu Haochen has already learned a lot about how to calm her emotions.

He Xia Nuan shouted: "I see! It must be because Xiao Li is dead, it must be because Xiao Li is dead, right!" He Xia Nuan's eyes became crazy again, "Because Xiao Li is dead, you don't want me. Go! You don't want me if Xiaoli is dead!"

"How come Xia Nuan, it's not like this! Calm down!" Fu Haochen shouted loudly.

He Xia Nuan was stunned by Fu Haochen's roar, and then fell silent, and then two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

"You don't like me anymore, Fu Haochen... Xiaoli is gone, without you, I will be completely alone..." He Xia Nuan could not cry.

Fu Haochen was relieved when He Xia Nuan calmed down.

But then, the pain in my heart entangled closely.

No matter how she comforts herself, Xiao Li's death will always be an eternal wound in Fu Haochen's heart.

"No, you won't be alone..." Fu Haochen pulled He Xia Nuan into his arms and gently followed her back.

Lin Yu on the side saw this scene and shook his head secretly.

Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi's future, I'm afraid it will not be easier.


Fu Haochen took He Xia Nuan out of Lin Yu's house.

"Haochen, where are we going next? Go home?" He Xia Nuan had just wiped away her tears, her voice still carrying a strong nasal sound.

"Xia Nuan, listen to me." Fu Haochen turned to face He Xia Nuan, and said seriously, "You used to have a very unstable mental condition, so you were treated in a mental hospital for a while."

"It turned out to be like this..." He Xia Nuan said in a daze, "but I don't remember anything, and I don't feel any discomfort in myself..."

"Well, that means you are almost getting better, Xia Nuan." Fu Haochen continued, "So, I need to take you to check again. You are definitely not allowed to be discharged like this."

"...Are you going to shut me back to that terrible place again?" He Xia Nuan lowered her head, and when she raised it again, tears filled her eyes again.

"Of course not!" Fu Haochen explained quickly, "Just check it again, I believe you are all right now." Fu Haochen comforted by touching He Xia Nuan's hair.

"Then I'm fine, why are you still taking me to the hospital..." He Xia Nuan said, tears streaming down again.

"Xia Nuan, you may still be a little unstable now. Go to the hospital to see it again, and you will be completely better earlier, okay?" Fu Haochen followed the temptation.

"Then I'm going to check it up, shall we get married after we come out?" He Xia Nuan looked at Fu Haochen expectantly.

"Well, yes." Fu Haochen habitually followed He Xia Nuan's meaning, and then found out that it was wrong.

"That's great, I'll check it." He Xia Nuan was affirmed, and smiled.

Fu Haochen was a little flustered for a moment, but didn't know how to explain it again.

"Then when are we going? Hao Chen?" He Xia Nuan unexpectedly looked forward to going to the hospital for an examination.

Fu Haochen had a slight headache, and finally decided to wait for He Xia Nuan to stabilize before explaining slowly.

"Now I will take you there first, and then start the formal inspection tomorrow." Fu Haochen said, opening the door for He Xia Nuan.

"Okay." He Xia Nuan is very well-behaved.

Fu Haochen drove fast, and the scenery in front of him flew past. He Xia Nuan looked at the scene outside the window, and the corner of his lips conjured a somewhat cruel arc.

What about the inspection? There is absolutely no problem with the doctor.

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