Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 217: Fu Haochen's keenness

Fu Haochen's brows were twisted into a ball tightly. Why didn't he worry about He Xia Nuan's comfort, but now, he can only pray for He Xia Nuan not to do anything.

"Watch the road closely." Qi Yun also knew the pros and cons of the matter, so he didn't insist on chasing people, but immediately let his hands follow the surveillance.

Fu Haochen rubbed his eyebrows, but when he put his hand down, he immediately felt a little black in front of him and almost fell to the ground.

Fu Haochen staggered under his feet. If it hadn't been for Luo Enxi to reach out and support him immediately, Fu Haochen might fall like this.

"Haochen, how are you!" Luo Enxi, who had watched Song Kai just run away with He Xia Nuan, still had a lot of clues in her heart. When she saw Fu Haochen staggering like this, she immediately threw it away All thoughts, asked with concern.

"...It's okay." Fu Haochen blinked, his eyes regaining clarity, "It's just...a little dizzy."

He has just recovered from a serious illness. In fact, his injury is not healed at all. In addition, these days he has to care about the shareholders' meeting and cooperate with the inspection. The murderer has not caught it, and he has been in a state of tension. Fu Haochen's body has actually been long ago. Some are too much.

Having just gone through such a dangerous scene and difficult decision, coupled with the fright he received, Fu Haochen's mental state has worsened.

"Hurry up and rest." Lin Yu's brows hadn't been stretched since the beginning, and now he helped Fu Haochen from Luo Enxi's hands, gently lifted Fu Haochen onto his body, and helped Fu Haochen to walk upstairs.

The hospital has gone through such a thing, and it will take some time to restore order, and some of Qi Yun's coordination is needed, so Qi Yun temporarily did not follow Fu Haochen upstairs.

As soon as they got off the elevator, several people saw Xia Xiaoxi driving the wheelchair round and round on the floor.

"You are back!" Xia Xiaoxi greeted them as soon as she saw them, "How is it? Did anyone catch it?"

Lin Yu sighed and shook his head.

"Ah! How could this happen! Is there anything wrong with the hostage? What's wrong with Haochen?" Xia Xiaoxi immediately became worried when he saw Lin Yu's obviously bad expression.

"I'm fine, just take a rest." Fu Haochen's face was pale, and he said without much energy.

Lin Yu quickly helped Fu Haochen into the ward.

Soon, Fu Haochen's people quickly surrounded the ward area.

Seeing this posture, Xia Xiaoxi became even more worried, "What the **** is going on... What happened just now?"

Luo Enxi looked at Xia Xiaoxi's unbearable worry and sighed.

"Hostage...It's He Xia Nuan." Luo Enxi pursed her lips and said.

"What!" Xia Xiaoxi was so startled that she almost jumped from her wheelchair injury, "How could this be!"

This sounds incredible to Xia Xiaoxi.

Luo Enxi's expression was a bit obscure.

"How could the hostage be her! How could there be such a coincidence in the world!" He Xia Nuan cried strangely.

No one in the room spoke, and the atmosphere was quiet and solemn.

"...So," Xia Xiaoxi was silent for a while before continuing, "You didn't try to catch him at all, just let him go, right?"

Because of He Xia Nuan, Xia Xiaoxi believed that Fu Haochen would definitely not take this risk.

Lin Yu's hand squeezed his fist, then nodded.

At this time, even Xia Xiaoxi fell silent.

All this was so sudden, they were not even prepared at all.

Fu Haochen's heart was messed up the moment he saw He Xia Nuan, it was impossible to think about any other way.

Xia Xiaoxi sighed.

Fu Haochen would certainly not be too calm, in this case. Xia Xiaoxi thought and looked at Luo Enxi.

I don't know if Fu Haochen's reaction would hurt Luo Enxi.

Luo Enxi lowered her head, and Xia Xiaoxi couldn't see her expression clearly.

He Xia Nuan, really lingering. Xia Xiaoxi thought bitterly in her heart.

Does Fu Haochen want to save He Xia Nuan even regardless of his own safety?

All this must be very eye-catching in Luo Enxi's eyes.

My husband is desperate to save other women.

The more Xia Xiaoxi thinks, the cooler her heart becomes, and she almost has to make up for a heart-abuse drama.

But soon, Lin Yu's voice broke the silence and pulled back Xia Xiaoxi's thoughts.

"Haochen, how did you meet the murderer just now?" Lin Yu asked.

Lin Yu was not in Fu Haochen's ward. I didn't know the scene when Song Kai came in disguised as a doctor. Naturally, I didn't know how Fu Haochen judged that the person was the murderer.

However, even Luo Enxi in the ward is at a loss.

In her opinion, this is also a very strange thing.

She didn't see any clues at all, but Fu Haochen actually recognized this doctor as the murderer.

At this time, hearing Lin Yu's question, Luo Enxi couldn't help turning her head to look at Fu Haochen, wanting to see how Fu Haochen recognized this person.

"He disguised as a doctor and got into the ward." Fu Haochen had just rested in bed for a while, and now he felt much better, he said briefly.

"There was no murder weapon, so the guard at the door couldn't find out anything."

This is what Fu Haochen thinks of Song Kai's brilliance. The interrogation at the door was very strict. No matter what weapon he was carrying or anything that might become a weapon, he would be stopped, and he would never have a chance to enter this ward.

In addition, Song Kai chose the identity. Doctors are the most common people in the hospital. Doctors entering and leaving the ward will least arouse others' suspicion.

But after a hundred secrets, Song Kai couldn't even count it, and his little habits would betray him.

"But he did not notice something." Fu Haochen said lightly, "He has a special smell of smoke."

"This kind of cigarette is not sold in S city, so it is not very common. This is the cigarette from A city." Fu Haochen continued to explain.

"On this basis, do you think his identity is not simple?" Lin Yu asked.

Fu Haochen curled up his lips and showed a very faint smile. He continued, "No. I was very impressed with the smell of smoke. Because when that person came knocking on the car window, I also smelled a faint smell of smoke. "

"He must be a heavy smoker." Fu Haochen's smile widened, "Even if it was only a moment, I still smelled it."

Maybe we should also be grateful for the wind direction that day, Fu Haochen thought.

Luo Enxi, Lin Yu, and Xia Xiaoxi all looked at Fu Haochen in shock.

Lin Yu's expression quickly became complicated.

He has a feeling that a word is hard to say.

It is really not easy to judge the identity of this person through such details.

Fu Haochen's sharpness saved his life just right.

"Actually, I can't be sure right away, but I feel that something is wrong right away." Fu Haochen added, "but the eagerness in his eyes really makes me feel wrong."

"So I tried him. Unexpectedly, he didn't mean to explain at all, so he ran away immediately."

"If there is no ghost, what would he run?" Fu Haochen said softly.

Listening to Fu Haochen's description, Luo Enxi felt like she was riding a roller coaster ups and downs, and she was shocked.

Luo Enxi thanked Fu Haochen for his keenness for the first time.

Fu Haochen has always been a keen person. This can be clearly seen from his review of time and situation in the market. This keenness saved his life at this time, and Luo Enxi only felt thrilled.

Seeing Fu Haochenyun's calm expression, Luo Enxi was constantly scared. If it hadn't been for Fu Haochen to find out in time, maybe she could no longer listen to Fu Haochen's recounting of these events.

Fu Haochen can sit here now, which is already the best gift.

Lin Yu was silent for a while after listening to Fu Haochen's description, and said with some emotion, "You kid, you are really dead."

This is a very heart-warming struggle. If the final winner was not Fu Haochen, then Lin Yu could not imagine the consequences.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu seemed to remember something immediately, and suddenly said to Xia Xiaoxi: "Xiao Xi, the person just now is the one we met when we went for a walk today!"

Lin Yu was actually taken aback when he went downstairs to see Song Kai. He didn't expect that not long ago, he and Xia Xiaoxi would pass by the murderer who wanted to kill Fu Haochen.

But there were too many things to follow, and Lin Yu temporarily left the matter behind.

"Ah!" Xia Xiaoxi was also clever immediately. She quickly recalled the feeling when she saw the person on a walk, and then, a kind of fear crawled into Xia Xiaoxi's heart.

"Unexpectedly, I would pass by the person who robbed me..." Xia Xiaoxi said, she couldn't help but shiver.

Qi Yun had already told them that the person who shot Fu Haochen and the person who robbed Xia Xiaoxi might be the same person. At that time, Xia Xiaoxi thought it was a little weird, but now this thing happened to her side, and Xia Xiaoxi could not believe it.

"No wonder I had that strange sense of familiarity when I met it..." Xia Xiaoxi thought of the smell of tobacco that Fu Haochen was talking about, and then she remembered why she felt familiar.

Because when she passed by, Xia Xiaoxi did seem to smell something faintly.

When they were robbed, they fought together. Xia Xiaoxi approached Song Kai up close, of course, to smell the tobacco clearly.

But when I met this time, the distance was a little bit far away, so Xia Xiaoxi only smelled a little bit, so she didn't make any particular associations, just thinking that she was worried.

In fact, the most important thing that affected Xia Xiaoxi's judgment was that in the two encounters with Song Kai before and after, his face was different.

Xia Xiaoxi immediately said her doubts.

"But...why did the person I met this time look different from the person who robbed me last time?"

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